Biden administration says inflation no longer a problem


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

First Biden says he ended the Pandemic, now Biden says he fixed inflation.

Don't understand why he is not more popular with the ladies.
That $6.00+ a dozen eggs I picked-up for mom this morning at Wally World would beg to differ.....It worked out to .51 cents each......Never mind gas went up 50 cents a gallon in eight days.


First Biden says he ended the Pandemic, now Biden says he fixed inflation.

Don't understand why he is not more popular with the ladies.
Where did he say he "fixed inflation"?

Did you link the wrong article?
Say hi to the Griswolds for me.
Being out of touch with reality is the norm for politicians.
That $6.00+ a dozen eggs I picked-up for mom this morning at Wally World would beg to differ.....It worked out to .51 cents each......Never mind gas went up 50 cents a gallon in eight days.

Chickens stop laying eggs in the winter because of a shortage of sunlight.
That $6.00+ a dozen eggs I picked-up for mom this morning at Wally World would beg to differ.....It worked out to .51 cents each......Never mind gas went up 50 cents a gallon in eight days.


You can dig deeper for proof of inflation as well if you want.

A good indicator of inflation is the bond market. Last year it had a inverted yield curve. Which basically means if you buy a 2 year bond then you get more money back in interest than a 10 year bond. Which is the opposite of what a healthy economy is. If everything is healthy then you get more for a 10 year bond because it's a reward for investing longer. But they invert the yield curve for 2 reasons. 1 is to entice people to buy more bonds for "a quick turn around on interest investing" and 2 because the fed artificially buys those bonds to keep the bond market looking good so on everything looks good on paper.

They also have been suppressing the price of gold and silver. By trying to push people into the bond market. Gold is down .73 today and silver is still lower than it was 2 years ago and beyond.

But central banks last year bought record amounts of gold. They hadn't bought that much gold since the 60s I believe. They buy up all the gold to shield themselves from economic collapse.

Then of course last year you had the fed raising basis points on interest rates every couple months to "fight inflation". You don't put people in more economic trouble to save them from economic trouble. Janet yellen is a lying piece of shit.

2022 saw a like 20 year low on average Americans personal savings which means people are having to spend more and save less.

The value of the dollar is also going down. The problem is when you print more money you lower the value of all other dollars by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. So when Biden sends billions and billions to Ukraine he in effect weakens our dollar because it isn't back by tangible assets. So the fed says the dollar is really worth 1.13 that doesn't mean our money is worth more, it means it's worth less because now what used to cost 1 dollar now costs 1.13. things aren't getting more expensive, our money is becoming worth less. But they act like our dollar being worth more than a dollar is actually good, it's another lie.

Actually, sending money out of our nation to other nations devalues their monies and increases the value of ours, simple supply and demand principles.
You can dig deeper for proof of inflation as well if you want.

A good indicator of inflation is the bond market. Last year it had a inverted yield curve. Which basically means if you buy a 2 year bond then you get more money back in interest than a 10 year bond. Which is the opposite of what a healthy economy is. If everything is healthy then you get more for a 10 year bond because it's a reward for investing longer. But they invert the yield curve for 2 reasons. 1 is to entice people to buy more bonds for "a quick turn around on interest investing" and 2 because the fed artificially buys those bonds to keep the bond market looking good so on everything looks good on paper.

They also have been suppressing the price of gold and silver. By trying to push people into the bond market. Gold is down .73 today and silver is still lower than it was 2 years ago and beyond.

But central banks last year bought record amounts of gold. They hadn't bought that much gold since the 60s I believe. They buy up all the gold to shield themselves from economic collapse.

Then of course last year you had the fed raising basis points on interest rates every couple months to "fight inflation". You don't put people in more economic trouble to save them from economic trouble. Janet yellen is a lying piece of shit.

2022 saw a like 20 year low on average Americans personal savings which means people are having to spend more and save less.

The value of the dollar is also going down. The problem is when you print more money you lower the value of all other dollars by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. So when Biden sends billions and billions to Ukraine he in effect weakens our dollar because it isn't back by tangible assets. So the fed says the dollar is really worth 1.13 that doesn't mean our money is worth more, it means it's worth less because now what used to cost 1 dollar now costs 1.13. things aren't getting more expensive, our money is becoming worth less. But they act like our dollar being worth more than a dollar is actually good, it's another lie.

Yep, but even the two-year bond yield sucked ass and I always thought he metals market was a sucker's bet because of manipulation both within the industry and external to it.

Me, I do very well putting my "fun money" into "alternate investments" be it blued steel and walnut, or cords of firewood I separate in to face cords (ricks) and sell to the city people. Thing is you need to be willing to put in the work....Me, I enjoy it.

The trick is knowing your market and profiting with no middleman or some fed/state/local .gov weenie standing there with their hands held out.

Folks would be amazed at what they could make just buying at yard sales on a Saturday and selling it on a Sunday at a local flea market....If they are savvy and buy what folks want.

Blah, these days folks think that they are too good to "stoop" to trickin'-n-tradin' and dealing in cash but the last I checked a dollar bill does not have cooties. ;)

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