Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
I believe that verbiage matters and “defunding the police” has a bad connotation. When did you own it? I must have missed it. The Left would not denounce the riots until they started slipping in the polls. Nadler called the riots a myth and Biden called Antifa an idea. Difficult to take that party seriously especially when they cannot tell the difference between men and women.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
I believe that verbiage matters and “defunding the police” has a bad connotation. When did you own it? I must have missed it. The Left would not denounce the riots until they started slipping in the polls. Nadler called the riots a myth and Biden called Antifa an idea. Difficult to take that party seriously especially when they cannot tell the difference between men and women.
So you ARE that stupid. Thanks for clarifying!
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
Trump is not that. The Prog media/entertainers/politicians/elites push it.
No, I ascertained that by reading his tweets, not by listening to MSNBC. He is Super Divisive, like 100x a day. They, Them! They, them! the other side are all monsters!!!!

straight out of his fat fingers...alllllll day, every day. It's beneath the office to be that deeply head fucked on a DAILY basis
The president is not decisive he also doesn't sit back and be attacked
Criminal acts should be attacked and destroyed
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
I don't support Biden as a punishment for the party having their head up their ass and picking two self-sabotage candidates in a row.

I'm writing in Michael Jordan.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
I believe that verbiage matters and “defunding the police” has a bad connotation. When did you own it? I must have missed it. The Left would not denounce the riots until they started slipping in the polls. Nadler called the riots a myth and Biden called Antifa an idea. Difficult to take that party seriously especially when they cannot tell the difference between men and women.
So you ARE that stupid. Thanks for clarifying!
So you are an easily triggered leftist. Thanks for the confirmation. Instead of debating politely you attack like a rabid dog. Come get some, Fido.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
i would actually lean toward biden....but the minute he picked harris that went out the i am back to picking Rufus T.Firefly....
why would anyone with common sense even consider voting for biden? IF YOU SUPPORT HIM YOU GAVE YOU SUPPORT FOR LAWLESSNESS
you give up your rights to privacy and property
And the economy we had will be gone forever with Bidens pipe dream of green energy.
Would you like 8 more years of obama?
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
trump is just advancing the divisiveness started by bush,and carried on by obama......all 3 were/are terrible at uniting people....
if you're going to compare what trump does to them...then i'd say you're being quite an apologist.

bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him, and obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments. if thats the same thing to you...then i dont think we operate within the same reality, lol

he tweets attacks literally like 100x a day and it's pretty much all he ever does.

all day

even in the 1-4am area
they all divided people GT....maybe you are being an apologist for bush and obama.... all 3 sucked big time at bringing the other side to even give them the benefit of the doubt...
No, I'm able to differentiate between typical politician and going full retard, and Trump is on twitter every day going full retard. Trying to be kissy kissy with 'fairness' does not mean there aren't clear levels to all of these things - I'm for the truth, however unfair anyone might find it. Trump divides more than anyone I've ever seen, and that's empirical - - - he says more to divide in a single day on twitter than you can dig up from 16 years of BushObama.
dividing people is dividing people.....the 2 guys you are trying to make excuses for did it enough were the country was way more divided then when Clinton was over....the only difference between these 3 party people is.....trump has a bigger mouth.....
your last 5 words made my case

that was the case i was making

you didnt wanna hear it about trump because you have an axe to grind with fairness

there's empirical answers for things like this, and your last 5 words uncloaked you from your own dissonance of same
oh i do?.....and what fairness would that be?.....
the kind where instead of realizing you proved my point by saying trump has the biggest mouth...

youd rather still be thinking 'yeah, but all the other guys did it toooo'

your attitude with being unable to gauge the empirical difference in their divisive rhetoric is the cause of these races to the bottom in the first place
GT did bush divide the country more than when clinton was president?.....did obama divide it even further? made excuses for each one of them....maybe your problem is you dont realize you dont have to have a big mouth to divide people.....ever since bush this country has become a war zone.....and your buddy biden aint going to make it any better....
I didn't make one single excuse.

That's what you saw because your emotions didn't like me calling trump the MOST divisive.

That's just empirically true.

Bidens my buddy now too? More emotional lashing out. Biden is asleep. My buddies are awake.
you didnt?....who said this?....."bush wasnt even that bad, it was the dudes under him" about this one?..." obama made a couple of uncouth off the cuff comments"...sounds like excuses GT.....and i can give a rats ass about trump.....the guy is a jerk...
They were comparisons, an excuse is when you're morally allowing for something...I didnt do that. Without having to get too retarded because Trump being more divisive than them both combined is just an empirical fact. He works dividing into 100% of his days and doesn't know any other way.
sure they were GT.....sounded like excuses to me....especially the bush excuse....
That's because you're emotionally protecting Trump.

Anyone that isn't able to discern that he's more divisive than them doesn't have the capacity for reasoned discussion regarding the issue. You're a trump guy, either closeted or other...but nobody objective could miss that detail.
yea im protecting a guy i think is a fucking jerk.....what type of pot are you smoking GT it must be a pretty good
Its 2020.

There's an election.

I made an empirically true comment about the Candidate that's outright calling for division on a daily basis, and in an actually obsessive way.

You should have had zero issue with that stand alone and factually correct comment, but instead, you were provoked to mention 'but but but them toooo.'

That's race to the bottom mentality. Wrong is wrong. Trump is on the ticket.
did you notice how i said back in the beginning that trump was keeping that division going?...and i was doing what you were doing,making a comment,but because i mentioned 2 guys you must like you started on me.....
Two guys I must like? Politically, they are close to polar opposites and that makes no sense.

Look, the fact of the matter is...Trump is attempting to convince the nation that democrats support riots, chaos, don't support the police, hate the country, want after birth abortions, are in a pedophile slave trade, don't support law and order, and have a massssssssive conspiracy to cheat on the election.

That's today. That's little boy in chief. He needs buh bye, and the polls reflect the non partisans that are tired of his fuckin shit. Good.
Many of the Rioting leaders are morons and mentally ill. With many people following them. Progs did not curtail them. But have they slowed down now?
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
I believe that verbiage matters and “defunding the police” has a bad connotation. When did you own it? I must have missed it. The Left would not denounce the riots until they started slipping in the polls. Nadler called the riots a myth and Biden called Antifa an idea. Difficult to take that party seriously especially when they cannot tell the difference between men and women.
So you ARE that stupid. Thanks for clarifying!
So you are an easily triggered leftist. Thanks for the confirmation. Instead of debating politely you attack like a rabid dog. Come get some, Fido.
Anyone who has bought into the trope I'm talking about is a waste of time. Sorry, and I don't debate. I either have a discussion or learn not to, like this case where you nutbars are somehow convinced your friends and neighbors are all of a sudden anti cop election cheating rioters just because a bunch of college aged dorks in a few big cities are whining for a cause.

Waste of time.
Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
And? Not sure what you are getting at in your biased post LOL.

Pretty sure data, that you love so much illustrates that places that "defunded the police" have seen an increase in crime. Or is that a myth or an idea like Antifa?
Biased post? It was a Journalist's research into the history of the defund the police movement...someone challenged that the funds aren't reallocated (see the underline).
Journalist's spin as the journalist failed to state that not funding the police results in more crime. Sorry. That is a fact. Defunding the police today involves not only cutting money from police budgets, which often constitute up to a third of a city’s entire budget, but reinvesting it into transformative justice programs that emphasize community-building efforts, like mental health services, over policing. For context, programs like affordable housing and health care have been gradually defunded over the last 50 years, while police budgets have remained unchanged and even enlarged. In New York City, for example, the funding for law enforcement grew nearly 30 percent over the last decade and is bigger than the Departments of Health, Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, and Youth and Community Development combined. This gap between supporting the roots of a community’s well-being and the forces that punish marginalization are at the heart of calls to defund police.
Reducing single parent households is a part of the goal of the programs the funds were proposed to be reallocated.

Just shut up - nobody WANTS more crime. Fucking OBVIOUSLY. That part of the discussion is the poisoned well that your President created for you. If you say it out loud, "democrats want more crime!" might have a millisecond of humility and realize how pathetically fucking stupid that sounds and you should be ashamed of being led like a sheep into believing such a stupid fucking thing about 47% of registered voters.

Moms, daughters...Dads..professionals....Cops!!?!?! military, all of those have plenty of these people you're saying want higher crime.

Like a dummy. You've been used by an orange clown.
Didn’t take long for you to get nasty and personal. Coward. Don’t say stuff on a message board that you would not say to someone’s face. Disagreements are fine but acting like you just did is cowardly. Makes you a pussy.
I'm not afraid of message board warriors...that was super dorky. Sorry...when you bite dumb narratives I'll say it with my chest. Here, there and anywhere...thinking the "Dems" are anti law and order is a retarded trope.
When did I say that? Find that post. Thanks.
Its the entire meme, is it not.

"Dems" want to "defund the Police"

Skeery Dems.

They're the anti law and order pro RIOTS and burning party. Trump literally says those words on his tWatter. Because he's a child...and if you believe those things, then you are as well. If not? I pegged you wrong. Its on me.
Did I post that meme? You lost your shit like a petulant child. Now you’re back pedaling. At least own it.
Hey bitch, I said its on me and then you said own it. Read much? But you still didn't answer if that's what you believe or don't about "the scary left" so I'm gunna let my comments stand until you denounce that fak divisive dogshit.

If makes you wanna cry and street fight or whatever again..check your meds. It ain't that serious, toughnuts.
I believe that verbiage matters and “defunding the police” has a bad connotation. When did you own it? I must have missed it. The Left would not denounce the riots until they started slipping in the polls. Nadler called the riots a myth and Biden called Antifa an idea. Difficult to take that party seriously especially when they cannot tell the difference between men and women.
So you ARE that stupid. Thanks for clarifying!
So you are an easily triggered leftist. Thanks for the confirmation. Instead of debating politely you attack like a rabid dog. Come get some, Fido.
Anyone who has bought into the trope I'm talking about is a waste of time. Sorry, and I don't debate. I either have a discussion or learn not to, like this case where you nutbars are somehow convinced your friends and neighbors are all of a sudden anti cop election cheating rioters just because a bunch of college aged dorks in a few big cities are whining for a cause.

Waste of time.
Never said any of it. But you just make up your own news. Learn to listen.

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