Bibi gives presentation on finding yellow cake in Iran

Looks like Israel is continuing to control US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. Which one is 'Big Satan' and which one is 'Little Satan?' There's no valid justification for bombing Iran.

Does it really matter? Muslims want to eliminate Israelis from existence...

So more 'Preemptive War?' Sorry, but i don't support that policy. We need some separation from Israel's Foreign Policy. We don't always have to go along with everything Israel does. Because Israel does a lot of wrong in the Middle East.

Consider the source . Bibi hates Iran.

How about he admit that Israel has nukes ? Whereā€™s his yellow cake from ?

You know that you can CHOOSE not to be stupid.

"Israel was Iranā€™s ally under the Shah, and the alliance continued covertly during the first years of the Iran-Iraq War. By some accounts, Iran obtained 80% of its weapons imports from Israel at the onset of the war, and bought a total of $500 million in weapons from Israel between 1981 and 1983. Israeli technicians kept Iranā€™s Phantom F-4ā€™s flying after America cut off spare parts. It did so with American sanction, to be sure. The Reagan administration wanted to forestall a decisive victory by either Iraq or Iran."
"But Iranā€™s leaders talk about the destruction of the State of Israel obsessively. The veteran Iran analyst Amir Taheri last week reviewed a new Persian-language book under the signature of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei that offers an intricate scenario for Israel, which he calls ā€œa cancerous tumorā€ subject to ā€œannihilationā€ and ā€œeffacement.ā€ No land that once belonged to the Ummah may be left in infidel hands, Khamenei insists, much less a ā€œhostile infidelā€ who has waged war on Muslims. He proposes a low-intensity war that will make life in Israel so unpleasant that most Israelis will leave. Taheri reports that ā€œKhamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. His latest scheme is to recruit ā€˜fightersā€™ in the West Bank to set-up Hezbollah-style unitsā€¦Khamenei describes Israel as ā€˜a cancerous tumorā€™ whose elimination would mean that ā€œthe Westā€™s hegemony and threats will be discreditedā€ in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, ā€˜the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.ā€™"

Why Iran is obsessed with Jews (hint: same as Hitler)

Yes they donā€™t like each other . Thatā€™s my point .

Itā€™s all talk and propaganda.Iran has no intention of messing with Israel .

(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Quit falling down the well, Islam is all about hate. Hate is itā€™s only component
Every piss ant CUNTservative cheering Israel and its Zionist colony the USA on in attacking Iran should be forced at gunpoint to go die in the coming war. No way in hell I will allow my son to join the Zionist Imperial Army when he comes of age....I just wish to god China and North Korea and Russia would gang up on the USA and give a good ole ass whipping one good time and end this meddling in shit that's NONE of the US's business.
I do think we should stop giving foreign aid all together including Israel, It really does no one any good. Bush jr was a master of giving foreign aid to a lost cause...
But can anyone blame Israel, Muslims want to wipe them from the face of the earth, and they will never stop till thatā€™s a reality, they Are commanded to do so because it demands it in the Koran.
Peace is impossible in the Middle East it is beyond any earthly control
O marched around for 8 years warring it up with libya, iraq, syria, and the arab spring.......and nary a peep from libs. Amazing, but now the hands are wringing with consternation and righteous indignation. Lol.

The Great Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Crooked Donnie wants them to start it up again
Na, Iran still wants to kill everyone they disagree with
Yeah, ISIS was created from his failed foreign policy in syria. Next.

ISIS predates Obamaā€™s time as president

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No , it doesn't.

Profile: Islamic State group

Yes it does...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -

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That was alqaeda. ISIS didn't start with their reign of terror until around 2010.

It did take them a while to work up to being able to do what they did, that is for sure. It is the same group, they just changed their name. It like like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC..same place different name.

What created ISIS was the removal of Saddam. There never would have been an ISIS had Saddam still be in power, he would have quashed them at the beginning. That is just one of many consequences of the invasion of Iraq
And saddam was the worst dictator since Hitler, Killed millions of people
Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

So when another Nation attacks you and you kick their asses you're just supposed to give the conquered territory back. I don't think so Tim.

Israel has been bombing Israel for no reason?
When was the last time did syria attack isrsel ro deserve to be bombed recently while in a civil war?

You didn't answer the question. A Nation attacks you, you kick heir asses, and you're just supposed to return the taken territory?
Israel occupy a land that needs to give back. Heard of the french in Africa? British all over the world and here in the US?
Are you for imperialism?
It does not matter where Jews live, Muslims will not be happy till they are exterminated... The Koran demands it
He said absolutely nothing people don't already know. The agreement doesn't cover missiles and research.

Cool, so you knew Obama was lying through his teeth about his "signature achievement". Good for you, you're waking up.

"Iran is "blatantly lying" when it says it doesn't have a nuclear program, Netanyahu claimed, laying out what he claimed was proof Iran had developed and continued to develop its nuclear program.

At the press conference, Netanyahu exposed a secret Iranian nuclear project, codenamed "Amad," which he said had been shelved in 2003, though he said work in the field had continued."

Netanyahu: Iran nuclear deal is based on lies ā€“ here's the proof

I'm proud of you franco.
The agreement just covers their ability to make nuclear bombs DUH.

LOL, that's what a Nuclear Program is, it makes "bombs". I am proud of you, you opened your eyes finally.
You're wrong again. They can use it 4 electricity.
Na, Thatā€™s what Muslims do, they want war. You silly little monkey
You know that you can CHOOSE not to be stupid.

"Israel was Iranā€™s ally under the Shah, and the alliance continued covertly during the first years of the Iran-Iraq War. By some accounts, Iran obtained 80% of its weapons imports from Israel at the onset of the war, and bought a total of $500 million in weapons from Israel between 1981 and 1983. Israeli technicians kept Iranā€™s Phantom F-4ā€™s flying after America cut off spare parts. It did so with American sanction, to be sure. The Reagan administration wanted to forestall a decisive victory by either Iraq or Iran."
"But Iranā€™s leaders talk about the destruction of the State of Israel obsessively. The veteran Iran analyst Amir Taheri last week reviewed a new Persian-language book under the signature of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei that offers an intricate scenario for Israel, which he calls ā€œa cancerous tumorā€ subject to ā€œannihilationā€ and ā€œeffacement.ā€ No land that once belonged to the Ummah may be left in infidel hands, Khamenei insists, much less a ā€œhostile infidelā€ who has waged war on Muslims. He proposes a low-intensity war that will make life in Israel so unpleasant that most Israelis will leave. Taheri reports that ā€œKhamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. His latest scheme is to recruit ā€˜fightersā€™ in the West Bank to set-up Hezbollah-style unitsā€¦Khamenei describes Israel as ā€˜a cancerous tumorā€™ whose elimination would mean that ā€œthe Westā€™s hegemony and threats will be discreditedā€ in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, ā€˜the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.ā€™"

Why Iran is obsessed with Jews (hint: same as Hitler)

Yes they donā€™t like each other . Thatā€™s my point .

Itā€™s all talk and propaganda.Iran has no intention of messing with Israel .

(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .
Jews will always be hated by your type and Muslims, itā€™s just the way it is.
As long as Jews exist Muslims will try to kill themā€¦ Quit falling down the well

Looks like Israel is continuing to control US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. Which one is 'Big Satan' and which one is 'Little Satan?' There's no valid justification for bombing Iran.

Does it really matter? Muslims want to eliminate Israelis from existence...

So more 'Preemptive War?' Sorry, but i don't support that policy. We need some separation from Israel's Foreign Policy. We don't always have to go along with everything Israel does. Because Israel does a lot of wrong in the Middle East.

I donā€™t think we should give Israel any support or any country for that matter. But at the same time we do know for a fact Muslims want to eliminate Israel from existence, the Koran demands it
Last edited:
You know that you can CHOOSE not to be stupid.

"Israel was Iranā€™s ally under the Shah, and the alliance continued covertly during the first years of the Iran-Iraq War. By some accounts, Iran obtained 80% of its weapons imports from Israel at the onset of the war, and bought a total of $500 million in weapons from Israel between 1981 and 1983. Israeli technicians kept Iranā€™s Phantom F-4ā€™s flying after America cut off spare parts. It did so with American sanction, to be sure. The Reagan administration wanted to forestall a decisive victory by either Iraq or Iran."
"But Iranā€™s leaders talk about the destruction of the State of Israel obsessively. The veteran Iran analyst Amir Taheri last week reviewed a new Persian-language book under the signature of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei that offers an intricate scenario for Israel, which he calls ā€œa cancerous tumorā€ subject to ā€œannihilationā€ and ā€œeffacement.ā€ No land that once belonged to the Ummah may be left in infidel hands, Khamenei insists, much less a ā€œhostile infidelā€ who has waged war on Muslims. He proposes a low-intensity war that will make life in Israel so unpleasant that most Israelis will leave. Taheri reports that ā€œKhamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. His latest scheme is to recruit ā€˜fightersā€™ in the West Bank to set-up Hezbollah-style unitsā€¦Khamenei describes Israel as ā€˜a cancerous tumorā€™ whose elimination would mean that ā€œthe Westā€™s hegemony and threats will be discreditedā€ in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, ā€˜the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.ā€™"

Why Iran is obsessed with Jews (hint: same as Hitler)

Yes they donā€™t like each other . Thatā€™s my point .

Itā€™s all talk and propaganda.Iran has no intention of messing with Israel .

(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .

I will not allow you to deflect kid. You made a stupid statement, I proved it wrong. Just because you are an idiot lying hack in no way means everyone else is. The issue is Religious and it stretches back centuries. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, Israel gets to defend itself.
Yes they donā€™t like each other . Thatā€™s my point .

Itā€™s all talk and propaganda.Iran has no intention of messing with Israel .

(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .

I will not allow you to deflect kid. You made a stupid statement, I proved it wrong. Just because you are an idiot lying hack in no way means everyone else is. The issue is Religious and it stretches back centuries. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, Israel gets to defend itself.

Why doesn't Palestine get to defend iitself?
Yes they donā€™t like each other . Thatā€™s my point .

Itā€™s all talk and propaganda.Iran has no intention of messing with Israel .

(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .

I will not allow you to deflect kid. You made a stupid statement, I proved it wrong. Just because you are an idiot lying hack in no way means everyone else is. The issue is Religious and it stretches back centuries. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, Israel gets to defend itself.
Donā€™t mind Timmy, he falls down the well a lot.
He fails to realize Israel has every right to stay where theyā€™re at, and the Palestinians are just a bunch of terrorists...
(sigh) Yes, they do.
You have absolutely no idea why the hatred is the way it is, nor do you understand the Shia belief system. You cannot ascribe Western values to a Religion that prides itself on using it's adherents blowing themselves up.

The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .

I will not allow you to deflect kid. You made a stupid statement, I proved it wrong. Just because you are an idiot lying hack in no way means everyone else is. The issue is Religious and it stretches back centuries. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, Israel gets to defend itself.
Donā€™t mind Timmy, he falls down the well a lot.
He fails to realize Israel has every right to stay where theyā€™re at, and the Palestinians are just a bunch of terrorists...

Yet, Israel the great has killed far more Palestinians, than Palestinians the terrorists have killed Israelis.

BTW, it's not Palestinian terrorists who plotted terrorism in the Lavon Affair against the U.S.A, it wasn't Palestinian terrorists who bombed the U.S.S Liberty, that was the work of Israeli / Jewish terrorists.
The Shia and Jewish faiths are ancient. The hatred is relatively new and created by the Christians .

Haha, good joke, it might be believable to those with very limited views of the World, you know like the ones who don't know that a lot of Muslim Turkic tribes participated in the Golden Horde led by Genghiz Khan, or that the World's biggest genocide in the World happened when Muslim occupation of India killed 100's of millions, or that the biggest slave trade was by Arab slavers.

Keep in mind, that all these were before just about every single White Colonial atrocities...

How about recent history .

The creation of modern Israel caused a domino effect of hostility in the Mid East. How good of the white man to ship the Jews out of Europe and into the Arab world !

But hey. Thatā€™s bygones . Israel is going nowhere and everyone knows that . They are a great scapegoat for Arab/ Persian leaders , and same for Israel leaders .

Donā€™t ever kid yourself that Bibi has the USA interest in mind. .

I will not allow you to deflect kid. You made a stupid statement, I proved it wrong. Just because you are an idiot lying hack in no way means everyone else is. The issue is Religious and it stretches back centuries. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, Israel gets to defend itself.
Donā€™t mind Timmy, he falls down the well a lot.
He fails to realize Israel has every right to stay where theyā€™re at, and the Palestinians are just a bunch of terrorists...

Yet, Israel the great has killed far more Palestinians, than Palestinians the terrorists have killed Israelis.

BTW, it's not Palestinian terrorists who plotted terrorism in the Lavon Affair against the U.S.A, it wasn't Palestinian terrorists who bombed the U.S.S Liberty, that was the work of Israeli / Jewish terrorists.
The fact remains Muslims will not stop till Israel is wiped off the face of the earth, there could never be peace in the Middle East because of the Koran
ISIS predates Obamaā€™s time as president

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No , it doesn't.

Profile: Islamic State group

Yes it does...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -

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That was alqaeda. ISIS didn't start with their reign of terror until around 2010.

It did take them a while to work up to being able to do what they did, that is for sure. It is the same group, they just changed their name. It like like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC..same place different name.

What created ISIS was the removal of Saddam. There never would have been an ISIS had Saddam still be in power, he would have quashed them at the beginning. That is just one of many consequences of the invasion of Iraq
And saddam was the worst dictator since Hitler, Killed millions of people

So what? Are you now a supporter of the US invading the country of every evil dictator?

And for all of his evilness, he was not as bad as ISIS

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Israel has stolen nothing from Syria. Syria recklessly went to war with Israel twice and has since foolishly refused to make peace with Israel despite repeated Israeli offers to return the Golan in return for peace. It is fair to say that at this point, Syria has abandoned its claim to the Golan.
You can't return what you don't have. The Golan Heights is not Israeli property. Israel just needs to get the fuck off it!

Go fight with the Iranians punk. Did Syria atta
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

Yeah, pretty shocking the World Community has stayed so silent on Israel attacking Syria daily. Its Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. The attacks are unprovoked and unjust. It just shows that the game is rigged.

You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

It wasn't the FIRST time I've said it dumbass. Why is Iran in Syria, entrenched on the Syrian side of the Golan? If you truly think Israel should give it back you're an idiot.

Iran and Syria haven't attacked Israel. So why has Israel been allowed to bomb those nations with impunity? If the situation were reversed, i'm sure the reaction would be much different. Israel needs to be reigned in.

They sent an armed drone into Israeli airspace. Why are the entrenched on the Golan? How many proxy groups does Iran have? Who are they?

That was alqaeda. ISIS didn't start with their reign of terror until around 2010.

It did take them a while to work up to being able to do what they did, that is for sure. It is the same group, they just changed their name. It like like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC..same place different name.

What created ISIS was the removal of Saddam. There never would have been an ISIS had Saddam still be in power, he would have quashed them at the beginning. That is just one of many consequences of the invasion of Iraq
And saddam was the worst dictator since Hitler, Killed millions of people

So what? Are you now a supporter of the US invading the country of every evil dictator?

And for all of his evilness, he was not as bad as ISIS

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No, Iā€™m against the foreign wars especially Afghanistan.
Iā€™m just saying Saddam Hussein was not a saint, obviously you admired him...
You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

It wasn't the FIRST time I've said it dumbass. Why is Iran in Syria, entrenched on the Syrian side of the Golan? If you truly think Israel should give it back you're an idiot.

Iran and Syria haven't attacked Israel. So why has Israel been allowed to bomb those nations with impunity? If the situation were reversed, i'm sure the reaction would be much different. Israel needs to be reigned in.
Go ahead...reign them in.

We could reign it in if we stopped supporting everything it does in the Middle East. We don't always have to go along. We need separation form Israel's Foreign Policy. We're a sovereign nation that needs to go its own way sometimes. Time for some disengagement from the Middle East.

You just think we are a "Sovereign". We are a Nation controlled by people who's only aim is to make money. They make/control our monetary policy and manipulate our Foreign Policy.

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