Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.

SOME and FEW are far too many. Coupled with silence and and ignorance of the rest of Democrats to the point where they deny the existence of groups’ roles in the violence (i.e. ANTIFA), it is ENOUGH for law enforcement groups not to support Democrats. You can call me a “shit supporter” but the only lie that exists is the big one between your ears.

I'm a Navy Vet and a retired LEO, and I've been a Democrat since I turned 21. I've not been silenced and I'm not ignorant as to the issues of the day - framed in World and US history.

Trump has exacerbated the violence with his dog whistle rallies and tweets, ongoing since 2015; his divisive rhetoric has divided our nation into hostile camps, and he has punished and destroyed too many citizen's lives and careers who did not fall in step with his desires.

Many Trump Supporters use BIG LIES, half-truths, rumors and innuendos to assassinate the Character of Every Democrat, in office or not. Using the RED SCARE in their lame effort to make the ACA some sort of totalitarian policy limiting liberty, and yet in the same breath attack those who they claim lack taking any personal responsibility. Such hypocrisy is aware for anyone to see, in the behavior of Moscow Mitch and those who choose to support his unscrupulous actions.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.
Last edited:
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.

Oh, I can, you are just not worth the time. If Trump is evil, show us what he has done that is evil. Be specific.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.
When you're in a cult, there's a built-in protective layer of dissonance. Anything you could say would be excused by them Trump cultists - I wouldn't even bother.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.

Oh, I can, you are just not worth the time. If Trump is evil, show us what he has done that is evil. Be specific.

Sure, I'll waste my time with you, since others will read this post and you will come back with an ad hominem or other foolish response.

"President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections."

Only an evil megalomaniac would take this action.

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.

Oh, I can, you are just not worth the time. If Trump is evil, show us what he has done that is evil. Be specific.

Sure, I'll waste my time with you, since others will read this post and you will come back with an ad hominem or other foolish response.

"President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections."

Only an evil megalomaniac would take this action.

Wrong. The evil megalomaniac is the screwy bitch who wants to bail out shittily run Democrat hellholes on the backs of taxpayers from all over the country. That bitch doesn't give a shit about the middle class. She just wants them to cover for her and her assholes who spend on corrupt projects, like Her family members who got bailed out of the Solyndra debacle by obummer.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.

Oh, I can, you are just not worth the time. If Trump is evil, show us what he has done that is evil. Be specific.

Sure, I'll waste my time with you, since others will read this post and you will come back with an ad hominem or other foolish response.

"President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections."

Only an evil megalomaniac would take this action.

Wrong. The evil megalomaniac is the screwy bitch who wants to bail out shittily run Democrat hellholes on the backs of taxpayers from all over the country. That bitch doesn't give a shit about the middle class. She just wants them to cover for her and her assholes who spend on corrupt projects, like Her family members who got bailed out of the Solyndra debacle by obummer.

Wow, such a display of misogyny and hate wrapped in lies. You are one F'd up piece of human excrement.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

In 2020, Democrats have either talked about defunding the police, denied or justified the violence in the streets. This has nothing to do with what Trump says. The Democrats’ voices or silence has been on display for Americans to see.

SOME Democrats have talked about defunding the police. SOME! Very few people justify violence, vandalism and arson. You're posting another BIG LIE, the same shit supporters of Donald Trump do all the time.


And for Trump cultists ... It works.

Thank you! You might notice that my post above (#122) was disliked by Westwall. It seems much like all of the trump supporters he is incapable of responding with an expository rebuttal.

It's no wonder the trump tribe cannot defend their unscrupulous leader, they can't man up to admit trump is evil.

Oh, I can, you are just not worth the time. If Trump is evil, show us what he has done that is evil. Be specific.

Sure, I'll waste my time with you, since others will read this post and you will come back with an ad hominem or other foolish response.

"President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections."

Only an evil megalomaniac would take this action.

Wrong. The evil megalomaniac is the screwy bitch who wants to bail out shittily run Democrat hellholes on the backs of taxpayers from all over the country. That bitch doesn't give a shit about the middle class. She just wants them to cover for her and her assholes who spend on corrupt projects, like Her family members who got bailed out of the Solyndra debacle by obummer.

Wow, such a display of misogyny and hate wrapped in lies. You are one F'd up piece of human excrement.

No misogyny, merely a declaration of what a feckless, contemptible, piece of shit, SHE is. Not all women...HER.

And good old feckless liar you, makes accusations based on nothing but YOUR feckless lies.

When it comes up to fucked up people, your face is on the dictionary page for the description.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

He has the support of murder mob Antifa and kneels for BLM.

Which candidate to vote for if you want to feel morally righteous. I have no idea...
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

Biden doesn't support trigger happy cops, so they don't support him..what a surprise huh..
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

If I’m lying. Why not prove it and dissect every point? Instead of giving me straight blank rebuttal but I don’t mind updating your innocence.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 3,500 U.S. companies, including Tesla Inc, Ford Motor Co, Target Corp, Walgreen Co and Home Depot have sued the Trump administration in the last two weeks over the imposition of tariffs on more than $300 billion in Chinese-made goods.

U.S. farm bankruptcies hit an eight-year high: court data

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. farm bankruptcy rates jumped 20% in 2019 - to an eight-year high - as financial woes in the U.S. agricultural economy continued in spite of massive federal bail-out funding, according to federal court data.

Long before the coronavirus pandemic hit, American farmers were struggling. They lost important export markets because of the U.S.-China trade war and growing international competition. Then this health crisis emerged and disrupted an already volatile supply chain
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

I’m very sure you don’t understand why 3,500 companies sued Trump. Here is a link to show how DUMB is that wrecking ball ignorant moron destroyed this country.

Here's why US importers and consumers pay Trump's tariffs, not China

With U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement on Thursday of tariffs on another $300 billion of Chinese imports, nearly all goods from China will be subject to import taxes, and Trump says they generate billions of dollars in revenues for the U.S. Treasury from China.

But that is not how tariffs work. China's government and companies in China do not pay U.S. tariffs directly. Tariffs are a tax on imported products and are paid by U.S.-registered firms to U.S. customs when goods enter the United States.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

And I don’t FUCKING lie in any of my post. Don’t you ever forget that.

If you have any doubt why not ask me a question or challenge me like ......... Prove it
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

And I don’t FUCKING lie in any of my post. Don’t you ever forget that.

If you have any doubt why not ask me a question or challenge me like ......... Prove it
Fake News....LOL

They are suing over procedure and timeframe vs actual tariffs and trade wars are painful. Short term pain for long term gain. China is feeling major pain, difference is their companies don’t have any rights. Of course companies will feel pain as goods are cheap coming from China. Doesn’t mean we don’t need to hold China accountable.

Look familiar?

The survey found that farmers largely view the trade disruption as short-term pain for long-term gain.

While only 14% think their farm operations will be better off financially a year from now, more than half said they expected something good to ultimately come out of the trade war. And about 44% said they believe the U.S. economy will be stronger in three years.

Trade wars suck but China needs to be held accountable. Next time present both parts of the argument. You’re as dishonest as Harris and her lie on Abe Lincoln.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

And I don’t FUCKING lie in any of my post. Don’t you ever forget that.

If you have any doubt why not ask me a question or challenge me like ......... Prove it
Fake News....LOL

They are suing over procedure and timeframe vs actual tariffs and trade wars are painful. Short term pain for long term gain. China is feeling major pain, difference is their companies don’t have any rights. Of course companies will feel pain as goods are cheap coming from China. Doesn’t mean we don’t need to hold China accountable.

Look familiar?

The survey found that farmers largely view the trade disruption as short-term pain for long-term gain.

While only 14% think their farm operations will be better off financially a year from now, more than half said they expected something good to ultimately come out of the trade war. And about 44% said they believe the U.S. economy will be stronger in three years.

Trade wars suck but China needs to be held accountable. Next time present both parts of the argument. You’re as dishonest as Harris and her lie on Abe Lincoln.

Fake news just because you don’t like it? Sadly. Trump trained you well. Those are exact real news. Read what it mean how a tariffs are applied. Read it don’t stare at it.

Sure China is feeling the heat but WE Americans are sufferings and taking the heat from the tariffs. NOT China.

What do you mean by short term pain and long term gain on tariffs???? There are NO such thing as long term gain on high tariffs except higher prices that we Americans pay on all foreign goods from China.

Hold China accountable LIKE WHAT? We are now paying the price. That’s dumb.

Look familiar??? What is that mean?
What survey? Can you provide a link what survey are you talking about?

According to you trade disruptions as short term pain and long term gain. You are LYING BIG TIME. How dumb can you be to say something like that when 20% of farmers filed for bankruptcies last year 2019 alone and more will file this year 2020. On top of billions of farmers bailout. They lost their farms they had for generations because of Trump stupidity and they are not getting it back. Plus laid off of farm machinery manufacturers equipments. You are more ignorant than I thought.

No one in the right mind will say something good will come out from Trade wars. No one. Only idiot will say something like that.

According to you.... About 44% believe the US economy will be stronger in 3 years. IN 3 YEARS...... Where did you get the 44%???? So what happened to today’s economy and in next 2 years? We had a good economy to start with but your MORON wrecked it.

According to you..... Trade Wars is suck China should be held accountable. At any given part of TW ....... How can you held China accountable? HOW? Even with Phase 1 they bought soybeans from Brazil instead from US farmers.

Remember all the soybeans China said it would be buying from the U.S. once the phase one trade deal was inked and tariffs were rolled back? Well, they are buying from the wrong country.

China’s Brazilian soybean imports in June broke a record, based on China’s General Administration of Customs data from this weekend. They bought 10.51 million tons of soybeans in June, an increase of 91% from June of last year. Volume also rose 18.6% from May volumes.
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

And I don’t FUCKING lie in any of my post. Don’t you ever forget that.

If you have any doubt why not ask me a question or challenge me like ......... Prove it
Fake News....LOL

They are suing over procedure and timeframe vs actual tariffs and trade wars are painful. Short term pain for long term gain. China is feeling major pain, difference is their companies don’t have any rights. Of course companies will feel pain as goods are cheap coming from China. Doesn’t mean we don’t need to hold China accountable.

Look familiar?

The survey found that farmers largely view the trade disruption as short-term pain for long-term gain.

While only 14% think their farm operations will be better off financially a year from now, more than half said they expected something good to ultimately come out of the trade war. And about 44% said they believe the U.S. economy will be stronger in three years.

Trade wars suck but China needs to be held accountable. Next time present both parts of the argument. You’re as dishonest as Harris and her lie on Abe Lincoln.

Dishonest? I don’t need to lie and dishonest I presents exact real facts.
According to you..... Next time present both parts of arguments. WHAT BOTH PARTS are you talking about Dude?
The polls are run by the same propagandists as last time.

The polls underpredicted the Democratic vote in 2018.

Thus, according your standards, the polls are run by Republican propagandists, and Biden's lead must be even bigger.
Your dishonesty is interesting. Everyone and their mother thought that HRC would win in a landslide. You have yet to get over that loss.

2016? Fast forward........ 2020 bro. Look at us, it will be a miracle if we can recover 2021, economic crisis, health crisis, racial crisis and all 3 Trump is not capable of solving these crisis because of ineptness and incompetence.

Brace yourself.
Yet before the China virus we were doing great. Why did you omit that?
True and false. True the economy was good before the Pandemic ....... false because we are heading the wrong way how Trump handled the economy.

Trade wars is a disaster prices of commodities went up, he made farmers welfare recipients and causing 19% of farmers filed bankruptcies after billions $ of bail out. I’m not sure how we can recover from that. We have a record breaking unemployment expected surplus but we have deficits.

How and what ever you look at it Trump performance is bad. Then he made it worse when Coronavirus crisis came up.
Your entire post is a lie. Incredible. At least you’re consistent.

And I don’t FUCKING lie in any of my post. Don’t you ever forget that.

If you have any doubt why not ask me a question or challenge me like ......... Prove it
Fake News....LOL

They are suing over procedure and timeframe vs actual tariffs and trade wars are painful. Short term pain for long term gain. China is feeling major pain, difference is their companies don’t have any rights. Of course companies will feel pain as goods are cheap coming from China. Doesn’t mean we don’t need to hold China accountable.

Look familiar?

The survey found that farmers largely view the trade disruption as short-term pain for long-term gain.

While only 14% think their farm operations will be better off financially a year from now, more than half said they expected something good to ultimately come out of the trade war. And about 44% said they believe the U.S. economy will be stronger in three years.

Trade wars suck but China needs to be held accountable. Next time present both parts of the argument. You’re as dishonest as Harris and her lie on Abe Lincoln.

Dishonest? I don’t need to lie and dishonest I presents exact real facts.
According to you..... Next time present both parts of arguments. WHAT BOTH PARTS are you talking about Dude?
Explain how I am suffering? My business is doing great. Even during COVID. I feel safer because we have stronger border security and military. Our relations with Israel are at an all time high, which is important to me since I am Jewish. I do wish our healthcare wasn’t so convoluted. And I do wish we would balance our budget. I am being honest with you. You’re getting all angry like a little child.

Oh and my IRA and wife’s 401k are thriving. So why would I be angry? Please explain.
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