Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

Not it's not. It's a matter of personal health, not public health. Public health is when you take measures to protect the public which these vaccines can't do. It's well documented.
you are so wrong ... back in the day when someone had a serious disease the state would enforce a quarantine not the persons deciding to stay home... you don't get to determine what your personal health when it concerns a pandemic ... the federal government does ... you are as stupid as anyone I have ever come across ... you have this attuned that you get to decide you medical fate ... I surprised that the government hasn't forced all of these nut cases that think their rights are being violated ... b the government can round up ever person force them to be vaccinated ... but thought the kindness of Joe bidden heart he has chose not to ... I on the other half would be going door to door with troops armed to the teeth and shoot you ass if you tried to resist their are 850,000 people dead because of Donald trump ...he is totally responsible for this virus getting loose in this country he is totally responsible of it getting loose in the world and of all their deaths in this world ... when idiots like you realize what you are saying and causing is astonishing on how stupid people can be
january 19 2017 the day of inauguration Barack Obama and Joe Biden came to give the keys so to speak to the white House to Donald Trump ... when they came into the oval office they had in their hands the play book as it was called by the cdc... Obama and Biden began explaining the book to Trump ... Biden told Trump about the H1Ni1 virus and how they blew it ... when the ebola virus got loose in Africa the CDC was there to stop all planes and ships from Africa... Only 3 Americans got the virus ... This was considered a great accomplishment... Donald Trump told Bob Woodward in his interview that he trashed the book as soon as they left ... he told woodward that he hated everything obama did and refused to use any on his plans ... on that date 2017 Trump pulled the CDC out of china and ever place in the world the cdc was in.... the CDC no longer had a early warning system when a virus broke out... fast forward december 2019 the chinese government contacted the W.H.O. who contacted the CDC about the Covid-19 virus many people were dying from it they needed help that time the CDC informed trump told him he needs to stop all planes and ships coming into the US this was December 2019... trump refused to do that ... he told bob Woodward at the time he felt it would affect the market and his ability to get reelected if the marked crashed because of a trump kept it from the people ...until they had a break out in a retirement home in Washington state ... at that time it was too late the virus was here in Washington new York and it slowly started popping up in the us all over ... by Donald Trump not stoping the planes and ships coming into the U.S. it cause the country to get infected people coming here they all started dying ... it took trump 5 months to finally stop people from coming into the U.S, he only stop China when he should have stopped the whole world... by this time Europe was totally infected and they were still coming into America ... when the CDC track down where the people got their infection from, they found the majority of the infections came from Europe ... it took another month for Trump to stop the people from Europe coming into the U.S. ... Donald Trump fear of losing his relection crashing the marked, trump himsself refuesed to stop all planes and ships from coming into the US ..every thing that I listed came from the interviews from bob woodword book and is all on tape word from Donald trump ... he was only concerned about his reelection he could care less about people dying ..
so don't tell me how great trump is he is going down as a mass murder in time by his action ... you watch ... if he gets relected that means all you republicans that elected him are responsible with all the deaths in the world too
you are so wrong ... back in the day when someone had a serious disease the state would enforce a quarantine not the persons deciding to stay home... you don't get to determine what your personal health when it concerns a pandemic ... the federal government does ... you are as stupid as anyone I have ever come across ... you have this attuned that you get to decide you medical fate ... I surprised that the government hasn't forced all of these nut cases that think their rights are being violated ... b the government can round up ever person force them to be vaccinated ... but thought the kindness of Joe bidden heart he has chose not to ... I on the other half would be going door to door with troops armed to the teeth and shoot you ass if you tried to resist their are 850,000 people dead because of Donald trump ...he is totally responsible for this virus getting loose in this country he is totally responsible of it getting loose in the world and of all their deaths in this world ... when idiots like you realize what you are saying and causing is astonishing on how stupid people can be

Of course you would. That's the typical Nazi mentality. But as long as we're a free country, it's not going to happen. The federal government has little power because we have states rights. I know the commies could care less about the Constitution, however our highest court in the land is right leaning and still adheres to it. This is why you fantasize of a North Korea or Cuban style of government over an American style where citizens have rights.

Of course you would. That's the typical Nazi mentality. But as long as we're a free country, it's not going to happen. The federal government has little power because we have states rights. I know the commies could care less about the Constitution, however our highest court in the land is right leaning and still adheres to it. This is why you fantasize of a North Korea or Cuban style of government over an American style where citizens have rights.

is that your always response ??? when you have people murdering people with their covid-19 infection ??? cause that's what they are doing... every time we try you stop this pandemic everything we do that you don't like is nazi ... you have no idea what nazi rule is ... you think nazis would make you get a shot really do you ??? no they would never make you get a shot ... they would tell everybody to come and get their shots in the country ...if you ever thought of saying I don't have to it's my right not to ... they would say fuck you pal and drag your ass out of your house line you all up and shoot your ass ...that's what a Nazi would do you moron... they fact that we make you get a shot against your will is nothing like what a Nazi would ever thinking of doing ... you would dead put in a giant pit with the rest of these anti-vaxxers or it's my right to choose fools and push dirt over you bullet-ridden body ... you have no clue what a nazi is all about ... you sir are a idiot
is that your always response ??? when you have people murdering people with their covid-19 infection ??? cause that's what they are doing... every time we try you stop this pandemic everything we do that you don't like is nazi ... you have no idea what nazi rule is ... you think nazis would make you get a shot really do you ??? no they would never make you get a shot ... they would tell everybody to come and get their shots in the country ...if you ever thought of saying I don't have to it's my right not to ... they would say fuck you pal and drag your ass out of your house line you all up and shoot your ass ...that's what a Nazi would do you moron... they fact that we make you get a shot against your will is nothing like what a Nazi would ever thinking of doing ... you would dead put in a giant pit with the rest of these anti-vaxxers or it's my right to choose fools and push dirt over you bullet-ridden body ... you have no clue what a nazi is all about ... you sir are a idiot

And you think they wouldn't do that if they could? Of course they would. Dementia tried to force the military into shots, medical facilities, and even businesess with threats of being thrown out of the military or having their business fire them. To add insult to injury, not even allowing them to collect unemployment.

Since you are ignorant on the subject, vaccinations do not stop covid. They only lessen the severity of the virus. You can still catch it and still pass it on, so you can get covid from a vaccinated person and they are no more of a threat than an un-vaccinated person.

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