Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.

Here's a portion of results from your honest/casual mixed message.

Austin, Texas, $150 million cut
Seattle, $3.5 million cut
New York, $1 billion cut
Los Angeles, $1 billion cut
San Francisco, $120 million cut
Oakland, $14.6 million cut
Washington D.C., $15 million cut
Baltimore $22 million cut
Portland, Oregon, $16 million cut
Philadelphia $33 million cut
Hartford, Conn. $1 million cut
Those numbers are meaningless out of context.

Missing context #1: Reason for the cuts.
Missing context #2: % of the whole of each cut.
Missing context #3: Were the funds reallocated, or truly cut. Was the reallocation or the cut empirically needed, or not...

Along with several other missing contexts that make merely posting those numbers as a fly by meaningless

Of course the funds were reallocated. For some dumbass reason you feel any of these cities will return the funds to taxpayers.
I didn't imply that, I asked you a question...several, actually, and all you could pick out was some dipshit potshot because of the hate in your heart.

Great, how about getting off your rear and doing your own research.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.
No - your Cult leader in Chief has directed you to malign the Democrats with the Riots, and the Democrats empathized with the peaceful protesters while denouncing the violence...not accounting for any fringe nutter retards...but your Boss took the fringe nutter retards as evidence that you should amp up your hatred of "Dems" and "the left," even though if you used your real fuckin brain as opposed to your Cult-speak, you'd realize "da skary dems" are just some neighbors, postmen, police, managers, etc etc. About 47% of Registered Voters.

You've been socially engineered to hate.
Polls!! Polls! Those 1,500 random calls! Place your bets! I remember 2016. We've seen this movie before:

What year is this?
A presidential election year, just like 2016.

How is it just like 2016?
It is like 2016 because we are electing a president, and the MSM and polls are all in the tank for democrats, just like 2016.
Except in 2020 Trump has a successful economic record and way more support from minorities, the energy sector, the police, and voters who object to riots and mob rule.
So now we decide based on a popular vote? How do the swing states look?

Not any better.
Would you mind proving that via a link? Specifically: FL, AZ, PA, MN, NH, NV and MI. Not sure about the polls as I have never been polled. Have you? Anyone you know?
Instead of being 'not sure' about the Polls, why don't you instead study their rate of accuracy and make an informed decision on how much weight you give them, in predicting the reality of things?

Everyone rags on polls, the polls have been WAY more accurate at predicting races then these partisans on messageboards screaming "but but but 2016 polls!!" before, yannow, they actually do some digging into the issue.

Those are rhetorical questions. Don't even need 2 bother.
I need more data on who was polled, what questions were asked, etc. Have you ever been polled?
Yes, I've been polled by Siena College.
I have never been polled. Neither have any of my relatives, friends or even friends of friends. I do not know one person who has been polled. Does it mean the polls are incorrect? Not necessarily but I am not sure we can take them as gospel. My only point.

Polls aren't reliable. To many variables.

Like who is asking the questions.
Where are they asking the questions.
Who's being asked the questions.

Way to many variables to take them seriously.
So now we decide based on a popular vote? How do the swing states look?

Not any better.
Would you mind proving that via a link? Specifically: FL, AZ, PA, MN, NH, NV and MI. Not sure about the polls as I have never been polled. Have you? Anyone you know?
Instead of being 'not sure' about the Polls, why don't you instead study their rate of accuracy and make an informed decision on how much weight you give them, in predicting the reality of things?

Everyone rags on polls, the polls have been WAY more accurate at predicting races then these partisans on messageboards screaming "but but but 2016 polls!!" before, yannow, they actually do some digging into the issue.

Those are rhetorical questions. Don't even need 2 bother.
I need more data on who was polled, what questions were asked, etc. Have you ever been polled?
Yes, I've been polled by Siena College.
I have never been polled. Neither have any of my relatives, friends or even friends of friends. I do not know one person who has been polled. Does it mean the polls are incorrect? Not necessarily but I am not sure we can take them as gospel. My only point.

Polls aren't reliable. To many variables.

Like who is asking the questions.
Where are they asking the questions.
Who's being asked the questions.

Way to many variables to take them seriously.
Why do you ask the questions that are published in the methodology and then advertise your ignorance as though they're not answered?

What you're doing - on the level of psychology, is coddling yourself. The polls are bad news for Trump and so you're sowing doubt in your brain about the polls - - - when there's studies that will tell you, if you cared to look, the % accuracy in each and every single one of them. They have a track record, they've sort of been doing this.

Cult worship rules out rational thinking.
'Reallocating funds' is NOT the same as 'Defunding the police'. Democrats started publicly supporting these domestic terrorists and radicals who publicly called for the defunding of police, the elimination of police in favor of social workers and psychologists, and the poll numbers in response scared the crap out of them. So suddenly 'defunding the police' became 'reallocation of funds'.

By the way, no one dared touch my question about Biden lying about having police organization support. Too bad - because Biden never said he had police organization support. Biden insinuated that he had police support, and Trump was on him like a duck on a June Bug demanding he name 1.

Joe could not name one...he just stammered, tried to change subjects, but Trump wouldn't let him. Chris Wallace finally had to come to Biden's rescue and save his ass:

TRUMP: He's talking about defunding the police.

BIDEN: That -- that is not true.

TRUMP: He doesn't have any law support --

BIDEN: Would (ph) you -- look --

TRUMP: He has no law enforcement support, almost nothing.

BIDEN: That's not -- look --

TRUMP: Oh really? Why do you have? Name one group that supports you. Name one group that came out and supported you.

BIDEN: Look --

TRUMP: Go ahead --

BIDEN: Look --

TRUMP: -- think. We have time.

BIDEN: We don't have time to do anything except --


TRUMP: No, no, think about it.

WALLACE: All right --

BIDEN: All right, folks --

TRUMP: Name one law enforcement group --

BIDEN: Folks --

TRUMP: -- that came out and supported you, Joe.


WALLACE: I think -- I think -- gentlemen, I think I'm going to -- I'm going to take back the moderator's role --

TRUMP: There aren't -- I don't think there are any.

WALLACE: -- and I want -- and I want to get to another subject, which is the issue of protests in many cities that have turned violent. In Portland, Oregon, especially, we had more than 100 straight days of protests -- which I think you would agree, you talk about peaceful protests -- many of those turned into riots.

Trump was right - Biden doesn't have any support from police organizations, and Biden was walking another 'razor's edge' between his usual moderate beliefs and the radical left who want to eliminate - truly defund - the police. Again, Wallace bailed Joe's ass out so he would not have to admit he had zero police organization support.
So now we decide based on a popular vote? How do the swing states look?

Not any better.
Would you mind proving that via a link? Specifically: FL, AZ, PA, MN, NH, NV and MI. Not sure about the polls as I have never been polled. Have you? Anyone you know?
Instead of being 'not sure' about the Polls, why don't you instead study their rate of accuracy and make an informed decision on how much weight you give them, in predicting the reality of things?

Everyone rags on polls, the polls have been WAY more accurate at predicting races then these partisans on messageboards screaming "but but but 2016 polls!!" before, yannow, they actually do some digging into the issue.

Those are rhetorical questions. Don't even need 2 bother.
I need more data on who was polled, what questions were asked, etc. Have you ever been polled?
Yes, I've been polled by Siena College.
I have never been polled. Neither have any of my relatives, friends or even friends of friends. I do not know one person who has been polled. Does it mean the polls are incorrect? Not necessarily but I am not sure we can take them as gospel. My only point.

Polls aren't reliable. To many variables.

Like who is asking the questions.
Where are they asking the questions.
Who's being asked the questions.

Way to many variables to take them seriously.
Why do you ask the questions that are published in the methodology and then advertise your ignorance as though they're not answered?

What you're doing - on the level of psychology, is coddling yourself. The polls are bad news for Trump and so you're sowing doubt in your brain about the polls - - - when there's studies that will tell you, if you cared to look, the % accuracy in each and every single one of them. They have a track record, they've sort of been doing this.

Cult worship rules out rational thinking.

Nothing cult about my thinking. If honesty doesn't suit you to fucking bad.

After all you believe in polls. I'd bet you believed the 2016 polls. Surprise.

Polls are for idiots and you fit that bill.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
So now we decide based on a popular vote? How do the swing states look?

Not any better.
Would you mind proving that via a link? Specifically: FL, AZ, PA, MN, NH, NV and MI. Not sure about the polls as I have never been polled. Have you? Anyone you know?
Instead of being 'not sure' about the Polls, why don't you instead study their rate of accuracy and make an informed decision on how much weight you give them, in predicting the reality of things?

Everyone rags on polls, the polls have been WAY more accurate at predicting races then these partisans on messageboards screaming "but but but 2016 polls!!" before, yannow, they actually do some digging into the issue.

Those are rhetorical questions. Don't even need 2 bother.
I need more data on who was polled, what questions were asked, etc. Have you ever been polled?
Yes, I've been polled by Siena College.
I have never been polled. Neither have any of my relatives, friends or even friends of friends. I do not know one person who has been polled. Does it mean the polls are incorrect? Not necessarily but I am not sure we can take them as gospel. My only point.

Polls aren't reliable. To many variables.

Like who is asking the questions.
Where are they asking the questions.
Who's being asked the questions.

Way to many variables to take them seriously.
Why do you ask the questions that are published in the methodology and then advertise your ignorance as though they're not answered?

What you're doing - on the level of psychology, is coddling yourself. The polls are bad news for Trump and so you're sowing doubt in your brain about the polls - - - when there's studies that will tell you, if you cared to look, the % accuracy in each and every single one of them. They have a track record, they've sort of been doing this.

Cult worship rules out rational thinking.

Nothing cult about my thinking. If honesty doesn't suit you to fucking bad.

After all you believe in polls. I'd bet you believed the 2016 polls. Surprise.

Polls are for idiots and you fit that bill.
You can't even do to, too and two right...that's two posts straight.

There's no such thing as "believe in polls," they're not a Deity...they're not Santa Claus.

They're statistical data that has a percent-accuracy in predicting the outcome of elections.

You asked a bunch of questions that are answered inside of a polls' though the answers are unclear or hidden or a mystery.

That's honesty, that's the truth...and it is "too fucking bad" that you're that entrenched in kiddie partisan politics to any longer think like a reasonable, rational adult.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Want to reduce crime? Have fewer single parent households.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.
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You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.

SOME and FEW are far too many. Coupled with silence and and ignorance of the rest of Democrats to the point where they deny the existence of groups’ roles in the violence (i.e. ANTIFA), it is ENOUGH for law enforcement groups not to support Democrats. You can call me a “shit supporter” but the only lie that exists is the big one between your ears.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.
No - your Cult leader in Chief has directed you to malign the Democrats with the Riots, and the Democrats empathized with the peaceful protesters while denouncing the violence...not accounting for any fringe nutter retards...but your Boss took the fringe nutter retards as evidence that you should amp up your hatred of "Dems" and "the left," even though if you used your real fuckin brain as opposed to your Cult-speak, you'd realize "da skary dems" are just some neighbors, postmen, police, managers, etc etc. About 47% of Registered Voters.

You've been socially engineered to hate.

Social engineered my ass. The skary Dems are not neighbors, etc. They are the likes of Congressmen like Jerry Nadler or Senators like Mazie Hirono or Presidential Candidates like Joe Biden who deny the existence and role of ANTIFA in these acts of violence. The only social engineering at play here are Democrat leaders who deny extistebce of a terrorist movement. The “peaceful” protestors they empathize with are those that stop traffic and attack cars.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.
No - your Cult leader in Chief has directed you to malign the Democrats with the Riots, and the Democrats empathized with the peaceful protesters while denouncing the violence...not accounting for any fringe nutter retards...but your Boss took the fringe nutter retards as evidence that you should amp up your hatred of "Dems" and "the left," even though if you used your real fuckin brain as opposed to your Cult-speak, you'd realize "da skary dems" are just some neighbors, postmen, police, managers, etc etc. About 47% of Registered Voters.

You've been socially engineered to hate.

Social engineered my ass. The skary Dems are not neighbors, etc. They are the likes of Congressmen like Jerry Nadler or Senators like Mazie Hirono or Presidential Candidates like Joe Biden who deny the existence and role of ANTIFA in these acts of violence. The only social engineering at play here are Democrat leaders who deny extistebce of a terrorist movement. The “peaceful” protestors they empathize with are those that stop traffic and attack cars.
Democrats are 47% of registered Voters.

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