Biden Admin blames Trump for drop in credit rating, no wait, it's GOP

Fauci, helped fund it and then twisted us every which way but lose!

Fauci didn't have the money to fund it. He most certainly argued for it with those who did. Fauci could not have done this on his own. There was a Federal ban. It had to be lifted.
Did it ever occur to you that even if the people you voted for would have won, they would fit into your category too?

Did it ever occur to you that we will never know because you people are slaves to whichever side of the duopoly you have sworn your allegiance to?
Yet you always, and forever, only blame one side.
Both sides are to blame but it is democrats who openly want to spend more and more. Hell, they wanted to spend at least 50 trillion more on top of our already 32 trillion in order to fight mother nature. Republicans don't do that.
Trump's not President. Our credit rating wasn't dropped on his's only happened twice in my lifetime...and both times your dembot cult had their leader in the Oval Office.

See a professional.

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