Bible Verses at work... Military

Another thread on this and the civilians still don't understand how the military works.....
Another thread on this and the civilians still don't understand how the military works.....

Well, MG, apparently her Georgetown attorney doesn't understand either! Must be a reason they are fighting it
Read the link.

"She was found guilty of failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, and four specifications of disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer."

In the Marine Corps I was taught to follow orders immediately without discussion. If a superior is wrong it is to be addressed after the fact. From a tactical perspective this type of culture is necessary for combative readiness. If you argue on the battlefield you die or worse, you lose a battle.

This soldier may not deserve to be court martial ed but she should be. She is a threat to our national security. Follow orders first. There will be a time to address unlawful orders later.
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If you were so religious you wouldn't be in the military to begin with. The military is about murdering people. Period. While that's sometimes a necessary evil, it's wholly incompatible with Judaeo-Christianity since warfare is regulated in the Bible, and not how US wars are conducted. So every war is not only sinful in God's eyes, but anyone trying to claim they're especially religious is either ignorant of their own faith, or a hypocrite.

Is no commandment that reads, "you shall not murder, unless your nation says it's ok because it's a war"

For a killing to be sanctioned by God (according to the Bible) it has to be on behalf of God against anti-God forces. And since the US makes a big deal about we're not a religious-nation, none of our wars have that sort of pro-God justification and defense. They're all murders in violation of the 6th commandment.

In the Marine Corps I was taught to follow orders immediately without discussion. If a superior is wrong it is to be addressed after the fact. From a tactical perspective this type of culture is necessary for combative readiness. If you argue on the battlefield you die or worse, you lose a battle.

This soldier may not deserve to be court martial ed but she should be. She is a threat to our national security. Follow orders first. There will be a time to address unlawful orders later.
Same way in the Army...Shut you mouth and move...All I want to see is assholes and elbows pickin' up those cigarette butts...
Another thread on this and the civilians still don't understand how the military works.....

Well, MG, apparently her Georgetown attorney doesn't understand either! Must be a reason they are fighting it
I would have used a lawyer from Chevy Chase....

I hear Tom Crews is a pretty good military lawyer.
For a short guy, yeah...

He is better than Kevin Bacon.
Same in the Navy. She disobeyed an order. You're not allowed to do that.

That said, it'd be interesting to ask what if she'd be a chaplain's assistant or something? Would that order have still come?

So was the purpose of the order simply a superior who 'didn't like that God stuff?' or was it objectively sound and valid?
Another thread on this and the civilians still don't understand how the military works.....

Well, MG, apparently her Georgetown attorney doesn't understand either! Must be a reason they are fighting it
I would have used a lawyer from Chevy Chase....

I hear Tom Crews is a pretty good military lawyer.
For a short guy, yeah...

He is better than Kevin Bacon.
Nothing is better than bacon....

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