Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

I guess you haven't been paying attention to the squealing coming out of Georgia. The electoral rules have been changed to circumvent that cheating "that never happened" and the Left is going bugshit over their chances of holding the state without the 2020 rules.
The rules were changed by a Republican legislature to create difficulty for certain parts of our electorate to vote. That is all it is, nothing more. The cheating NEVER happened. Independents counted the voted 3 times and had Dems and trump people overseeing the count----THREE TIMES.
Trump lost and his "steal the vote" nonsense is just that---nonsense. What makes you think that this fufnick company is being honest as it is loaded with trump supporters. We know that Trump is a grifter
and is "looking" for votes through this ninja crew after the fact.
You mean like the repubs did with Ebola?
Ebola is actually a DEADLY virus-------with a high mortality rate. Everyone from any infected area should not be allowed over.....NONE of them, especially assholes like this patient zero was coming knowingly sick, lying his ass off, and planning on staying here living off US taxpayers like his baby's momma. They all should be deported or shot still.
Ebola is actually a DEADLY virus-------with a high mortality rate. Everyone from any infected area should not be allowed over.....NONE of them, especially assholes like this patient zero was coming knowingly sick, lying his ass off, and planning on staying here living off US taxpayers like his baby's momma. They all should be deported or shot still.
4 people in the states died of Ebola and yall acted like some drama queens. 600k and counting die of Covid and yall retards say no problem. All of you fools are fucked in the head.
4 people in the states died of Ebola and yall acted like some drama queens. 600k and counting die of Covid and yall retards say no problem. All of you fools are fucked in the head.
I've had Covid---it was like having a cold for me. Ebola would probably kill me.
I've had Covid---it was like having a cold for me. Ebola would probably kill me.
This is the dilemma with this pathogen:

From April; The virus is spreading faster than ever before in India despite previous high infection rates in megacities, which should have conferred some protection.
The numbers are highly exaggerated.

I spoke with a friend of mine who is a mortician by trade, he assured me that his business isn't nearly as good as the alleged statistics would indicate. The medical examiners are assigning deaths to the cause of "corona" for the cash.

A former bar fly I knew passed last year with corona. The man was in a nursing home suffering from Stage IV liver cancer, sugar diabetes and emphysema at the time. None of those conditions could have been the actual cause of death I guess, it had to be covid?

Aside from your bizarre gaggle of friends in 2020 life expectancy dropped by 1.5 years in this country.

I believe the vaccinated have MORE reason to fear.
In recent weeks, one piece of data has gotten a lot of attention: 99.5% of all the people dying from COVID-19 in the U.S. are unvaccinated.

The mortality rate for the vaccinated is even lower than for the unvaccinated; why all the fear mongering for vaccination, right-wingers?
This is the dilemma with this pathogen:

From April; The virus is spreading faster than ever before in India despite previous high infection rates in megacities, which should have conferred some protection.
Have you ever been to India? It is one nasty chithole with alot of it not even having indoor bathrooms. NASTY.... The country is overpopulated to boot. Virus's jobs is to cull the herd........
With any luck, Republican governors can push the fatality rate way, way up. That should please you trump Nazis. And, hopefully, the vast majority of those deaths will be trump Nazis. After all, the Delta variant is surging in red states, where the resistance to vaccination is strongest.

Looking to Joey Xi Bai Dung to raise the death rate by the massive influx of Covid-19 infected illegal aliens distributed in gigantic super spreader of the 21st Century.
Have you ever been to India? It is one nasty chithole with alot of it not even having indoor bathrooms. NASTY.... The country is overpopulated to boot. Virus's jobs is to cull the herd........
Herd immunity was a rational expectation.
Really? I got my first vaccines back in the 60's. What is it that I should fear. Magnetism?
Probably should start with fearing the fact that you don't know the difference between a vaccine and mRNA inhibitor.
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



The word variant should be used synonymously with the words political propaganda. It will wax and wane
according to how much the Democrats need leverage against Republicans. When Trump starts his 2024 campaign we will suddenly have all kinds of variants flying in every direction rabidly and desperately. Mark my words the two events will coincide.

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