Biden Admin blames Trump for drop in credit rating, no wait, it's GOP

Trump's not President. Our credit rating wasn't dropped on his's only happened twice in my lifetime...and both times your dembot cult had their leader in the Oval Office.
Democrats can never accept responsibility.
Democrats can never accept responsibility.
It's a keystone in being part of the cult. It's one of the main ways they are able to get people to join their cult....they practice blaming everyone else for their own problems, and never have to accept responsiblity....their division policies at work
Nothing passes without Trump signing it.
I guarantee you if Trump wins, he will be held accountable along with the Republicans. If he accepts swampers in his administration, it is on him. He has every right to go scorched earth on anyone who screwed with him. He does not have to e far right, he does however have to stop the movement leftward and clean up a lot of things that may buy us time for a healthy period of years. The reality to bring manufacturing home to America again is tariffs. Joe lies all the time. Stop the green crap. Open up oil. More nuclear power plants. More dams and hydroelectric. Promote technologies to clean up coal and any pollutants on oil-based products. Actually, spend resources on infrastructure upgrades instead of paying off special interest like old Joe. Our highways should look much better.
Damn, it's it's the GOP. Tomorrow it'll be Russia, possibly climate change.


Biden administration official blames Trump, Jan. 6 for Fitch AAA US downgrade
It is Congress that decides to pay back US debt or not...

Now what have the GOP led congress said about maintaining debt?

Congress has threatened not paying US debt maintenance a number of times in just the last few months...

Can't be acting crazy and shit not going to happen... This is a direct reaction to GOP behaviour in Congress..
Been there, done that. It didn't happen.
hahah trump wasn't held accountable? the press blamed him for dembots even blamed him for a virus from China! hahahha

Your post just highlight how much the dembot cult has wrapped your reality
That's not even remotely true. Congress can pass anything it wants with enough votes and the President cant do a damn thing about it.

When that happens, you let us all know. That isn't what happened.
hahah trump wasn't held accountable? the press blamed him for dembots even blamed him for a virus from China! hahahha

Your post just highlight how much the dembot cult has wrapped your reality

When you want to continue in a rational manner, try again.
When you want to continue in a rational manner, try again.
says the guy that can't even admit that the credit has been downgraded twice in recent history when their cult leader was in the White House
says the guy that can't even admit that the credit has been downgraded twice in recent history when their cult leader was in the White House

My leader is not in the White House but this is how you've been trained to react.
Been there, done that. It didn't happen.
He has his first term. He had a lot of success. Paul Ryan and John McCain were just two examples of so-called Republicans who stabbed him and this voters in the back.
My leader is not in the White House but this is how you've been trained to react.
Yes, I've been on these boards for awhile, I know how to react to your repeated post defending your cult and deflecting.

It's pretty common
How many times did Congress override a veto by Trump?
why are you talking about Trump on a thread about Xiden getting our credit rating dropped? Trump's been out of office for over three years now....geez man, let's talk about current events

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