BHO approval 37%. Need we say more?

The polls show Obama twice as popular as the GOP and seven times as popular as Congress.

Far righty reactionaries: facts are inconvenient for you. However, that does not change the truth of it.
You people are the same people who insisted, week after week, day after day, hour after hour,

that the polls showing Obama winning the 2012 election were ALL WRONG.

You people have a history of idiocy about polls that you cannot escape from. Just because your fellow idiots cheer your idiocy does not make you less idiotic in the world of normal people.

whats crazy about wanting govt out of my life?
lower taxes?
we spend over 3 trillion dollars a year now with over 2 trillion of it coming from the tax payer and thats not enough?
were the idiots?
If you had not supported the neo-imperial conservatives, JRK, hmmm?

Facts are such inconvenient things.
Teabaggers are going to have a difficult time in the general election. They may control the primaries and get their people in through sheer disgust on the part of the general GOP voter, who may well stay home during the primaries, and vote Dem in the general.

if any of you fuckers had any balls you would vote them all out....including your "wonderful" Democrats.....but most people seem to be too attached to their lovely party to do this....
right now if we had Romney this sit would not be going on
that is why I gave a shit

And you honestly believe Romney would have been better than Obama? If anything, he would have been just as bad. I thought that too, until I figured out that both of them were habitual liars. I won't be led astray by party loyalty again. I made the biggest mistake of my life falling for party specific talking points during the campaign. Never again.

I am 100% sure this event would have been avoided
BHO is the worst president we have ever had

I agree, but Romney was far from the solution. Any man who is willing to lie his way into office is no leader of mine.
And you honestly believe Romney would have been better than Obama? If anything, he would have been just as bad. I thought that too, until I figured out that both of them were habitual liars. I won't be led astray by party loyalty again. I made the biggest mistake of my life falling for party specific talking points during the campaign. Never again.

I am 100% sure this event would have been avoided
BHO is the worst president we have ever had

I agree, but Romney was far from the solution. Any man who is willing to lie his way into office is no leader of mine.

what lie?
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Templar is right. Our man was not a straight shooter at times. The 47% comment still rankles.
You people are the same people who insisted, week after week, day after day, hour after hour,

that the polls showing Obama winning the 2012 election were ALL WRONG.

You people have a history of idiocy about polls that you cannot escape from. Just because your fellow idiots cheer your idiocy does not make you less idiotic in the world of normal people.

geezus ....and YOUR people are not the same way?.....take your head out of the Democrats might see some reality....
The people of government are swollen in pride, is the problem.

They are too powerful.
what lie?

You thought Romney was telling the truth the entire time, didn't you?

that is not what I said
you called him a liar, not me

No, I asked you if you did. I didn't accuse you of anything. I'm asking you if you blindly supported him without possibly thinking that he was lying at any point during his campaign. Was the question too hard to answer? The difference here is I know both Romney and Obama are both bald faced liars.
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It is amazing to me that the shape this country is in, is being run by the left
U6 UE is 13-14%
more people on the govt nickle than ever before
deficits, my god out the wazoo
I mean from 163 billion to 1.4+ trillion in 24 months
it should not take a poll to figure this out
but the approval rating of BHO with the main stram media ignoring so much about him tells allot
I agree, but Romney was far from the solution. Any man who is willing to lie his way into office is no leader of mine.

what lie?

You thought Romney was telling the truth the entire time, didn't you?

again, what lie did he tell?
BHO said that ins rates would go down
mine has tripiled
BHO stated it was un patriotic to raise the4 debt limit then
now he wants to raise the debt limit, again
Benghazi? nothing to see here
what lie?

You thought Romney was telling the truth the entire time, didn't you?

again, what lie did he tell?
BHO said that ins rates would go down
mine has tripiled
BHO stated it was un patriotic to raise the4 debt limit then
now he wants to raise the debt limit, again
Benghazi? nothing to see here

Read my edition. If you think I suddenly turned into a liberal, guess again. I've transcended two party politics.
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And whose to say those things wouldn't have happened under Romney? You assume just because he's your guy he could do no wrong. Liberals make the same mistake with Obama.
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You thought Romney was telling the truth the entire time, didn't you?

that is not what I said
you called him a liar, not me

No, I asked you if you did. I didn't accuse you of anything. I'm asking you if you blindly supported him without possibly thinking that he was lying at any point during his campaign. Was the question too hard to answer? The difference here is I know both Romney and Obama are both bald faced liars.

name one lie that Romeny told
I will not ask again
if you cannot name one, then why are you calling him a liar?
It has already been answered, JRK; no, you don't get "just once more."

I will be on you like white on rice.

Stop your lying.
that is not what I said
you called him a liar, not me

No, I asked you if you did. I didn't accuse you of anything. I'm asking you if you blindly supported him without possibly thinking that he was lying at any point during his campaign. Was the question too hard to answer? The difference here is I know both Romney and Obama are both bald faced liars.

name one lie that Romeny told
I will not ask again
if you cannot name one, then why are you calling him a liar?

anyone running for President will be lying just about everytime they promise you something as far as i am concerned.....matter of fact just about anytime they open their mouths....

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