Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
doesnt mean i would actually vote for the guy reb,so calm down....but biden aint no where near as bad as harris will be if she had to take over......
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
Case and point ^
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
doesnt mean i would actually vote for the guy reb,so calm down....but biden aint no where near as bad as harris will be if she had to take over......
When Biden uttered the words Beto will be his gun czar should have been a brick wall will a high stop sign on it.
Escially when Beto said hell yes we're coming for your guns.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
Case and point ^
Thanks then you'll be voting for President Trump.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
doesnt mean i would actually vote for the guy reb,so calm down....but biden aint no where near as bad as harris will be if she had to take over......
When Biden uttered the words Beto will be his gun czar should have been a brick wall will a high stop sign on it.
Escially when Beto said hell yes we're coming for your guns.
well that guy was pretty far out there.....strange man....
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
doesnt mean i would actually vote for the guy reb,so calm down....but biden aint no where near as bad as harris will be if she had to take over......
When Biden uttered the words Beto will be his gun czar should have been a brick wall will a high stop sign on it.
Escially when Beto said hell yes we're coming for your guns.
well that guy was pretty far out there.....strange man....
but Joe said he was going to pick him for a unconstitutional position strange man or not
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.
SOME and FEW are far too many.

Unless they're your far more numerous violent white supremacist brownshirt pals, in which case you'll complete ignore that right-wing violence, when you're not justifying the violence.

Coupled with silence

Your silence on the issue of escalating right-wing violence does indicates your approval.

The two sides are opposites here. The liberals condemn violence, the conservatives approve of it, glorify it, and push for more of it. That's one reason why Trump is losing so big.

So, please continue. We Democrats appreaciate all the votes you're sending us.
Last edited:
Your dishonesty is interesting.

I said, 2018, shit-for-brains. You do realize Clinton wasn't running for president then, right? Are you just that stupid, or are you just that dishonest? As usual, if you'd like to say it was both, I think everyone would believe that.

Let's get back to what made you cry and run. The polls significantly underpredicted how many votes the Democrats would get in 2018. By your moron cult standards, that means the polls were being faked by Republicans to have an anti-Democrat bias.

As that was not the case, that would indicated you moron cult standards are indeed really 'effin stupid, and that only someone who had snacked on buckets of lead paint chips as a child would fall for such nonsense.
Your dishonesty is interesting.

I said, 2018, shit-for-brains. You do realize Clinton wasn't running for president then, right? Are you just that stupid, or are you just that dishonest? As usual, if you'd like to say it was both, I think everyone would believe that.

Let's get back to what made you cry and run. The polls significantly underpredicted how many votes the Democrats would get in 2018. By your moron cult standards, that means the polls were being faked by Republicans to have an anti-Democrat bias.

As that was not the case, that would indicated you moron cult standards are indeed really 'effin stupid, and that only someone who had snacked on buckets of lead paint chips as a child would fall for such nonsense.
The opposing party always wins mid terms
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

This is hilarious. Biden being honest not qualified to be a policeman, fireman or priest. What is wrong with that?

What percentage any of you to be qualified to these professions? Have any of you ever seen the physical requirements, training, endurance of a cop or a fireman? I’ve seen it.
I am physically fit, tennis, golf, pick up basketball, scuba diving, ballroom dancing, no fat, ( and casino) no medications. And there’s no way I can pass any of those physical requirements to be a cop or a fireman.
Priest? Probably die in convent after 5 days of celibacy.

Here is the exact transcript of the town hall. Start at 32:37 when Michelle Marrero

How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

Comparing these 2 candidates. Biden was seen in bicycles with a mask on. Can your fat boy Donnie do that?
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

He is playing this smart, while Trump overplayed the "tough on crime angle". Really, Trump was fooled into this position, but, he didn't take the bait entirely, by for instance, sending in National Police and getting all the bad video coverage. That was wise. IMO he has to grab the moderates to win.

"Yes, we go after violent looters and rioters, however, unlike SOME, we aren't going to write Bills that thrown people in prison for life for stupid, non-violence decisions years ago. Even the police don't want that."

"Thus, we enacted the First Steps Act, no other government passed this, we also put forward police reform that provides a balance. NO citizen should have their civil liberties harmed no matter the issue, color of their skin. All deserve Due Process be they the accused or the police".

THAT is how Trump wins the Independents and keeps Biden from gaining traction with the progressives, blacks and undecided for instance. Why Trump feels he needs to preach to the choir is beyond me. When you're in a tough battle and have the energy with your base, expand it, don't sit on it safely.

Next debate, Trump has to grab the middle by talking about avoiding wars and his economic positions on China. He has to point his opponents as they extremists and the most intolerant to the opportunities for minorities and Middle America. Trump has four years of successes, tout it all, not just red meat for the converted.

Economic positions on China??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We are loosing the Trade Wars. I mean loosing BIG TIME. Here’2 links to proved how awful is this incompetent president trade dealings with China.

When this Dude declared TW with China3 years ago he said its very easy to win, we have not seen any progress except prices went, made US farmers welfare recipients, causing US companies to suffer ending getting sued by 3,500 US companies.

He also promised to shrink the trade deficits. After 3 years and 11 months...... trade deficits is at highest ever since 2006.


Some 3,500 U.S. companies sue over Trump-imposed Chinese tariffs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 3,500 U.S. companies, including Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), Ford Motor Co (F.N), Target Corp (TGT.N), Walgreen Co (WBA.O) and Home Depot (HD.N) have sued the Trump administration in the last two weeks over the imposition of tariffs on more than $300 billion (£235.35 billion) in Chinese-made goods.

SOME and FEW are far too many.

Unless they're your far more numerous violent white supremacist brownshirt pals, in which case you'll complete ignore that right-wing violence, when you're not justifying the violence.

Coupled with silence

Your silence on the issue of escalating right-wing violence does indicates your approval.

The two sides are opposites here. The liberals condemn violence, the conservatives approve of it, glorify it, and push for more of it. That's one reason why Trump is losing so big.

So, please continue. We Democrats appreaciate all the votes you're sending us.

Your Democrats are defending what you call “white supremacist” behavior. You call it “peaceful protest”.
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

He is playing this smart, while Trump overplayed the "tough on crime angle". Really, Trump was fooled into this position, but, he didn't take the bait entirely, by for instance, sending in National Police and getting all the bad video coverage. That was wise. IMO he has to grab the moderates to win.

"Yes, we go after violent looters and rioters, however, unlike SOME, we aren't going to write Bills that thrown people in prison for life for stupid, non-violence decisions years ago. Even the police don't want that."

"Thus, we enacted the First Steps Act, no other government passed this, we also put forward police reform that provides a balance. NO citizen should have their civil liberties harmed no matter the issue, color of their skin. All deserve Due Process be they the accused or the police".

THAT is how Trump wins the Independents and keeps Biden from gaining traction with the progressives, blacks and undecided for instance. Why Trump feels he needs to preach to the choir is beyond me. When you're in a tough battle and have the energy with your base, expand it, don't sit on it safely.

Next debate, Trump has to grab the middle by talking about avoiding wars and his economic positions on China. He has to point his opponents as they extremists and the most intolerant to the opportunities for minorities and Middle America. Trump has four years of successes, tout it all, not just red meat for the converted.

Economic positions on China??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We are loosing the Trade Wars. I mean loosing BIG TIME. Here’2 links to proved how awful is this incompetent president trade dealings with China.

When this Dude declared TW with China3 years ago he said its very easy to win, we have not seen any progress except prices went, made US farmers welfare recipients, causing US companies to suffer ending getting sued by 3,500 US companies.

He also promised to shrink the trade deficits. After 3 years and 11 months...... trade deficits is at highest ever since 2006.


Some 3,500 U.S. companies sue over Trump-imposed Chinese tariffs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 3,500 U.S. companies, including Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), Ford Motor Co (F.N), Target Corp (TGT.N), Walgreen Co (WBA.O) and Home Depot (HD.N) have sued the Trump administration in the last two weeks over the imposition of tariffs on more than $300 billion (£235.35 billion) in Chinese-made goods.

The trade deficits of highest record in last 14 years is an indicator that US economy is shrinking. Fast.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?

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