Bicycle Safety

I didn't even mention all the hatred out there for bicyclists....believe me a lot of automobile drivers really hate bicyclists...they will shout obscenities as they in the safety their cars pass you by at a good clip...I managed to catch one at a red light but that is another story.

I make sure to carry 4 things with me when I am biking....a bottle of water, a kit to repair flats, a can of pepper spray primarily for unattended aggresive dogs not on a leash but has other uses also.... and very importantly a concealed weapon w/permit for the psychoes and negroes If i happen to stray through a black area....a lot of crazy people out there...believe me.

Bicyclists have been assaulted and even killed for no other reason that they were riding a bike....that is the level of hatred out there that unfortunately if you can stick to good neighborhoods the danger is decreased but for those of us who often go on long bike rides...often through unfamiliar territory you really do not know what you are going to come across..sorta like a lone horseback rider in the old days heading out west through indian country. Some of the crazys think a lone guy on a bike is a easy target.

I rode bikes competitively for years..and a lot of road cyclist are fucking prima donna assholes who more often than not want to make me run em over.

This is in no way directed at Sunnis situation,just something I've observed over my many years of riding.
To me, everyone just needs to be careful when out on the road, no matter what kind of transportation they use.

God bless you always!!!

I'm an avid rider. I try to avoid major roads as much as possible sticking to trails and back streets. But I couldn't disagree more about riding AGAINST traffic. That's the best way to get hit. Were you actually serious about that or is this a joke, hence Vastator's response of "Really? Bad taste. Bad form...".

It does not suprise me...most will tell me I am wrong....yet most of those who get killed riding a bike are riding in the street on the right side of the road...some drunk or non-alert driver will come up from behind and run them over....happens all too frequently.

Riding in the street...i do not care which side you are on is very dangerous...thus i ride on the sidewalk or on a bike path whenever possible.

I used to live in Vegas and there was a rather famous bicylist that had one of those bicycles with a wind shield and pedals up high where he could recline whilst riding....everyone that drove down tropicana av. was familiar with him...rode right out in traffic...was really a nuisance...he was trying to make the point that he had as much right to be on the road out in the traffic as a car...he did have the legal right to do that but unfortunately he was run over and killed. I had an ecounter with him shortly before his death...I happened to be in a car and we were stopped at a red light...I rolled down my window and axed him if he was trying to comitt suicide...actually I was trying to wake him help him...he got very angry maneuvered his contraption in front of me and tried to cut me off...really cannot fix stupid.

and you are incorrect in your assessment of the 'bad form' reply...he explained it as being in 'bad form' because of the death of sunnis son. I think you fall in the stupid category.

I'm not the one riding on the wrong side of the road and through bad neighborhoods requiring me to carry weapons. You are one dumb shit. Or, now that I know the story, your possibly intentionally being an insensitive piece of shit. In either scenario good luck with your riding.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic
Really? Bad taste. Bad form...

I agree, this isn't the appropriate moment for a thread such as this.

I hope Sunni Man doesn't read it.

I do not think anyone who has lost a son due to a bicycle accident would object to anyone trying to prevent other deaths by making some suggestions regarding bicycle safety...people are killed in car accidents every day...should we refrain from teaching or talking about how to drive safely?

It's an important topic, but it's a bit too soon, if you were in Sunni Man's situation, would you just a few days later be wanting to be discussing all of this so soon?

I am not on his thread and I see no reason whatsoever he should take any offense in regards to this fact I think he should like to see someone advocating bicycle safety.

Now I did notice a couple of posts on his thread that might be considered offensive...that is where all this attention should be...this is a completely different has nothing to do with his son per se...and he is under no pressure to discuss this....I did not mention his son...I did not even say who I thought may be at fault...all I have done is to discuss safety issues in general...none it directed at him or his son.
I'm an avid rider. I try to avoid major roads as much as possible sticking to trails and back streets. But I couldn't disagree more about riding AGAINST traffic. That's the best way to get hit. Were you actually serious about that or is this a joke, hence Vastator's response of "Really? Bad taste. Bad form...".

It does not suprise me...most will tell me I am wrong....yet most of those who get killed riding a bike are riding in the street on the right side of the road...some drunk or non-alert driver will come up from behind and run them over....happens all too frequently.

Riding in the street...i do not care which side you are on is very dangerous...thus i ride on the sidewalk or on a bike path whenever possible.

I used to live in Vegas and there was a rather famous bicylist that had one of those bicycles with a wind shield and pedals up high where he could recline whilst riding....everyone that drove down tropicana av. was familiar with him...rode right out in traffic...was really a nuisance...he was trying to make the point that he had as much right to be on the road out in the traffic as a car...he did have the legal right to do that but unfortunately he was run over and killed. I had an ecounter with him shortly before his death...I happened to be in a car and we were stopped at a red light...I rolled down my window and axed him if he was trying to comitt suicide...actually I was trying to wake him help him...he got very angry maneuvered his contraption in front of me and tried to cut me off...really cannot fix stupid.

and you are incorrect in your assessment of the 'bad form' reply...he explained it as being in 'bad form' because of the death of sunnis son. I think you fall in the stupid category.

I'm not the one riding on the wrong side of the road and through bad neighborhoods requiring me to carry weapons. You are one dumb shit. Or, now that I know the story, your possibly intentionally being an insensitive piece of shit. In either scenario good luck with your riding.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic

This is the sort of b.s. that is getting bicyclists killed....I showed you the data...most bicyclists are killed riding on the right side of the road by getting hit from behind.

You may not value your life or you may be so stupid you do not understand the facts or the data regarding how most bicyclists get killed...that is on you.

Now....I know most bicyclists cling to the same stupid belief you have because it is the law...I have had many arguments over this so I know how it is.

I will conclude this by saying I had rather get a ticket any day for riding on the left side rather than ride on the right side and get killed....though I have been doing it for years and have never gotten a ticket.

Once again the data that supports my decision...anyone that rides a bicycle on the street and values your life would do well to ponder this................40% percent of bicyclists that get killed get hit from behind by a car.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US
To me, everyone just needs to be careful when out on the road, no matter what kind of transportation they use.

God bless you always!!!


Yes and that cannot be said often enough....and again no one should take offense because someone is advocating safety.
People just don't see motorcycles or bicycles. If they don't ride either occasionally, they don't even think of the possibility of something with two wheels being around. Every person I know who has been injured on either kind of bike was following all the rules, but hurt by someone that didn't even see them until it was too late.

Yes, absolutely.....that is why I say do not give them the opportunity 'not to see you' aka avoid all situations if possible where you place your bicycle in the potential path of a car....aka riding on the right side of the road which puts you at the mercy of the driver coming up behind you...I do not like to be in the position of hoping someone will see me...I want to be in the best position that allows me to see any oncoming driving and whether he might be drunk and weaving all over the road etc.

Again ride the sidewalk if there is one...try and stay off roads altogether if possible...if any bike trails are available use them...always expect them not to see you...never count on that they will see you.
I didn't even mention all the hatred out there for bicyclists....believe me a lot of automobile drivers really hate bicyclists...they will shout obscenities as they in the safety their cars pass you by at a good clip...I managed to catch one at a red light but that is another story.

I make sure to carry 4 things with me when I am biking....a bottle of water, a kit to repair flats, a can of pepper spray primarily for unattended aggresive dogs not on a leash but has other uses also.... and very importantly a concealed weapon w/permit for the psychoes and negroes If i happen to stray through a black area....a lot of crazy people out there...believe me.

Bicyclists have been assaulted and even killed for no other reason that they were riding a bike....that is the level of hatred out there that unfortunately if you can stick to good neighborhoods the danger is decreased but for those of us who often go on long bike rides...often through unfamiliar territory you really do not know what you are going to come across..sorta like a lone horseback rider in the old days heading out west through indian country. Some of the crazys think a lone guy on a bike is a easy target.

I rode bikes competitively for years..and a lot of road cyclist are fucking prima donna assholes who more often than not want to make me run em over.

This is in no way directed at Sunnis situation,just something I've observed over my many years of riding.

I totally agree...i see the idiots on their 2000 dollar bikes riding out in the the road so everyone can their very expensive state of the art bicycle(even when sidewalks are available) and wearing the latest fashions in big reason so many hate bicyclists.

I bought a used bicycle almost in mint condition that retailed for 400 but I got it for a hundred.

Also...never buy a walmart bike...I tried that once...was riding down the sidewalk hit just a slight bump in the sidewalk and the front wheel just collapsed even though it was a new bike....just another example of chinese technology...these walmart bikes cannot be fixed either....they are throw away bikes...ride them till you have a problem and throw them away.
Last edited:
I'm an avid rider. I try to avoid major roads as much as possible sticking to trails and back streets. But I couldn't disagree more about riding AGAINST traffic. That's the best way to get hit. Were you actually serious about that or is this a joke, hence Vastator's response of "Really? Bad taste. Bad form...".

It does not suprise me...most will tell me I am wrong....yet most of those who get killed riding a bike are riding in the street on the right side of the road...some drunk or non-alert driver will come up from behind and run them over....happens all too frequently.

Riding in the street...i do not care which side you are on is very dangerous...thus i ride on the sidewalk or on a bike path whenever possible.

I used to live in Vegas and there was a rather famous bicylist that had one of those bicycles with a wind shield and pedals up high where he could recline whilst riding....everyone that drove down tropicana av. was familiar with him...rode right out in traffic...was really a nuisance...he was trying to make the point that he had as much right to be on the road out in the traffic as a car...he did have the legal right to do that but unfortunately he was run over and killed. I had an ecounter with him shortly before his death...I happened to be in a car and we were stopped at a red light...I rolled down my window and axed him if he was trying to comitt suicide...actually I was trying to wake him help him...he got very angry maneuvered his contraption in front of me and tried to cut me off...really cannot fix stupid.

and you are incorrect in your assessment of the 'bad form' reply...he explained it as being in 'bad form' because of the death of sunnis son. I think you fall in the stupid category.

I'm not the one riding on the wrong side of the road and through bad neighborhoods requiring me to carry weapons. You are one dumb shit. Or, now that I know the story, your possibly intentionally being an insensitive piece of shit. In either scenario good luck with your riding.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic

This is the sort of b.s. that is getting bicyclists killed....I showed you the data...most bicyclists are killed riding on the right side of the road by getting hit from behind.

You may not value your life or you may be so stupid you do not understand the facts or the data regarding how most bicyclists get killed...that is on you.

Now....I know most bicyclists cling to the same stupid belief you have because it is the law...I have had many arguments over this so I know how it is.

I will conclude this by saying I had rather get a ticket any day for riding on the left side rather than ride on the right side and get killed....though I have been doing it for years and have never gotten a ticket.

Once again the data that supports my decision...anyone that rides a bicycle on the street and values your life would do well to ponder this................40% percent of bicyclists that get killed get hit from behind by a car.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

You're problem is you aren't reading your data correctly. The chart you posted doesn't look at direction of traffic. This is what you want to be looking at:


This article specifically compares riding with traffic and against traffic. You're risk of getting hit is increased by 3.6% - 6.6% if you travel against traffic. The reasons would be obvious, but apparently not for you.

From the article:

Direction of Travel
Table 4 shows that all categories of bicyclists traveling against the direction of traffic flow are at greatly increased risk for accidents—on average 3.6 times the risk of those traveling with traffic, and as high as 6.6 times for those 17 and under. This result is readily explained: because motorists normally scan for traffic traveling in the lawful direction, wrong-way traffic is easily overlooked. To give only a single example, a motorist turning right at an intersection scans to the left for approaching traffic on the new road, and cannot see or anticipate a fast-moving wrong-way bicyclist approaching from the right. (This is the one of the most common types of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions in Palo Alto.)

This finding provides compelling justification for current traffic law, which requires bicyclists on the roadway everywhere in the United States to travel in the same direction as other traffic. It also implies that vigorous enforcement of this law, for both adults and children, can substantially reduce the number of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions, and should receive high priority in any bicycle program.

Two points about Table 4 deserve comment. First, the conclusion is extremely robust: wrong-way bicycling is risky at an overwhelmingly high level of significance—p<<10-5 for the category as a whole, p<10-5 in four out of seven subgroups, and p<10-4 and 10-3 for two others. In the remaining subgroup, on the roadway, only 5 percent of bicyclists (108 of 2005) traveled against traffic, and only 5 accidents occurred there (compared to 2.5 expected); these small numbers limit any statistical significance.

Second, wrong-way bicycling is dangerous for all subgroups of bicyclists—including those traveling on the sidewalk, who may at first seem to be protected against collisions with motor vehicles. In fact, sidewalk bicyclists enter into conflict with motorists at every intersection (including driveways), and these are exactly the points where most bicycle-motor vehicle collisions occur. Wrong-way sidewalk bicyclists are at particular risk because they enter the point of conflict from an unexpected direction, just as they would on the roadway.

Nonetheless, unlike the roadway, the direction of sidewalk bicycling is usually unregulated or ineffectively regulated. Off-road bicycle paths are normally intended for two-way travel, and whether intended for it or not are almost invariably used that way.
The OP is a poster child for mandatory bicycle registration, and public flogging of riders that ignore traffic laws.

What the OP fails to understand is if everyone rode against traffic like he is suggesting bike fatalities would dramatically increase. The data I posted proves it and well, it's just common sense.
The OP is a poster child for mandatory bicycle registration, and public flogging of riders that ignore traffic laws.

What the OP fails to understand is if everyone rode against traffic like he is suggesting bike fatalities would dramatically increase. The data I posted proves it and well, it's just common sense.

This old fallacious argument of 'if everyone did it' is often trotted out by those with no argument of data to back it up and there is no 'common sense' element as suggested.

The statistics show....that the majority of bicyclists that are killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind as they ride on the right side of the road.

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

End of story.....take a hike chump!
It does not suprise me...most will tell me I am wrong....yet most of those who get killed riding a bike are riding in the street on the right side of the road...some drunk or non-alert driver will come up from behind and run them over....happens all too frequently.

Riding in the street...i do not care which side you are on is very dangerous...thus i ride on the sidewalk or on a bike path whenever possible.

I used to live in Vegas and there was a rather famous bicylist that had one of those bicycles with a wind shield and pedals up high where he could recline whilst riding....everyone that drove down tropicana av. was familiar with him...rode right out in traffic...was really a nuisance...he was trying to make the point that he had as much right to be on the road out in the traffic as a car...he did have the legal right to do that but unfortunately he was run over and killed. I had an ecounter with him shortly before his death...I happened to be in a car and we were stopped at a red light...I rolled down my window and axed him if he was trying to comitt suicide...actually I was trying to wake him help him...he got very angry maneuvered his contraption in front of me and tried to cut me off...really cannot fix stupid.

and you are incorrect in your assessment of the 'bad form' reply...he explained it as being in 'bad form' because of the death of sunnis son. I think you fall in the stupid category.

I'm not the one riding on the wrong side of the road and through bad neighborhoods requiring me to carry weapons. You are one dumb shit. Or, now that I know the story, your possibly intentionally being an insensitive piece of shit. In either scenario good luck with your riding.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic

This is the sort of b.s. that is getting bicyclists killed....I showed you the data...most bicyclists are killed riding on the right side of the road by getting hit from behind.

You may not value your life or you may be so stupid you do not understand the facts or the data regarding how most bicyclists get killed...that is on you.

Now....I know most bicyclists cling to the same stupid belief you have because it is the law...I have had many arguments over this so I know how it is.

I will conclude this by saying I had rather get a ticket any day for riding on the left side rather than ride on the right side and get killed....though I have been doing it for years and have never gotten a ticket.

Once again the data that supports my decision...anyone that rides a bicycle on the street and values your life would do well to ponder this................40% percent of bicyclists that get killed get hit from behind by a car.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

You're problem is you aren't reading your data correctly. The chart you posted doesn't look at direction of traffic. This is what you want to be looking at:


This article specifically compares riding with traffic and against traffic. You're risk of getting hit is increased by 3.6% - 6.6% if you travel against traffic. The reasons would be obvious, but apparently not for you.

From the article:

Direction of Travel
Table 4 shows that all categories of bicyclists traveling against the direction of traffic flow are at greatly increased risk for accidents—on average 3.6 times the risk of those traveling with traffic, and as high as 6.6 times for those 17 and under. This result is readily explained: because motorists normally scan for traffic traveling in the lawful direction, wrong-way traffic is easily overlooked. To give only a single example, a motorist turning right at an intersection scans to the left for approaching traffic on the new road, and cannot see or anticipate a fast-moving wrong-way bicyclist approaching from the right. (This is the one of the most common types of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions in Palo Alto.)

This finding provides compelling justification for current traffic law, which requires bicyclists on the roadway everywhere in the United States to travel in the same direction as other traffic. It also implies that vigorous enforcement of this law, for both adults and children, can substantially reduce the number of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions, and should receive high priority in any bicycle program.

Two points about Table 4 deserve comment. First, the conclusion is extremely robust: wrong-way bicycling is risky at an overwhelmingly high level of significance—p<<10-5 for the category as a whole, p<10-5 in four out of seven subgroups, and p<10-4 and 10-3 for two others. In the remaining subgroup, on the roadway, only 5 percent of bicyclists (108 of 2005) traveled against traffic, and only 5 accidents occurred there (compared to 2.5 expected); these small numbers limit any statistical significance.

Second, wrong-way bicycling is dangerous for all subgroups of bicyclists—including those traveling on the sidewalk, who may at first seem to be protected against collisions with motor vehicles. In fact, sidewalk bicyclists enter into conflict with motorists at every intersection (including driveways), and these are exactly the points where most bicycle-motor vehicle collisions occur. Wrong-way sidewalk bicyclists are at particular risk because they enter the point of conflict from an unexpected direction, just as they would on the roadway.

Nonetheless, unlike the roadway, the direction of sidewalk bicycling is usually unregulated or ineffectively regulated. Off-road bicycle paths are normally intended for two-way travel, and whether intended for it or not are almost invariably used that way.

More bullshit aka woulda, coulda, shoulda................the documented facts show....that the majority of bicyclists killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind whilst they are riding on the right side of the road. Deal wid dat reality chump and quit trying to bullshit the gullible...those who do that have blood on their hands.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US
The OP is a poster child for mandatory bicycle registration, and public flogging of riders that ignore traffic laws.

What the OP fails to understand is if everyone rode against traffic like he is suggesting bike fatalities would dramatically increase. The data I posted proves it and well, it's just common sense.

This old fallacious argument of 'if everyone did it' is often trotted out by those with no argument of data to back it up and there is no 'common sense' element as suggested.

The statistics show....that the majority of bicyclists that are killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind as they ride on the right side of the road.

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

End of story.....take a hike chump!

I already posted stats that clearly back up my argument. Care to address that? You just posted the same article that I successfully refuted and continued with the name calling. Hey, it's your life. I gave you the information every bicyclist should have. It's your business what you do with it.
I'm not the one riding on the wrong side of the road and through bad neighborhoods requiring me to carry weapons. You are one dumb shit. Or, now that I know the story, your possibly intentionally being an insensitive piece of shit. In either scenario good luck with your riding.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic

This is the sort of b.s. that is getting bicyclists killed....I showed you the data...most bicyclists are killed riding on the right side of the road by getting hit from behind.

You may not value your life or you may be so stupid you do not understand the facts or the data regarding how most bicyclists get killed...that is on you.

Now....I know most bicyclists cling to the same stupid belief you have because it is the law...I have had many arguments over this so I know how it is.

I will conclude this by saying I had rather get a ticket any day for riding on the left side rather than ride on the right side and get killed....though I have been doing it for years and have never gotten a ticket.

Once again the data that supports my decision...anyone that rides a bicycle on the street and values your life would do well to ponder this................40% percent of bicyclists that get killed get hit from behind by a car.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

You're problem is you aren't reading your data correctly. The chart you posted doesn't look at direction of traffic. This is what you want to be looking at:


This article specifically compares riding with traffic and against traffic. You're risk of getting hit is increased by 3.6% - 6.6% if you travel against traffic. The reasons would be obvious, but apparently not for you.

From the article:

Direction of Travel
Table 4 shows that all categories of bicyclists traveling against the direction of traffic flow are at greatly increased risk for accidents—on average 3.6 times the risk of those traveling with traffic, and as high as 6.6 times for those 17 and under. This result is readily explained: because motorists normally scan for traffic traveling in the lawful direction, wrong-way traffic is easily overlooked. To give only a single example, a motorist turning right at an intersection scans to the left for approaching traffic on the new road, and cannot see or anticipate a fast-moving wrong-way bicyclist approaching from the right. (This is the one of the most common types of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions in Palo Alto.)

This finding provides compelling justification for current traffic law, which requires bicyclists on the roadway everywhere in the United States to travel in the same direction as other traffic. It also implies that vigorous enforcement of this law, for both adults and children, can substantially reduce the number of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions, and should receive high priority in any bicycle program.

Two points about Table 4 deserve comment. First, the conclusion is extremely robust: wrong-way bicycling is risky at an overwhelmingly high level of significance—p<<10-5 for the category as a whole, p<10-5 in four out of seven subgroups, and p<10-4 and 10-3 for two others. In the remaining subgroup, on the roadway, only 5 percent of bicyclists (108 of 2005) traveled against traffic, and only 5 accidents occurred there (compared to 2.5 expected); these small numbers limit any statistical significance.

Second, wrong-way bicycling is dangerous for all subgroups of bicyclists—including those traveling on the sidewalk, who may at first seem to be protected against collisions with motor vehicles. In fact, sidewalk bicyclists enter into conflict with motorists at every intersection (including driveways), and these are exactly the points where most bicycle-motor vehicle collisions occur. Wrong-way sidewalk bicyclists are at particular risk because they enter the point of conflict from an unexpected direction, just as they would on the roadway.

Nonetheless, unlike the roadway, the direction of sidewalk bicycling is usually unregulated or ineffectively regulated. Off-road bicycle paths are normally intended for two-way travel, and whether intended for it or not are almost invariably used that way.

More bullshit aka woulda, coulda, shoulda................the documented facts show....that the majority of bicyclists killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind whilst they are riding on the right side of the road. Deal wid dat reality chump and quit trying to bullshit the gullible...those who do that have blood on their hands.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

LOL OK nevermind. Either you're a troll and not interested in real discussion, or you're a total idiot. Either way, I don't care. It's your life. Hopefully others will read what I posted and become informed.
The OP is a poster child for mandatory bicycle registration, and public flogging of riders that ignore traffic laws.

What the OP fails to understand is if everyone rode against traffic like he is suggesting bike fatalities would dramatically increase. The data I posted proves it and well, it's just common sense.

This old fallacious argument of 'if everyone did it' is often trotted out by those with no argument of data to back it up and there is no 'common sense' element as suggested.

The statistics show....that the majority of bicyclists that are killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind as they ride on the right side of the road.

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

End of story.....take a hike chump!

I already posted stats that clearly back up my argument. Care to address that? You just posted the same article that I successfully refuted and continued with the name calling. Hey, it's your life. I gave you the information every bicyclist should have. It's your business what you do with it.

You are one stubborn dumbass.....again....40% of bicyclists are killed whilst riding on the right side of the over from behind by motorists.

That is what you need to concentrate on instead of a bunch of guessing and argument about what might happen....I am reporting what is happening as we speak...try and get your ahead around that.

Again all those like you who are so coinfused about this....are putting their lives at unnessacary risk as well as those who listen to their b.s. and believe me...I have had many arguments with them...some of them get quite agressive when they see me riding on the left side of the road...i often wonder how many of them will get run over.

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You keep riding on the right side of the road and see what happens...I prefer to see whats coming at me.

To show just how wrong and stupid you are I did some research>>>>>You will note it is documented that the great majority of bicyclists killed whilst riding are killed by 'rear end collisions' ...meaning that cars hit the bicyclists from behind dat chump?

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

Anyone who rides long distance knows the type of neighborhoods they often have to ride can be prepared if you choose...if you choose not to that is stupid...aka a victim waiting to happen.

Oh liberals are so sensitive....oh yes so sensitive bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa blow it out your arse. hehheh

I thought you were being as ass on purpose. Now I know you're just one dumb fuck. Read:

Never Ride Against Traffic

This is the sort of b.s. that is getting bicyclists killed....I showed you the data...most bicyclists are killed riding on the right side of the road by getting hit from behind.

You may not value your life or you may be so stupid you do not understand the facts or the data regarding how most bicyclists get killed...that is on you.

Now....I know most bicyclists cling to the same stupid belief you have because it is the law...I have had many arguments over this so I know how it is.

I will conclude this by saying I had rather get a ticket any day for riding on the left side rather than ride on the right side and get killed....though I have been doing it for years and have never gotten a ticket.

Once again the data that supports my decision...anyone that rides a bicycle on the street and values your life would do well to ponder this................40% percent of bicyclists that get killed get hit from behind by a car.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

You're problem is you aren't reading your data correctly. The chart you posted doesn't look at direction of traffic. This is what you want to be looking at:


This article specifically compares riding with traffic and against traffic. You're risk of getting hit is increased by 3.6% - 6.6% if you travel against traffic. The reasons would be obvious, but apparently not for you.

From the article:

Direction of Travel
Table 4 shows that all categories of bicyclists traveling against the direction of traffic flow are at greatly increased risk for accidents—on average 3.6 times the risk of those traveling with traffic, and as high as 6.6 times for those 17 and under. This result is readily explained: because motorists normally scan for traffic traveling in the lawful direction, wrong-way traffic is easily overlooked. To give only a single example, a motorist turning right at an intersection scans to the left for approaching traffic on the new road, and cannot see or anticipate a fast-moving wrong-way bicyclist approaching from the right. (This is the one of the most common types of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions in Palo Alto.)

This finding provides compelling justification for current traffic law, which requires bicyclists on the roadway everywhere in the United States to travel in the same direction as other traffic. It also implies that vigorous enforcement of this law, for both adults and children, can substantially reduce the number of bicycle-motor vehicle collisions, and should receive high priority in any bicycle program.

Two points about Table 4 deserve comment. First, the conclusion is extremely robust: wrong-way bicycling is risky at an overwhelmingly high level of significance—p<<10-5 for the category as a whole, p<10-5 in four out of seven subgroups, and p<10-4 and 10-3 for two others. In the remaining subgroup, on the roadway, only 5 percent of bicyclists (108 of 2005) traveled against traffic, and only 5 accidents occurred there (compared to 2.5 expected); these small numbers limit any statistical significance.

Second, wrong-way bicycling is dangerous for all subgroups of bicyclists—including those traveling on the sidewalk, who may at first seem to be protected against collisions with motor vehicles. In fact, sidewalk bicyclists enter into conflict with motorists at every intersection (including driveways), and these are exactly the points where most bicycle-motor vehicle collisions occur. Wrong-way sidewalk bicyclists are at particular risk because they enter the point of conflict from an unexpected direction, just as they would on the roadway.

Nonetheless, unlike the roadway, the direction of sidewalk bicycling is usually unregulated or ineffectively regulated. Off-road bicycle paths are normally intended for two-way travel, and whether intended for it or not are almost invariably used that way.

More bullshit aka woulda, coulda, shoulda................the documented facts show....that the majority of bicyclists killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind whilst they are riding on the right side of the road. Deal wid dat reality chump and quit trying to bullshit the gullible...those who do that have blood on their hands.
How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

LOL OK nevermind. Either you're a troll and not interested in real discussion, or you're a total idiot. Either way, I don't care. It's your life. Hopefully others will read what I posted and become informed.

Naive gullible bicyclists have listend to morons like you and gotten themselves killed way too often. You and your ilk have blood on your hands.
The OP is a poster child for mandatory bicycle registration, and public flogging of riders that ignore traffic laws.

What the OP fails to understand is if everyone rode against traffic like he is suggesting bike fatalities would dramatically increase. The data I posted proves it and well, it's just common sense.

This old fallacious argument of 'if everyone did it' is often trotted out by those with no argument of data to back it up and there is no 'common sense' element as suggested.

The statistics show....that the majority of bicyclists that are killed are killed by motorists hitting them from behind as they ride on the right side of the road.

How and why bicycle deaths happen in the US

End of story.....take a hike chump!

I already posted stats that clearly back up my argument. Care to address that? You just posted the same article that I successfully refuted and continued with the name calling. Hey, it's your life. I gave you the information every bicyclist should have. It's your business what you do with it.

You have no stats dumbass...all you have is conjecture aka woulda, coulda , shoulda aka what might happen....whilst I am telling you what is happening with legitimate data to show it. Get real or get the hell outta here....your advice is getting people killed.

Let me pose a common sense question to anyone reading this: Would you rather ride in a position where you cannot see a driver coming up behind you..the way they are driving etc. or would you rather ride where you can see an approaching driver whom you can see and observe how they are driving and if they pose a danger or threat to you and wherein said position gives you the time and opportunity to get the hell out of the way of some idiot drunken driver?
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