Biden Administration & US Liberal Fake News Media Gives Putin Opportunity to Ask If Ashli Babbitt Was 'Assassinated'

If you replace 'assassinated' with 'murdered', what did Putin say that is wrong.

The Capitol Policeman made a bad decision and exercised excessive force by firing blindly, indiscriminately (or, if you listen to some snowflakes saw clearly at what / who he was shooting at - an unarmed white female, which makes it worse ) and shot / killed an unarmed, petite, white, female military vet who happened to be a conservative.

I am definitely a Putin fan / supporter, but specifically What part of the statement that the US Govt (Capitol Police) killed Ashli Babbitt did he get wrong?

Is it the fact that a Russian / Communist Dictator has just accurately pointed out that the US government is responsible for the murder / death of an American citizen as a result of a 'bad' shooting?


What do you think has happened / would happen if an unarmed black person was shot dead by a white officer almost anywhere in the country?
He didn’t fire blindly or indiscriminatley. Next lie please.
He’s not wrong.

“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
Babs got just what she deserved for trying to overthrow the government of the United States of America, Good riddance! Bigly!!!
Shitforbrains thinks a middle aged unarmed woman can overthrow the USA.

Who said the Left are insane?
Yup, she was there all by herself.

Rightists are insane.

(have you had your eyes checked recently?)

If only the eyes were the problem.
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:
There was nothing indiscriminate about it. She was the one jumping through the smashed window just outside the room that Congress was sheltering in. If you don’t recall, the Capitol Police have a duty to protect Congress just as Secret Service protect the president.
What danger did an unarmed woman present?
One of the agents would have had to try to engage her allowing others to pass through the breach in the barricaded doorway. They would have overwhelmed the guards. Her death is truly a shame and the one who enticed her there with his lies should be held accountable.

No, the window Ashli was trying to get through did not lead to anywhere sensitive.
Just the lobby outside the House.
So there was no reason to prevent her traversal of the window.
After Ashli was shot, the video then showed there were over 20 fully armed cops hiding out on and below the stairs, so there was no risk to anyone.
If you replace 'assassinated' with 'murdered', what did Putin say that is wrong.

The Capitol Policeman made a bad decision and exercised excessive force by firing blindly, indiscriminately (or, if you listen to some snowflakes saw clearly at what / who he was shooting at - an unarmed white female, which makes it worse ) and shot / killed an unarmed, petite, white, female military vet who happened to be a conservative.

I am definitely a Putin fan / supporter, but specifically What part of the statement that the US Govt (Capitol Police) killed Ashli Babbitt did he get wrong?

Is it the fact that a Russian / Communist Dictator has just accurately pointed out that the US government is responsible for the murder / death of an American citizen as a result of a 'bad' shooting?


What do you think has happened / would happen if an unarmed black person was shot dead by a white officer almost anywhere in the country?
He didn’t fire blindly or indiscriminatley. Next lie please.

If he did not blindly and indiscriminately fire, then it was deliberate 2nd degree murder, since Ashli was unarmed, constituted no threat to anyone, and was illegal to shoot.
They were hoping to stop the certification of the election by protesting enough so there would be an investigation.
That is not something bad, even if ignorant or based on false information.
I think you're underestimating how fringe some of these people were. Given the high percentage of QAnon supporters, there were almost certainly far more extreme views.

For starters, there's plenty of video of various protestors out there talking about committing acts of physical harm against Congress members.

QAnon and some of the more extreme fringe that were present believed in a conspiracy that Trump was going to announce martial law, that the military was going to show up and arrest Democratic congress members and hold military trials for treason. There's more than enough video of protestors calling police and Congress members traitors.

Don't portray this as some normal protest. It was far from it. There were explicit threats to elected officials.
He’s not wrong.

“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”

He is totally wrong you Communist stooge. Putin is playing you rubes like a violin. Why don't you move to your mother Russia.

She did not walk into Congress She was attempting to use force to impose her will on the government. Political demands? Their candidate lost and there is no such thing as political demands. Putin arrests people for making political spee4ch such as a all-girl band who were jailed for singing "Putin go home".
it is interesting. I’ve never before heard of a mob busting doors and windows, attacking police, referred to befor as “walking into Congress”.

If you replace 'assassinated' with 'murdered', what did Putin say that is wrong.

The Capitol Policeman made a bad decision and exercised excessive force by firing blindly, indiscriminately (or, if you listen to some snowflakes saw clearly at what / who he was shooting at - an unarmed white female, which makes it worse ) and shot / killed an unarmed, petite, white, female military vet who happened to be a conservative.

I am definitely a Putin fan / supporter, but specifically What part of the statement that the US Govt (Capitol Police) killed Ashli Babbitt did he get wrong?

Is it the fact that a Russian / Communist Dictator has just accurately pointed out that the US government is responsible for the murder / death of an American citizen as a result of a 'bad' shooting?


What do you think has happened / would happen if an unarmed black person was shot dead by a white officer almost anywhere in the country?
He didn’t fire blindly or indiscriminatley. Next lie please.

If he did not blindly and indiscriminately fire, then it was deliberate 2nd degree murder, since Ashli was unarmed, constituted no threat to anyone, and was illegal to shoot.
Then every killing of an unarmed person, including home invaders, is murder.
Ashli Babbit "assassinated???" Well, that is just asinine.

The OP is just regurgitating Russian propaganda. To remind the OP, Russian propaganda is filth meant to divide Americans. Russians know that Trumpers are easy marks for their trash. Please OP, stop being a tool for the Reds.
The only one murdered that day, but you firmly believe it was an insurrection…oh my!!!!
Unarmed trespassers can easily overthrow the USA in Leftard minds.

They were not trespassers. they were launching a assault on the capitol. Several had plastic ties that are used for restraining people.
The plastic ties were debunked.
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:

She was part of a large mob trying to smash their way through the capitol doors. Had they not done that she would not have been killed. You are a enemy of the country.
You people kill unarmed American citizens protesting an election outcome. China and other brutal dictatorships are proud of you.

They were not protesting. They were attacking to stop the certification of the election.

They were hoping to stop the certification of the election by protesting enough so there would be an investigation.
That is not something bad, even if ignorant or based on false information.
Woah...once they begin destroying property and assaulting and injuring police, and threatening the lives Congress, it is no longer a “Protest”.
Ashli Babbit "assassinated???" Well, that is just asinine.

The OP is just regurgitating Russian propaganda. To remind the OP, Russian propaganda is filth meant to divide Americans. Russians know that Trumpers are easy marks for their trash. Please OP, stop being a tool for the Reds.
The only one murdered that day, but you firmly believe it was an insurrection…oh my!!!!
Unarmed trespassers can easily overthrow the USA in Leftard minds.

They were not trespassers. they were launching a assault on the capitol. Several had plastic ties that are used for restraining people.
The plastic ties were debunked.
Reported by journalists I think.
He’s not wrong.

“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
So do I .....
He’s not wrong.

“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
What's that old saying?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!

That is the current state of conservativism in America for the last few years, and it's only getting worse by the week. It reminds me of what my father said on more than one occasion. He said, "Don't behave as if stupidity were a virtue."

Conservatives keep making fools out of themselves, and they're too frigging clueless to even realize how foolish they look.

I say give them ALL the rope they want!
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:
There was nothing indiscriminate about it. She was the one jumping through the smashed window just outside the room that Congress was sheltering in. If you don’t recall, the Capitol Police have a duty to protect Congress just as Secret Service protect the president.
What danger did an unarmed woman present?
One of the agents would have had to try to engage her allowing others to pass through the breach in the barricaded doorway. They would have overwhelmed the guards. Her death is truly a shame and the one who enticed her there with his lies should be held accountable.

No, the window Ashli was trying to get through did not lead to anywhere sensitive.
Just the lobby outside the House.
So there was no reason to prevent her traversal of the window.
After Ashli was shot, the video then showed there were over 20 fully armed cops hiding out on and below the stairs, so there was no risk to anyone.
You sure there was no risk? How they tell whether or not any one was armed or what she had in her backpack? The speakers lobby gave the mob access to the House chamber. There were House members still present When mob was trying to force their way through.
Ashli Babbit "assassinated???" Well, that is just asinine.

The OP is just regurgitating Russian propaganda. To remind the OP, Russian propaganda is filth meant to divide Americans. Russians know that Trumpers are easy marks for their trash. Please OP, stop being a tool for the Reds.
She was murdered to intimidate others. Period.
If you replace 'assassinated' with 'murdered', what did Putin say that is wrong.

The Capitol Policeman made a bad decision and exercised excessive force by firing blindly, indiscriminately (or, if you listen to some snowflakes saw clearly at what / who he was shooting at - an unarmed white female, which makes it worse ) and shot / killed an unarmed, petite, white, female military vet who happened to be a conservative.

I am definitely a Putin fan / supporter, but specifically What part of the statement that the US Govt (Capitol Police) killed Ashli Babbitt did he get wrong?

Is it the fact that a Russian / Communist Dictator has just accurately pointed out that the US government is responsible for the murder / death of an American citizen as a result of a 'bad' shooting?


What do you think has happened / would happen if an unarmed black person was shot dead by a white officer almost anywhere in the country?
He didn’t fire blindly or indiscriminatley. Next lie please.

If he did not blindly and indiscriminately fire, then it was deliberate 2nd degree murder, since Ashli was unarmed, constituted no threat to anyone, and was illegal to shoot.

Ok, for a moment, let's suspend reality and the officer doesn't shoot. Babbitt makes up the door, in through the window and down into the corridor.
What do you think will happen next? She protests loudly? No...she unlocks the door and lets the rest of the mob in.

And then, where are we? Bottom line is she was warned not to. As a 12 year military veteran, she should have known better.
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:
There was nothing indiscriminate about it. She was the one jumping through the smashed window just outside the room that Congress was sheltering in. If you don’t recall, the Capitol Police have a duty to protect Congress just as Secret Service protect the president.
What danger did an unarmed woman present?
One of the agents would have had to try to engage her allowing others to pass through the breach in the barricaded doorway. They would have overwhelmed the guards. Her death is truly a shame and the one who enticed her there with his lies should be held accountable.

No, the window Ashli was trying to get through did not lead to anywhere sensitive.
Just the lobby outside the House.
So there was no reason to prevent her traversal of the window.
After Ashli was shot, the video then showed there were over 20 fully armed cops hiding out on and below the stairs, so there was no risk to anyone.
You sure there was no risk? How they tell whether or not any one was armed or what she had in her backpack? The speakers lobby gave the mob access to the House chamber. There were House members still present When mob was trying to force their way through.

Why didn't the officer step forward prior and warn people not to enter? He could have warned people that they would be shot. Instead, he remained silent and then shot her as she climbed into the window. It was completely unnecessary and, yes, murder.
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:

She was part of a large mob trying to smash their way through the capitol doors. Had they not done that she would not have been killed. You are a enemy of the country.
You people kill unarmed American citizens protesting an election outcome. China and other brutal dictatorships are proud of you.

They were not protesting. They were attacking to stop the certification of the election.

They were hoping to stop the certification of the election by protesting enough so there would be an investigation.
That is not something bad, even if ignorant or based on false information.
Woah...once they begin destroying property and assaulting and injuring police, and threatening the lives Congress, it is no longer a “Protest”.
They could have destroyed classic paintings and other artifacts but they didn't.
If the capital police had shot and KILLED some liberal protestor all hell would have broke loose and everyone knows it.
She was part of a large group of people beating down the last door before they reached members of Congress.

If a group of liberal protestors had broke into the White House and were smashing the last door before reaching the Oval Office where the president was, no one would question a liberal protestor being show as they crawled through that broken window.

No one.
So the police KILLED her indiscriminately? You people really should stop trying to justify the killing you don't have a leg to stand on. Unarmed group of American citizens protesting an election outcome, Dems open fire and kill an unarmed female protestor and you scumbags try to justify the killing. :eusa_hand:
There was nothing indiscriminate about it. She was the one jumping through the smashed window just outside the room that Congress was sheltering in. If you don’t recall, the Capitol Police have a duty to protect Congress just as Secret Service protect the president.
What danger did an unarmed woman present?
One of the agents would have had to try to engage her allowing others to pass through the breach in the barricaded doorway. They would have overwhelmed the guards. Her death is truly a shame and the one who enticed her there with his lies should be held accountable.

No, the window Ashli was trying to get through did not lead to anywhere sensitive.
Just the lobby outside the House.
So there was no reason to prevent her traversal of the window.
After Ashli was shot, the video then showed there were over 20 fully armed cops hiding out on and below the stairs, so there was no risk to anyone.
You sure there was no risk? How they tell whether or not any one was armed or what she had in her backpack? The speakers lobby gave the mob access to the House chamber. There were House members still present When mob was trying to force their way through.
All you are doing is condoning murder. If a cop, in any Democratic shithole, shot someone for that it would be the end of the fucking world.
If you replace 'assassinated' with 'murdered', what did Putin say that is wrong.

The Capitol Policeman made a bad decision and exercised excessive force by firing blindly, indiscriminately (or, if you listen to some snowflakes saw clearly at what / who he was shooting at - an unarmed white female, which makes it worse ) and shot / killed an unarmed, petite, white, female military vet who happened to be a conservative.

I am definitely a Putin fan / supporter, but specifically What part of the statement that the US Govt (Capitol Police) killed Ashli Babbitt did he get wrong?

Is it the fact that a Russian / Communist Dictator has just accurately pointed out that the US government is responsible for the murder / death of an American citizen as a result of a 'bad' shooting?


What do you think has happened / would happen if an unarmed black person was shot dead by a white officer almost anywhere in the country?
He didn’t fire blindly or indiscriminatley. Next lie please.

If he did not blindly and indiscriminately fire, then it was deliberate 2nd degree murder, since Ashli was unarmed, constituted no threat to anyone, and was illegal to shoot.
Then every killing of an unarmed person, including home invaders, is murder.
That is a certifiable stupid statement. No surprise here.

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