BHO approval 37%. Need we say more?

that is not what I said
you called him a liar, not me

No, I asked you if you did. I didn't accuse you of anything. I'm asking you if you blindly supported him without possibly thinking that he was lying at any point during his campaign. Was the question too hard to answer? The difference here is I know both Romney and Obama are both bald faced liars.

name one lie that Romeny told
I will not ask again
if you cannot name one, then why are you calling him a liar?

PolitiFact | All False statements involving Mitt Romney

Being on my Android phone does not afford me the tools necessary to post links here.

He's a liar and so is Obama:

You really need to learn how to think for yourself instead of walking in lockstep with the man you voted for. It's absolutely foolish when anyone does it. This kind of thinking will be the death of our republic.
Last edited:
Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Congress Approval Rating Drops To Dismal 5 Percent In Poll
The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.
you know whats funny in this and how much spin the left wing media has put on this?
the dems control 67% of this event
and yet the GOP gets the blame

And yet yes they do.

The GOP Is Losing Their Shutdown War as Independents Favor Democrats by 9 in 2014

The government shutdown has caused Independents to flee the Republican Party. According to PPP, Democrats now lead Republicans with Independents, 42%-33%.

In July, Republicans led against generic Dem by 12% among Independents. Now, post-GOP shutdown of the government and mid-debt ceiling hijacking, they are losing by 9%, according to a new Public Policy Polling poll. This leaves Republicans with a 5% deficit against a generic Democrat. This is very bad news for Republicans.
No, I asked you if you did. I didn't accuse you of anything. I'm asking you if you blindly supported him without possibly thinking that he was lying at any point during his campaign. Was the question too hard to answer? The difference here is I know both Romney and Obama are both bald faced liars.

name one lie that Romeny told
I will not ask again
if you cannot name one, then why are you calling him a liar?

PolitiFact | All False statements involving Mitt Romney

Being on my Android phone does not afford me the tools necessary to post links here.

He's a liar and so is Obama:

You really need to learn how to think for yourself instead of walking in lockstep with the man you voted for. It's absolutely foolish when anyone does it. This kind of thinking will be the death of our republic.

I agree 100%
your sources "lie of the year" turns out was not a lie
all you did was highlight the media bias in this country and how gullable so many are

Last month, PolitiFact selected its "Lie of the Year." Given PolitiFact's dubious record of singling out Republicans for lying far more often than Democrats, you probably could have guessed the winner of this particular sweepstakes was a Mitt Romney campaign ad:

It was a lie told in the critical state of Ohio in the final days of a close campaign -- that Jeep was moving its U.S. production to China. It originated with a conservative blogger, who twisted an accurate news story into a falsehood. Then it picked up steam when the Drudge Report ran with it. Even though Jeep's parent company gave a quick and clear denial, Mitt Romney repeated it and his campaign turned it into a TV ad.

And they stood by the claim, even as the media and the public expressed collective outrage against something so obviously false.

"Public expressed collective outrage"? That's essentially wishcasting on the part of PolitiFact, nor are they accurately representing what Mitt Romney said in the ad. In fact, here's PolitiFact's original "fact check" on the matter:

[Mitt Romney] Says Barack Obama "sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China" at the cost of American jobs.

Ok. Now here's what the Reuters reported earlier this week:
Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

could you imagine ABC, NBC, CBS, Post, times doing this before the election?
Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

His approval was in the 20s, sustained for months..

If the media treated W like they do BHO or vise versa
W approval rating (wich is close to 50% now as history un folds)
well see for yourself

Poll: Obama Now Viewed as Less Competent, More Dishonest Than Bush
Poll: Obama Now Viewed as Less Competent, More Dishonest Than Bush - Guy Benson
You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Congress Approval Rating Drops To Dismal 5 Percent In Poll
The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.
you know whats funny in this and how much spin the left wing media has put on this?
the dems control 67% of this event
and yet the GOP gets the blame

And yet yes they do.

The GOP Is Losing Their Shutdown War as Independents Favor Democrats by 9 in 2014

The government shutdown has caused Independents to flee the Republican Party. According to PPP, Democrats now lead Republicans with Independents, 42%-33%.

In July, Republicans led against generic Dem by 12% among Independents. Now, post-GOP shutdown of the government and mid-debt ceiling hijacking, they are losing by 9%, according to a new Public Policy Polling poll. This leaves Republicans with a 5% deficit against a generic Democrat. This is very bad news for Republicans.

we shall see
they kicked out the dems for ACA
not sure why they would kick out those they voted to change it for doing what they can
where I work, people are far more pissed about what the ACA has done to our premiums and the added "tax" than they are the shut-down
ours went from about 20 to 53 a week
JRK continues to propagandize, all smoke, little heat, almost no fire.

Romney lied, Obama lied, Bush lied.
I assume that this time around that none of the dumb-informed were polled. any poll showing Obama over 48% approval, u have to assume that 5% of them were on the same intelligence level as Obama-Phone girl.
If you removed all of the Democrats from Congress, the approval rating would increase by 500%

GOP approval is 28% historical low

So what?

This thread is about Obama.

The libs dont get it
and if the main stream media would report the facts evenly, what would it be?
the GOP has offered countless resolutions to these events
excpet for Fox who in the main stream has reported that?

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