Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

That only works with women. I have advocated for bread tractors for the People:

If it weren't for right wing policies, those combines wouldn't least not that effectively...that's why left wing regimes are always running out of food, and their people are hungry
Right-wingers merely try to topple regimes with no plan for reconstruction; typical of the right-wing.
Sure it happens...we help give the oppressed people a chance to build their own....leftist regimes just take them over and oppress their people even more...Mao, Lenin.....the list goes on
If it weren't for right wing policies, those combines wouldn't least not that effectively...that's why left wing regimes are always running out of food, and their people are hungry
Kennedy was a democrat and took us to the moon. Right-wingers can't even win wars on third world nations even with the largest military in the world.
Sure it happens...we help give the oppressed people a chance to build their own....leftist regimes just take them over and oppress their people even more...Mao, Lenin.....the list goes on
To help corporations get more profit without having to compete for it, is more likely.
Kennedy was a democrat and took us to the moon. Right-wingers can't even win wars on third world nations even with the largest military in the world.
He was, but sadly would be called a Teabagger today by the Dems.

Wasn't it Johnson that lost to Vietnam?

The GOP tends end the wars...the leftist get us into....the only war in the 20th and 21st century started by a Republican...would be the Bushes in Iraq, both times...and frankly Bush I won, and Bush 2 left Obama and free and stable Iraq.
"Trump DID stop travel from China and was called a racist for doing so by the Democrat party."

Yeah thats actually not even the complete truth and it was the white europeans he let come into the country that brought it here.

It depends on their age. If you don’t differentiate between 65+ and 18 year low you’re missing important context

Two of my middle daughters friends, both in their early 40's, died of it last week. Could be with some comorbidity factors though, I haven't seen them since they were in High School. We'll get to herd immunity(if there is such a thing), hopefully before it mutates into a more deadly virus. But then again, couldn't it mutate into a less deadly form as well.
Breaking: Biden gave a speech today, "ah ah (rambling) ah Trump ah ah I meant the last president ah ah Obama, you know whoever was president when I was VP ah ah he caused the, anyway". :oops:
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



You right-wing whackoids are full of $hit clean up to your ears...

Nobody's engaging in 'fear mongerong'...

They're engaging in 'lifesaving'...
600k and counting had to suffer because of the fat orange fuckup that lost the election in Nov 2020.

If you are outraged and panicked over 4 people dying why are you relaxed that 600K are dead?

So now you're blaming Trump for the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 Virus?
While Joey Xi Bai Dung has allowed a million or more illegal aliens since his inauguration infected with Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's variants to enter this country creating a super spreader throughout America.
Two of my middle daughters friends, both in their early 40's, died of it last week. Could be with some comorbidity factors though, I haven't seen them since they were in High School. We'll get to herd immunity(if there is such a thing), hopefully before it mutates into a more deadly virus. But then again, couldn't it mutate into a less deadly form as well.
It’s sad when anyone dies from it, but I’m taking statistical data not anecdotal appeals

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