Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

You posed from a blogger who wants you to believe their opinion pies … I can’t help you dumb fuck that you don’t know the difference between a fact or a opinion piece
Again, retard, I posted (not “posed”) information from CPUSA, not a blogger who makes “pies”. You are a monumental stooge.
Benefited their personal rights? Making laws to make it harder for law abiding people to own firearms is giving us personal rights? Forcing Americans to take medication they don't want is giving us personal rights? The Pork Bill includes hiring 83,000 more IRS agents with the law that banks have to report all transactions over $600.00 to the IRS is giving us personal rights? Locking up political foes in solitary confinement for trespassing, not giving them a court date or any way to bail out is giving us personal rights?

Yes we want to eliminate drop boxes and mail-in voting. What better way to cheat than to not present yourself and personal ID to vote? Years ago we didn't have either and we voted just fine. The Commies want to make it easy as hell to vote because that draws in the stupid and politically ignorant that always vote Democrat.

The bottled water story is bullshit. The commies were putting their candidates name on the bottle which is against voter laws in that state. You can give them all the water you want (as if people were too stupid to bring their own) as long as the bottle is not promoting any political candidate.
The bottle water was just passed in Georgia this last month … last I checked they hasn’t been a new election there yet … their law is written where you can’t bring food or water to them … yeah it is real you idiot … they also stopped voting on Sunday’s …why??? because black voter go to church then after church they would go an vote … in Georgia you can’t do that any more they also have passed that your mail in ballot has to be notarized … can you imagine that … well we dems sued on the notarized ballot got that repeals .., but that’s how scared the republicans are if losing power … there’s going to be a big turn around this up coming year … you will see republicans lose their seated, well known republicans ..I
Others words ya got nothing
What I find as a usual response from you rep-lie-tards like you, when one has a type-0 now you can’t spell … correct me if I’m wrong … the word was spelled correctly … but you can’t respond to the thought … cause dumb fucks like you pal you will do the same …. I will be there all over it … now dumb fuck prove your statement or be branded a dump fuck
The bottle water was just passed in Georgia this last month … last I checked they hasn’t been a new election there yet … their law is written where you can’t bring food or water to them … yeah it is real you idiot … they also stopped voting on Sunday’s …why??? because black voter go to church then after church they would go an vote … in Georgia you can’t do that any more they also have passed that your mail in ballot has to be notarized … can you imagine that … well we dems sued on the notarized ballot got that repeals .., but that’s how scared the republicans are if losing power … there’s going to be a big turn around this up coming year … you will see republicans lose their seated, well known republicans ..I

Because blacks go to church on Sunday. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Nobody else does, just blacks. Well I guess I must have grown up black. WTF would going to church have to do with voting?

We never had Sunday voting in our state with the exception of early voting. Our in person voting is on one day, election day and that's it. Guess what, plenty of blacks vote on election day.
Others words ya got nothing
oh, am I having fun with you... I new you could see it ... see I have spell check it pops it right up grammar and all ... I just leave it there for fools like you to waste your time ... just like I posed here for ya ... keep up the spell and illiterate finders on we need more clowns like you to tell us what we already know... you see it all pops up some tiles your type-o's get in the way mine don't iii it catches fools like you who thing they got ya,,, you only made a bigger fool of your self ... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what a moron ... hook line and sinker ... you guys are so easy ...
Have you ever looked at the constitution ??? where the government can make you get a shot …it can make you wear a mask … if you were half as bright as you think you are you would known this… your rights are not being violated … every school child in this country has to get shots … every person who goes over seas or comes into this country had to be vaccinated so the bull shit that you are being abused … you are trying to say you are being force in taking a shit it’s for the grater good so go read the god damn constitution … try to get passed the second amendment if you can …

Every person that comes into the country except illegals, huh? Most are not tested and even the ones that are tested positive are released into the public covid or not. No shot required to stay here. Dementia just buses or flies them all over the country coast to coast.

I'll be back after the Supreme Court decision to mock your prediction. Mandated vaccines violate the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore only states were permitted to issue vaccine mandates in the past--not the federal government. Also in the past, the vaccines stopped the spread of diseases which this covid shot doesn't do. You can catch and pass covid unvaccinated or vaccinated. So even if every single person in this country was vaccinated, it wouldn't stop the spread of covid. Therefore not a public health issue.
Because blacks go to church on Sunday. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Nobody else does, just blacks. Well I guess I must have grown up black. WTF would going to church have to do with voting?

We never had Sunday voting in our state with the exception of early voting. Our in person voting is on one day, election day and that's it. Guess what, plenty of blacks vote on election day.
what state do you live in ??? are you really this uneducated about black people ??? really ... the majority of Black people who go to church on Sunday... its a known history of all of them getting on the church buses heading for the voting polls to vote after church now this is in the state of Georgia ... this has been going on from day one ...most black people who vote don't have transportation to get to the polls so they all get together on Sunday at their local church... then after their sermon, they head to the polls to vote please tell me you knew this ... now my state colorado has every day open to voting ... being the 2 is the last day to vote ... my state colorado when the polls are open you don't see many voters there at the polling sites... because 90% of the people in colorado vote by mail-in ballot ... this last election 90% of the voters voted by mail in ballot ...
Every person that comes into the country except illegals, huh? Most are not tested and even the ones that are tested positive are released into the public covid or not. No shot required to stay here. Dementia just buses or flies them all over the country coast to coast.

I'll be back after the Supreme Court decision to mock your prediction. Mandated vaccines violate the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore only states were permitted to issue vaccine mandates in the past--not the federal government. Also in the past, the vaccines stopped the spread of diseases which this covid shot doesn't do. You can catch and pass covid unvaccinated or vaccinated. So even if every single person in this country was vaccinated, it wouldn't stop the spread of covid. Therefore not a public health issue.
like I said you have no idea what's in the constitution on pandemics as for releasing infected illegals into the country that never happens ... only in the blogger world of ray... the authority of the federal government to restrict commerce and gatherings during an epidemic is is said to be found in the commerce clause — Article I, Section 8, making this a power of Congress... so its there ... they can make you get a shot ...
Every person that comes into the country except illegals, huh? Most are not tested and even the ones that are tested positive are released into the public covid or not. No shot required to stay here. Dementia just buses or flies them all over the country coast to coast.

I'll be back after the Supreme Court decision to mock your prediction. Mandated vaccines violate the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore only states were permitted to issue vaccine mandates in the past--not the federal government. Also in the past, the vaccines stopped the spread of diseases which this covid shot doesn't do. You can catch and pass covid unvaccinated or vaccinated. So even if every single person in this country was vaccinated, it wouldn't stop the spread of covid. Therefore not a public health issue.
boy are you ignorant ... the reason they aren't dying is because of the vaccine ... the only people dying are unvaccinated people ...usually republicans ... I'm fine with that ... we need to thin the herd of stupid ...
You do realize you post is 99% blogger … that I have in past posted sites where it’s a blogger opinion piece… nobody has passed a 600 dollar income law it’s just another ranting Republican pieces that’s based on all lies … I’m not going to take my Time up on your post it’s to much all bull shit base, on let’s make our base feel good pieces that we are doing something in reality you are being lied to …

I never said it was passed. Comprehension problems or something? I said it's part of the Pork Bill that's still being debated in the House. The bill gives the IRS 80 billion dollars for expansion. It's the treasury department proposal that any transaction over $600.00 be reported to the IRS. If the Congress passes this 80 billion dollars, it gives them authority to honor the treasury departments proposal.
The only gun law we dems have passed was stop crazy people from buying a gun or people who have beat their spouse up for control … but not to worry trump repealed that law so now crazy people and wife beaters can still buy their guns … I mean the school and bars and concerts are dropping like flies … cause you felt your gun rights are being abused… you fool …

No, various commie cities and states have enacted gun restriction laws such as types of guns along with magazine size. The Supreme Court ordered all states to have some kind of carry laws on their books, however that doesn't mean they can't make it near impossible for a citizen to carry a firearm.

Just because it’s all over the internet doesn’t make it true … what makes it true is research.something you haven’t done … if you look at these documented sites you call proof you will see they are all one sided … they base the site on opinions not any actual factual evidence … the problem is when you go to s fact checkers and you find out you been lied to, the first thing out of your mouth is to deny it say it’s a dem/ liberal site … never mind it’s the truth you have to justify it’s a lie in your mind … so you chalk it up as a lying liberal site just like you have done here… every claim here you made has come from a blogger not a political researcher … political researcher do one thing as Joe Friday use to say .., just the facts man… so I can’t take you serious as a poster … just a angry ignorant Republican poster … when you come back with a post that’s actual factual with actual research by researcher I’ll just look at you as another Republican fool…

It has nothing to do with lib or conservative. Copies of these documents are all over the internet. They are non-partisan as they only reprint from those documents.
boy are you ignorant ... the reason they aren't dying is because of the vaccine ... the only people dying are unvaccinated people ...usually republicans ... I'm fine with that ... we need to thin the herd of stupid ...

What does that have to do with what I said? If a person decides not to get the vaccine, dies from covid, that's his or her own decision. The courts already ruled that states have the right to have mandates IF it's a matter of public health which this isn't because the vaccine does not stop covid, it only helps the individual if they do catch it--not stop the public spread.
like I said you have no idea what's in the constitution on pandemics as for releasing infected illegals into the country that never happens ... only in the blogger world of ray... the authority of the federal government to restrict commerce and gatherings during an epidemic is is said to be found in the commerce clause — Article I, Section 8, making this a power of Congress... so its there ... they can make you get a shot ...

It is not there and this mandate was not passed by Congress. Dementia just ordered it because Congress would never pass a mandate. It would be political suicide for many if they did pass it.

what state do you live in ??? are you really this uneducated about black people ??? really ... the majority of Black people who go to church on Sunday... its a known history of all of them getting on the church buses heading for the voting polls to vote after church now this is in the state of Georgia ... this has been going on from day one ...most black people who vote don't have transportation to get to the polls so they all get together on Sunday at their local church... then after their sermon, they head to the polls to vote please tell me you knew this ... now my state colorado has every day open to voting ... being the 2 is the last day to vote ... my state colorado when the polls are open you don't see many voters there at the polling sites... because 90% of the people in colorado vote by mail-in ballot ... this last election 90% of the voters voted by mail in ballot ...

What state am I from? You don't know where Cleveland is?

Trust me, I live in a predominately black suburb. All blacks are not going to church. In fact we have few Baptist churches in the area. Most black people don't have transportation? Was that supposed to be a racial joke or something? Never heard of buses, Uber or taxis?

If you took any one of these mythical people you speak of, tell them there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other end of the state, and all they have to do is show up with a valid ID, they would be there the next day.

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