BHO approval 37%. Need we say more?

Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Congress Approval Rating Drops To Dismal 5 Percent In Poll
The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.
you know whats funny in this and how much spin the left wing media has put on this?
the dems control 67% of this event
and yet the GOP gets the blame
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Wait a sec here, Einstein....

If dimocrap scum are at 32% approval and

Patriotic Americans (R's) at 17% approval....

Then where IN THE FUCK did the 5% approval rating come from?

yer an idiot
Congress has a 5% approval rating? That can't be right

Oh wait--we forgot about the margin of error, did we not?
Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Wait a sec here, Einstein....

If dimocrap scum are at 32% approval and

Patriotic Americans (R's) at 17% approval....

Then where IN THE FUCK did the 5% approval rating come from?

yer an idiot

Polls have so much in them
fact is that people are really really not happy with congress with the GOP getting 100% of the bad press and there just not happy with BHO with him getting 100% of the good press

Bottom line is that Obama with all the support he gets from the media is failing
If the GOP had the truth told about what this is really about and how many times they have sent bills to the senate to end most of this mess VS BHO and Reid wanting nothing to do with them, any-way simple matter is the polls are no more accurate than the media and there lying
BHO is going down with congress and he better wake up before 2014
Let's talk about George Bush now, you ignorant fucks.

Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

"Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent."

Poll: GOP Gets The Blame In Shutdown : NPR

W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

Clinton has more leadership Qualities in his big toe than Obama and Bush combined....
leftards can't get the simple concept that the approval rating of Congress as a body does not matter at all. Nobody is being elected as a whole body.
And it is always "the other guy" to blame for

In the battle between the President and Congress, it is obvious the President is winning

Republicans are forming a circular firing squad and only bring Obamas approval down 6%

im glad you think someone is winning RW......because while these assholes play their games the Country sure as hell aint winning anything.....but i bet 90% of these same fuckups will get re-elected when they run again....
lol, did you miss that your link title is



Given that it came from NPR... NOBODY would take them seriously. And given your lack of reading comprehension, the OP was about OBAMA'S approval rating. Not about some poll blaming the Republicans for the shutdown. Read the freaking title.

So the link that the poster uses to support his thread is bullshit?

You can pretend all you want that normal America isn't blaming the Republicans for this...

...just the way you pretended Romney was going to win the 2012 election.

Anyone with common sense will tell you that both parties are to blame for this. You don't need some damn poll to tell you that. And who gives a shit about Romney?
so how does a president who liberlas claim was elected in a landslide and was given a mandate by america because of it have only a 37% approval rating?

He only received 52% of the "popular" vote......:eusa_shhh:

funny how when it was bush - gore the popular vote was what really mattered. but for their argument now it is insignificant

spoon man the poular vote has NY city, LA, CHicago, Philly
look at this map(s)
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Given that it came from NPR... NOBODY would take them seriously. And given your lack of reading comprehension, the OP was about OBAMA'S approval rating. Not about some poll blaming the Republicans for the shutdown. Read the freaking title.

So the link that the poster uses to support his thread is bullshit?

You can pretend all you want that normal America isn't blaming the Republicans for this...

...just the way you pretended Romney was going to win the 2012 election.

Anyone with common sense will tell you that both parties are to blame for this. You don't need some damn poll to tell you that. And who gives a shit about Romney?

right now if we had Romney this sit would not be going on
that is why I gave a shit
Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Just read the fucking news on google if you like.

"democrat congress approval rating" for an un-bias search. Almost the entire reason congress's approval rating is falling so hard is because the Dems had more to lose, and they lost it. Dems losing support caused the avaerage to slip to 11/10%.

So, admit you are lying or ignorant, pick one.

I said, if you have a poll showing the Democrats in Congress have a lower approval rating than the Republicans,

post it. Or apologize for lying.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

If you removed all of the Democrats from Congress, the approval rating would increase by 500% us the individual approval rates of GOP Congress people.

His point is 2 fold
without the Dems running the senate, the media have no reason to tel 1/4 truths
That is the most important one
Ther would be a demand for an honest open debate on these matters
So the link that the poster uses to support his thread is bullshit?

You can pretend all you want that normal America isn't blaming the Republicans for this...

...just the way you pretended Romney was going to win the 2012 election.

Anyone with common sense will tell you that both parties are to blame for this. You don't need some damn poll to tell you that. And who gives a shit about Romney?

right now if we had Romney this sit would not be going on
that is why I gave a shit

And you honestly believe Romney would have been better than Obama? If anything, he would have been just as bad. I thought that too, until I figured out that both of them were habitual liars. I won't be led astray by party loyalty again. I made the biggest mistake of my life falling for party specific talking points during the campaign. Never again.
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You people are the same people who insisted, week after week, day after day, hour after hour,

that the polls showing Obama winning the 2012 election were ALL WRONG.

You people have a history of idiocy about polls that you cannot escape from. Just because your fellow idiots cheer your idiocy does not make you less idiotic in the world of normal people.
You people are the same people who insisted, week after week, day after day, hour after hour,

that the polls showing Obama winning the 2012 election were ALL WRONG.

You people have a history of idiocy about polls that you cannot escape from. Just because your fellow idiots cheer your idiocy does not make you less idiotic in the world of normal people.

Lol. You're just mad that this poll won't lie for you. How sad.
Anyone with common sense will tell you that both parties are to blame for this. You don't need some damn poll to tell you that. And who gives a shit about Romney?

right now if we had Romney this sit would not be going on
that is why I gave a shit

And you honestly believe Romney would have been better than Obama? If anything, he would have been just as bad. I thought that too, until I figured out that both of them were habitual liars. I won't be led astray by party loyalty again. I made the biggest mistake of my life falling for party specific talking points during the campaign. Never again.

I am 100% sure this event would have been avoided
BHO is the worst president we have ever had

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