Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

one other thing about your post it wasn't a tax until the republicans made it a tax by taking it to court ... when they took it to court the court rule it as a tax ... again this was part of the plan it wasn't a tax it was a fine agreed upon when passed ... then the republicans made it a tax then they took it away nobody is paying for not buy health care ... why are you ragging about something that's not happening ... if anybody is lying here it is you ... like I said you have no idea what you are talking about ...

No, the Republicans took it to court because a fine was unconstitutional. The Republicans didn't change it to a tax, the Democrats had to in order to continue their penalties.
that's bested not busted moron can't even comprehend what you are reading ... you don't know how taxes are applied ... you have no idea what you are or aren't paying for I'm typing real slow so read it real slow ... The ACA is being paid for by people making over 250 k their tax rate is higher than the people under 250 k ... you still pay taxes you don't get to not pay any taxes anymore... no politician said you won't pay taxes anymore for people under 250 K ... IF that's what you thought you are stupider then I first thought ... everybody pays takes ... people over 250k are in a higher tax bracket ...people under 250k are charged the same rate they have been charged the year before ... do you get it ???

And I'm typing even slower so you get it: Commie Care could never be funded with taxes alone. The insurance companies have to raise their rates on people who don't get subsidies. Just because the communists don't call that a tax doesn't mean it isn't. It's still government taking money away from you.
If cutting taxes and spending is so great....can one of you conservative asshole explain Kansas under Gov. Brownback?
And I'm typing even slower so you get it: Commie Care could never be funded with taxes alone. The insurance companies have to raise their rates on people who don't get subsidies. Just because the communists don't call that a tax doesn't mean it isn't. It's still government taking money away from you.
If I'm to understand this post the communist government of Russia funds HC all on it's own?
Bullshit. You don't get coverage, you are charged a tax via your income tax refund. It's a tax on people making less than 250K a year because people who make that kind of money can easily afford healthcare.
you no how ignorant you sound ???? the charge was original a fine and you know it ... it also said if you were incapable of affording health care you could get health care under medicaid ... if you were a state that refused to accept the ACA, you still weren't fine for not being able to afford health care... thats in the bill ... I suggest you go on line and read the bill ... it was a year later when the republicans took it to court an sued it as being uncobstitunal... it was the Supreme Court who said it could be considered a tax ... the republicans then repealed that tax was never charged to anyone and it was originally a fine not a tax... if it was a tax everybody would be paying it you idiot ... as I said depending on how much you make and did your state accept the ACA for you to get the subsidy your state has to accept the ACA ... if they didn't you get to pay full price ...republicans refused to accept the ACA by having a republican governor they made you have to pay a very high price in health care ... I was paying 210 a month full coverage when it first came out ...Also at the beginning if you didn't get health care you got fined ... thats how the bill was written ... this fixation on the fine as being a tax is nonsense ... but you need a dead horse to beat... go educate yourself ... you have no idea how taxes are charged to the people don't know how a bill function... you just know how to whine...
If I'm to understand this post the communist government of Russia funds HC all on it's own?
do you know how ignorant you sound ... really if any one is a communist its the Republican Party ...they are the ones who tried to over throw the united state government not any liberal or democrat ... communist hate liberals/democrats thats a known fact ... democrats/liberals want nothing to do with communist ... only your communist lover Donald (Orange face) trump that seems to elude your
ability contemplate ...
Yes they do, and that's the direction this party wants to take us.
yeah these republican tried to over though the government last year on the 6 of January to make us communist ... but here we come to save the day... that means Joe biden is here ot save the day...we democrats/liberals will put that orang face turd idiot into a orange jump suit soon I hope ... he will be shitting on stainless toilets, instead of gold ones he has ...BWA hahahahahahahaha
No, the Republicans took it to court because a fine was unconstitutional. The Republicans didn't change it to a tax, the Democrats had to in order to continue their penalties.
The Supreme Court appears likely to uphold the Affordable Care Act after Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh bluntly criticized the logic underpinning a Republican lawsuit against it Tuesday during oral arguments.

Roberts and Kavanaugh seemed to clearly side with the court’s liberal wing of Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer in rejecting the idea that the ACA should be declared unconstitutional as a whole. Other conservative justices were less direct but also expressed skepticism.

The states then sued after the Republican-led U.S. House in 2017 set the tax penalty at zero. The appeals court agreed with a Texas trial judge who first heard the lawsuit. He ruled that because the tax was eliminated, the law could no longer be saved as a use of Congress' taxing power. like I said you have no idea what you are talking about...go educate yourself ...
I know how government works better than you do.
no you don't ... I had to explain to you how a tax bill works ... you had no idea you called a penalty a tax ...when it was clearly written as a penalty ... it was the republicans who got it changed to a tax the could 0 out that tax ... you didn't know that buddy you have no idea how government works you just think you do ... you're just another Fox News parakeet ... gun guy ray want a cracker ????
If cutting taxes and spending is so great....can one of you conservative asshole explain Kansas under Gov. Brownback?
its so bad there by his tax cuts fire department and utilities are failing ... people are starting to get mad republican people ... we democrats/l;iberals sit back and watch Humpty Dumpty try to put back the broke state ... its hysterical to watch ... feel sorry for the people but these republican get what they deserve
no you don't ... I had to explain to you how a tax bill works ... you had no idea you called a penalty a tax ...when it was clearly written as a penalty ... it was the republicans who got it changed to a tax the could 0 out that tax ... you didn't know that buddy you have no idea how government works you just think you do ... you're just another Fox News parakeet ... gun guy ray want a cracker ????

How did the Republicans (in the minority) change it to a tax? The Supreme Court said you cannot penalize people for not having healthcare insurance and Democrats had to change it to a tax to make it constitutional. Don't blame Republicans because your people are out there writing unconstitutional laws.
yeah these republican tried to over though the government last year on the 6 of January to make us communist ... but here we come to save the day... that means Joe biden is here ot save the day...we democrats/liberals will put that orang face turd idiot into a orange jump suit soon I hope ... he will be shitting on stainless toilets, instead of gold ones he has ...BWA hahahahahahahaha

The only Communists in our government are Democrats. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. It's almost identical to the Democrat party. Communist leaders all across the globe gave their support to DumBama.
How did the Republicans (in the minority) change it to a tax? The Supreme Court said you cannot penalize people for not having healthcare insurance and Democrats had to change it to a tax to make it constitutional. Don't blame Republicans because your people are out there writing unconstitutional laws.
it was done in 2017 ... I posted that information earlier I believe ...last I checked you republicans were in the majority ... do you ever try to do any research at all ... thats when it was determine a tax and the republicans made that tax bill cost to zero ... do you understand what being done to you ??? I say you don't ... you don't have a clue what's going on ... you hear some right wing blogger or conspiracy theorist , say they're raising you taxes and you bit on that hook and buy it ...
hook line and sinker ...
it was done in 2017 ... I posted that information earlier I believe ...last I checked you republicans were in the majority ... do you ever try to do any research at all ... thats when it was determine a tax and the republicans made that tax bill cost to zero ... do you understand what being done to you ??? I say you don't ... you don't have a clue what's going on ... you hear some right wing blogger or conspiracy theorist , say they're raising you taxes and you bit on that hook and buy it ...
hook line and sinker ...

The Republicans couldn't change it to a tax. Benedict Roberts ruled that you cannot fine people for not having insurance. He said it would have to be a tax so that's why the Communists changed it to a tax. Why would Republicans do that? They wanted to get rid of Commie Care, not have it comply with the constitution.
The only Communists in our government are Democrats. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. It's almost identical to the Democrat party. Communist leaders all across the globe gave their support to DumBama.
Yeah, communist governments all over the world....say what about the former 1-term president's butt bro Putin?
The only Communists in our government are Democrats. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. It's almost identical to the Democrat party. Communist leaders all across the globe gave their support to DumBama.
only in your demented mind
The Republicans couldn't change it to a tax. Benedict Roberts ruled that you cannot fine people for not having insurance. He said it would have to be a tax so that's why the Communists changed it to a tax. Why would Republicans do that? They wanted to get rid of Commie Care, not have it comply with the constitution.
i'll post it again for the week minded you ...
The Supreme Court appears likely to uphold the Affordable Care Act after Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh bluntly criticized the logic underpinning a Republican lawsuit against it Tuesday during oral arguments.

Roberts and Kavanaugh seemed to clearly side with the court’s liberal wing of Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer in rejecting the idea that the ACA should be declared unconstitutional as a whole. Other conservative justices were less direct but also expressed skepticism.

The states then sued after the Republican-led U.S. House in 2017 set the tax penalty at zero. The appeals court agreed with a Texas trial judge who first heard the lawsuit. He ruled that because the tax was eliminated, the law could no longer be saved as use of Congress' taxing power. like I said you have no idea what you are talking about...go educate yourself ... I told you the republicans change the tax law by making it cost 0 nobody ever got charged ... while these cases were in the courts they couldn't charge anybody ... you sit here and whine about taxes that were never charged...
i'll post it again for the week minded you ...
The Supreme Court appears likely to uphold the Affordable Care Act after Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh bluntly criticized the logic underpinning a Republican lawsuit against it Tuesday during oral arguments.

Roberts and Kavanaugh seemed to clearly side with the court’s liberal wing of Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer in rejecting the idea that the ACA should be declared unconstitutional as a whole. Other conservative justices were less direct but also expressed skepticism.

The states then sued after the Republican-led U.S. House in 2017 set the tax penalty at zero. The appeals court agreed with a Texas trial judge who first heard the lawsuit. He ruled that because the tax was eliminated, the law could no longer be saved as use of Congress' taxing power. like I said you have no idea what you are talking about...go educate yourself ... I told you the republicans change the tax law by making it cost 0 nobody ever got charged ... while these cases were in the courts they couldn't charge anybody ... you sit here and whine about taxes that were never charged...

You are talking about after the argument was made in 2017. The original ruling was that the government had no power to inflict penalties; that it would have to be a tax. This was changed on the bench by Benedict Roberts who as you said, sided with the liberal judges on the matter. It was not changed by Republicans, it was changed at the Supreme Court and from that point forward was called a tax by the Democrats.

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