Biden Admin invites Communist country on terrorism list to tour U.S. security facilities

Shame on that Republican. And then you generalize all Democrats based on many of those idiots who do not know their place.

You do not care to know what the Republican Party WAS 60 years ago, and what it turned into today.

Actually, I do not think that you have that ability, anymore than you can tell when Trump is trying to not upset his Nazi Republican voters. Every vote counts.
It wasn’t a REPUBLICAN who came up to me at my dad’s funeral! It was a Democrat. How could you get that so wrong?
It wasn’t a REPUBLICAN who came up to me at my dad’s funeral! It was a Democrat. How could you get that so wrong?
Sorry, I miswrote.
But stop generalizing all Democrats. I do not generalize all Republicans.

I am against those who want Power for Power's sake and take all the Rights that citizens have fought so hard to achieve. And those unfortunately have been on the Republican side for the past 20 years especially.

Some Republican States wanted to put people in charge of Secretary of State positions in order for them to decide the winner of an election and not the voters.

Sane Republican voters voted NO to all of them.

More Sanity is needed in the Republican Party.
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Hard to believe that anyone would court White Supremacist votes, but one candidate for Presidency did:

Then-2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not immediately condemn white supremacists because "a lot of these people vote," he told former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

That's according to a Washington Post excerpt published Wednesday of a forthcoming book, titled "Confidence Man," by New York Times' White House correspondent Maggie Haberman.

Christie, a close ally of Trump's at the time, urged him during his 2016 campaign to more forcefully condemn white supremacists who had expressed support for his candidacy, including David Duke.

Trump told Christie that he would condemn them but not right away. "A lot of these people vote," he said before hanging up the phone, Haberman wrote.

During his time in office, Trump was often criticized for refusing to denounce white supremacists in harsh terms. After the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump said days laterthat there was "blame on both sides."

In his 2020 presidential debate against then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Trump declined to unequivocally condemn white supremacists and militia groups when asked by moderator Chris Wallace to do so.

"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by," Trump responded, referring to the far-right group.

(full article online)

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Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the man has always said that everyone should be treated equally, no matter the religion they practice or the color of their skin, and in his four years in the White House, he never once gave anyone any reason to believe he had a single ounce of prejudice in his body. Just kidding, of course. The man is and always has been an out and out racist, and while the examples to back this up are too numerous to mention, just a small sampling includes calling for the executionof five Black and Latino teenagers; telling four congresswoman of color to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” when three-quarters of the group “came from” the U.S.; helping start an entire movement around the lie that the country’s first Black president wasn’t born here; and describing Baltimore, whose population is majority Black, as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human being” would “want to live.” But wait, you say, what about the time he banned travel to the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim nations? Or called Mexicans rapists and criminals? Or pardoned a guy a U.S. Department of Justice expert said oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling by a law enforcement agency in U.S. history? Or threw an absolute shit fit over the removal of statue of a Confederate general who thought Black people should be white people’s property, insisting said general was one of the greatest military leaders of all time? Obviously, if we were to include everything, we‘d be here all day.

So while it’s not at all surprising, it’s nevertheless extremely disturbing to learn that back in August 2017, not only did Trump praise a group of white nationalists and neo-Nazis and claim it had some very fine people among it, he referred to said group as “my people” while arguing with then House Speaker Paul Ryan over his remarks.

Donald Trump flipped out at then House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) for condemning white supremacists after the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a new book claims. Ryan responded to Trump’s infamous “both sides” rhetoric about the violence at the gathering with a tweet calling white supremacy “repulsive.” Trump was apoplectic with Ryan over his comment, according to excerpts from The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s upcoming tell-all Peril that Insider published Wednesday.
Trump phoned Ryan and screamed about him not being “in the foxhole with me,” according to the book. Ryan reportedly told Trump he had “a moral leadership obligation to get this right and not declare there is a moral equivalency here.”
“These people love me. These are my people,” Trump raged at Ryan in response. “I can’t backstab the people who support me.” Ryan noted the presence of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. Trump admitted there were “some bad people.”
“I get that. I’m not for that. I’m against all that,” he reportedly said. “But there’s some of those people who are for me. Some of them are good people.”

(full article online)

Sorry, I miswrote.
But stop generalizing all Democrats. I do not generalize all Republicans.

I am against those who want Power for Power's sake and take all the Rights that citizens have fought so hard to achieve. And those unfortunately have been on the Republican side for the past 20 years especially.

Some Republican States wanted to put people in charge of Secretary of State positions in order for them to decide the winner of an election and not the voters.

Sane Republican voters voted NO to all of them.

More Sanity is needed in the Republican Party.
And you don’t think more sanity is needed in the New Democrat Party? They collude with media to suppress information that would cost them the election, push for massive spending bills while the Fed is trying to reduce inflation, welcome in million of illegals knowing that 90% of them are flouting our laws, have 11-year-olds read books on how gays perform oral sex, are effectively erasing women’s sports teams by allowing biological boys to compete on them, giving awards designed for women to transgenders, casting the majority of Republicans as “threats to democracy,” censoring free speech, and hiding evidence in order to take political prisoners.
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And you don’t think more sanity is needed in the New Democrat Party? They collude with media to suppress information that would cost them the election, push for massive spending bills while the Fed is trying to reduce inflation, welcome in million of illegals knowing that 90% of them are flouting our laws, have 11-year-olds read books on how gays performing oral sex, are effectively erasing women’s sports teams by allowing biological boys to compete on them, giving awards designed for women to transgenders, casting the majority of Republicans as “threats to democracy,” censoring free speech, and hiding evidence in order to take political prisoners.
And you don’t think more sanity is needed in the New Democrat Party? They collude with media to suppress information that would cost them the election, push for massive spending bills while the Fed is trying to reduce inflation, welcome in million of illegals knowing that 90% of them are flouting our laws, have 11-year-olds read books on how gays performing oral sex, are effectively erasing women’s sports teams by allowing biological boys to compete on them, giving awards designed for women to transgenders, casting the majority of Republicans as “threats to democracy,” censoring free speech, and hiding evidence in order to take political prisoners.
You have no evidence of it. Republican sources are not evidence of it.

Republicans do not respect the Asylum laws of the country for the past 7 to 8 years. I will not bother with your numbers. It was Reagan who first gave amnesty to 3 Million illegal immigrants. Which led all others to come to this country afterwards.

No 11 year old is being given those books. You and the Republican Party have no evidence of it. It is like the Children being trafficked in a basement from a Restaurant, and Hilary Clinton was responsible for it.

GO on showing how you mainly, if not only, read Republican extremist sources designed to turn ignorant people like yourself against everything they say is true, but is not.

Right. The 1/6 insurrectionists are as much Political Prisoners as the Palestinians in Israeli Prisons who have murdered, attacked, etc Israelis and others in Israel. That is what we have.

Republicans today are Exactly what the Palestinians made of themselves.

Figure it out.
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Some Republicans cannot explain why so many Conservative Republicans decided against voting for a Republican President and other officials since 2016.

Sane Republicans who started voting for Democrats since 2016.

This is a list of Republicans and conservatives who opposed the re-election of incumbent Donald Trump, the 2020 Republican Party nominee for President of the United States. Among them are former Republicans who left the party in 2016 or later due to their opposition to Trump, those who held office as a Republican, Republicans who endorsed a different candidate, and Republican presidential primary election candidates that announced opposition to Trump as the presumptive nominee. Over 70 former senior Republican national security officials and 61 additional senior officials have also signed onto a statement declaring, "We are profoundly concerned about our nation's security and standing in the world under the leadership of Donald Trump. The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term."[1]

A group of former senior U.S. government officials and conservatives—including from the Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump administrations have formed The Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform (REPAIR) to, "focus on a return to principles-based governing in the post-Trump era."[2]

A third group of Republicans, Republican Voters Against Trump was launched in May 2020 has collected over 500 testimonials opposing Donald Trump.[3]

(full list online)

So while it’s not at all surprising, it’s nevertheless extremely disturbing to learn that back in August 2017, not only did Trump praise a group of white nationalists and neo-Nazis and claim it had some very fine people among it, he referred to said group as “my people” while arguing with then House Speaker Paul Ryan over his remarks.

That shit was debunked years ago.
On the day that it happened.
Most of the solutions were put into place during the Trump administration. Biden removed those solutions. There you have it.
No, I do not have it. Separating families and caging children is not a solution.

Patching the walls or fences and never finishing with 4 times 365 days to do it, is not a solution.
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Never. She just parrots her talking points like a good little drone
And you guys parrot the utter nonsense pedaled by the left regarding securing our border. They want more government dependency with hopes of gaining more votes in the future. It is very, very simple.
Hard to believe that anyone would court White Supremacist votes, but one candidate for Presidency did:

Then-2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not immediately condemn white supremacists because "a lot of these people vote," he told former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

That's according to a Washington Post excerpt published Wednesday of a forthcoming book, titled "Confidence Man," by New York Times' White House correspondent Maggie Haberman.

Christie, a close ally of Trump's at the time, urged him during his 2016 campaign to more forcefully condemn white supremacists who had expressed support for his candidacy, including David Duke.

Trump told Christie that he would condemn them but not right away. "A lot of these people vote," he said before hanging up the phone, Haberman wrote.

During his time in office, Trump was often criticized for refusing to denounce white supremacists in harsh terms. After the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump said days laterthat there was "blame on both sides."

In his 2020 presidential debate against then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Trump declined to unequivocally condemn white supremacists and militia groups when asked by moderator Chris Wallace to do so.

"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by," Trump responded, referring to the far-right group.

(full article online)

My goodness, you still believe that nonsense about Charlottesville where they took his quote completely out of context? Amazing. Do yourself a favor and read his entire speech that day and they get back to me. The MSM has tricked you and many others.
And you don’t think more sanity is needed in the New Democrat Party? They collude with media to suppress information that would cost them the election, push for massive spending bills while the Fed is trying to reduce inflation, welcome in million of illegals knowing that 90% of them are flouting our laws, have 11-year-olds read books on how gays performing oral sex, are effectively erasing women’s sports teams by allowing biological boys to compete on them, giving awards designed for women to transgenders, casting the majority of Republicans as “threats to democracy,” censoring free speech, and hiding evidence in order to take political prisoners.
This is what is being taught in schools:

My goodness, you still believe that nonsense about Charlottesville where they took his quote completely out of context? Amazing. Do yourself a favor and read his entire speech that day and they get back to me. The MSM has tricked you and many others.
It was not taken out of context at all. Anymore than what he said during the debate about the Proud Boys group. "Stand down and Stand by".

Proud boys did not misunderstand at all what he said. And they stood down and stood by until they were all called to DC on 1/6/21.

Trump loves all of his voters, no matter who they are, where they came from or what their views are:

Voters he has been counting on less and less since the 2016 election, as so many non white supremacy groups and people have chosen to vote Democrat and for their own interests.
Yes, and that’s important. At least the Republicans are trying to limit the Democrats’ friendliness with a Communist country that is on the state sponsor of terrorism list. Better something than nothing.
Did you bother to look and see who put Cuba on the terrorism sponsor list?



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