Bibi gives presentation on finding yellow cake in Iran

Israel has stolen nothing from Syria.
Except land and water. But I see you agree with at least some of what Dayan says, perhaps without even knowing it.

Dayan In 1976: Israel Took Golan Out Of Greed

The standard Israeli justification for the battle of the Golan has been that Syrian troops had been relentlessly shelling Israelis and that the situation had grown intolerable.

This is what Dayan said nine years later:

"The Syrians opposite them were soldiers who shot at them, and they certainly didn't like that. But I can say with absolute certainty that the delegation that came to convince Eshkol to ascend the Golan did not think about these things. They thought about the land of the Golan.

"I know what went on. I saw them and I spoke with them. They didn't even try to hide their lust for that soil. That's what guided them."

Apart from his assertion about the cause of the Golan battle, Dayan also spoke of the Syrian attacks on the Israeli kibbutzim and asserted that they were the result of Israeli aggression.

He said: "Eighty percent of the incidents worked like this: we would send tractors to plow in an area of little use, in a demilitarized zone, knowing ahead of time that the Syrians would shoot. If they didn't start shooting, we would tell the tractors to advance until the Syrians would get aggravated and start shooting. We used artillery and later the air force became involved."

Dayan said this was the policy for years and that former northern military commanders, later including Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, consistently used such tactics.

He said that after the 1948 war of independence, Israel was unhappy with the cease-fire lines and wanted to change them "through military actions that were not quite at the level of war. The idea was to seize an area and hold on to it until the enemy despairs and gives it to us."
Anyway, happy hasbara.
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Israel has stolen nothing from Syria. Syria recklessly went to war with Israel twice and has since foolishly refused to make peace with Israel despite repeated Israeli offers to return the Golan in return for peace. It is fair to say that at this point, Syria has abandoned its claim to the Golan.
You can't return what you don't have. The Golan Heights is not Israeli property. Israel just needs to get the fuck off it!
Yeah, ISIS was created from his failed foreign policy in syria. Next.

ISIS predates Obama’s time as president

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No , it doesn't.

Profile: Islamic State group

Yes it does...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -

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That was alqaeda. ISIS didn't start with their reign of terror until around 2010.

It did take them a while to work up to being able to do what they did, that is for sure. It is the same group, they just changed their name. It like like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC..same place different name.

What created ISIS was the removal of Saddam. There never would have been an ISIS had Saddam still be in power, he would have quashed them at the beginning. That is just one of many consequences of the invasion of Iraq

Its really just semantics with the shape shifting. They're all the same. Bush never should have invaded iraq. He should have used him as a hedge to iran.
ISIS predates Obama’s time as president

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No , it doesn't.

Profile: Islamic State group

Yes it does...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -

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That was alqaeda. ISIS didn't start with their reign of terror until around 2010.

It did take them a while to work up to being able to do what they did, that is for sure. It is the same group, they just changed their name. It like like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC..same place different name.

What created ISIS was the removal of Saddam. There never would have been an ISIS had Saddam still be in power, he would have quashed them at the beginning. That is just one of many consequences of the invasion of Iraq

Its really just semantics with the shape shifting. They're all the same. Bush never should have invaded iraq. He should have used him as a hedge to iran.

Yep! That I can agree with 100%

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Israel has stolen nothing from Syria. Syria recklessly went to war with Israel twice and has since foolishly refused to make peace with Israel despite repeated Israeli offers to return the Golan in return for peace. It is fair to say that at this point, Syria has abandoned its claim to the Golan.
You can't return what you don't have. The Golan Heights is not Israeli property. Israel just needs to get the fuck off it!

No, its israel' property. They were attacked by egypt, iraq, syria, and jordan. Israel thoroughly defeated all of these armies and took the spoils.
Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

So when another Nation attacks you and you kick their asses you're just supposed to give the conquered territory back. I don't think so Tim.

Israel has been bombing Israel for no reason?
When was the last time did syria attack isrsel ro deserve to be bombed recently while in a civil war?

(sigh) Who did Israel hit yesterday?
Toy tell us since you find ok for Israel to bomb a sovereign country whenever it wishes. Israel is a rogue nation that uses the US to achieve its goals.

So few are asking that question. Why is Israel being allowed to bomb Syria and Iran with no consequences whatsoever? I'm sure if Syria and Iran were bombing Israel, there would be a completely different reaction. It seems International laws and norms don't apply to Israel. The game is rigged.
And why is Israel being allowed to bomb Syria daily? Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. Do we still respect International Laws and norms? The world should be condemning Israel for its numerous unprovoked attacks on Syria. Looks like it is a rigged system. I mean, if Syria was bombing Israel daily, the reaction would be very different.

Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

Yeah, pretty shocking the World Community has stayed so silent on Israel attacking Syria daily. Its Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. The attacks are unprovoked and unjust. It just shows that the game is rigged.

You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

Israel has actually bombed Iran several times in recent years. It has never been questioned or held accountable for it. Neither Iran or Syria has attacked Israel. Israel attacks on those nations has been unprovoked and unjust.

It's time we break a bit from Israel's Foreign Policy in the region. Our Foreign Policy seems to be too intertwined with it. Israel does a lot of wrong in the Middle East. We as a sovereign nation, aren't required to agree with everything it does. Time for some disengagement from the Middle East.
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Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

Yeah, pretty shocking the World Community has stayed so silent on Israel attacking Syria daily. Its Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. The attacks are unprovoked and unjust. It just shows that the game is rigged.

You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

It wasn't the FIRST time I've said it dumbass. Why is Iran in Syria, entrenched on the Syrian side of the Golan? If you truly think Israel should give it back you're an idiot.

Iran and Syria haven't attacked Israel. So why has Israel been allowed to bomb those nations with impunity? If the situation were reversed, i'm sure the reaction would be much different. Israel needs to be reigned in.
And you didn't see that Israel is occupying illegally the Syrian Golan heights ? The whole world recognizes it as an illegal occupation and you are concerned about Iranians being legally invited to syria ?
Israel has been bombing Israel with no provocation...what's your take?

Yeah, pretty shocking the World Community has stayed so silent on Israel attacking Syria daily. Its Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. The attacks are unprovoked and unjust. It just shows that the game is rigged.

You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

It wasn't the FIRST time I've said it dumbass. Why is Iran in Syria, entrenched on the Syrian side of the Golan? If you truly think Israel should give it back you're an idiot.

Iran and Syria haven't attacked Israel. So why has Israel been allowed to bomb those nations with impunity? If the situation were reversed, i'm sure the reaction would be much different. Israel needs to be reigned in.
Go ahead...reign them in.
its easy to explain to RW idiots whatever it is .........

He looks even more ridiculous than Colin Powell did when he lied to the U.N. to convince the world Hussein had WMD.

All that’s missing from that photo is Boris and Natasha.
Anyone have flashbacks of Colin Powell and his proof of WMDs in Iraq?

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Yeah, Iran signed a deal with the US/West. I mean, that's what much of the world demanded of them. But like Iraq, it looks like the plans for war with Iran have been in the works for years. Looks like it's inevitable. If Iran is smart, it would quickly develop its Nuclear Weapon capabilities. It seems to be the only real deterrent against a US/West attack.
Yeah, pretty shocking the World Community has stayed so silent on Israel attacking Syria daily. Its Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. The attacks are unprovoked and unjust. It just shows that the game is rigged.

You do realize that Iran has sent armed drones into Israel AND that they (Iran) has troops entrenched on the Syria side of the Golan?
Bullshit....and there you said it "the syria side"....Israel is a thug and acts like one.

It wasn't the FIRST time I've said it dumbass. Why is Iran in Syria, entrenched on the Syrian side of the Golan? If you truly think Israel should give it back you're an idiot.

Iran and Syria haven't attacked Israel. So why has Israel been allowed to bomb those nations with impunity? If the situation were reversed, i'm sure the reaction would be much different. Israel needs to be reigned in.
Go ahead...reign them in.

We could reign it in if we stopped supporting everything it does in the Middle East. We don't always have to go along. We need separation form Israel's Foreign Policy. We're a sovereign nation that needs to go its own way sometimes. Time for some disengagement from the Middle East.
O marched around for 8 years warring it up with libya, iraq, syria, and the arab spring.......and nary a peep from libs. Amazing, but now the hands are wringing with consternation and righteous indignation. Lol.
Drone strikes are not ground invasions. Eat a dick, dumb shit.

Oh? Only drones you say? Maybe if you spit the dick out, just for a second you would have a clue. Your token house negro started plenty of wars and created and coddled ISIS.

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