Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

I don't care what your family members experienced ... democrats have nothing to do with the communist party they never have ... there is nothing you can say that will convince they are communist or on the edge of being a communist ... I've been a liberal democrat for 50 years and I accept everything they represent and they don't represent the communist party ... everything they have passed into law has always benefitted the people and their personal rights ... look at what the republicans want to do ... they want to remove drop boxes, they want to stop mail in ballots the most sercure way to vote ...they want to not let you vote on Sundays they say if they don't like the vote that was passed they will take the republican and put them in office ... if they lose the vote ... they say your vote will be voided if some one gives you water while standing inline there are so many thing ant to stop you from doing it just shocks you so don't give me my frien of a froend was in a comunist count and they are like demopcrats ...

Benefited their personal rights? Making laws to make it harder for law abiding people to own firearms is giving us personal rights? Forcing Americans to take medication they don't want is giving us personal rights? The Pork Bill includes hiring 83,000 more IRS agents with the law that banks have to report all transactions over $600.00 to the IRS is giving us personal rights? Locking up political foes in solitary confinement for trespassing, not giving them a court date or any way to bail out is giving us personal rights?

Yes we want to eliminate drop boxes and mail-in voting. What better way to cheat than to not present yourself and personal ID to vote? Years ago we didn't have either and we voted just fine. The Commies want to make it easy as hell to vote because that draws in the stupid and politically ignorant that always vote Democrat.

The bottled water story is bullshit. The commies were putting their candidates name on the bottle which is against voter laws in that state. You can give them all the water you want (as if people were too stupid to bring their own) as long as the bottle is not promoting any political candidate.
you do realize that 65% of Fox noise are lies ... this is your so-called proof ... hell if I use CNN or MSNBC as a source you would tell me to go packing ... I'm doing the same .... nothing that fox noise says is factual especially that guy ... he's just a big windbag that sucks mindless boobs like you

If that's what you believe then fact check him. It's all over the internet what the commies are doing and the Communist Manifesto and the Declaration of Independence are all over the internet. All you have to do is look up what he said and what the Democrats are doing. You can hate him and Fox all you want, but you can't deny documented proof unless you are so brainwashed you can't see your fingers in front of your face.
Funny, but my wife’s family all immigrated/escaped from a former Communist country and they would beg to differ. They know first hand what Communism is and they recognize the Democratic Party as a pre-cursor to losing freedom. They are staunch Republicans for that reason. They knew nothing of American politics before arriving, but it didn’t take them long to figure out which party was more closely tied to what they escaped.

Anybody that knows somebody from these countries also know they are expressing great concern when Democrats have power. I knew one guy that used to load my truck. He was from Ukraine when it was part of the union. He told me what's going on in our country is what he experienced before the commies took over. Little by little, baby steps by baby steps, and people like Billy don't even realize what's happening to them.
you are using a bloggers idea of what a democrat is ...
Incorrect, retard. I'm showing the the US communist party has endorsed democrat presidential nominees for over 30 years. Why? Because, if you knew how to read and comprehend English, you'd realize their platforms are nearly identical. I'm not calling you a communist, I'm calling you a useful idiot.
Funny, but my wife’s family all immigrated/escaped from a former Communist country and they would beg to differ. They know first hand what Communism is and they recognize the Democratic Party as a pre-cursor to losing freedom. They are staunch Republicans for that reason. They knew nothing of American politics before arriving, but it didn’t take them long to figure out which party was more closely tied to what they escaped.
So, do your parents approve of partisan state legislators nullifying voters or an administration overriding state electors to install their own?
Anybody that knows somebody from these countries also know they are expressing great concern when Democrats have power. I knew one guy that used to load my truck. He was from Ukraine when it was part of the union. He told me what's going on in our country is what he experienced before the commies took over. Little by little, baby steps by baby steps, and people like Billy don't even realize what's happening to them.
Baby steps like republic state legislators giving themselves the power to override the votes from voters who don't vote the way they like?

That kind of baby step.
Incorrect, retard. I'm showing the the US communist party has endorsed democrat presidential nominees for over 30 years. Why? Because, if you knew how to read and comprehend English, you'd realize their platforms are nearly identical. I'm not calling you a communist, I'm calling you a useful idiot.
You are so full of crap it’s not funny anymore …you have no idea what you are talking about … you don’t know the difference between a fact or a blogger or a conspiracy theorist… everything you posted I’ve seen so many god damn time it’s pathetic… go educate your self … I’m done with stupid people like you
Incorrect, retard. I'm showing the the US communist party has endorsed democrat presidential nominees for over 30 years. Why? Because, if you knew how to read and comprehend English, you'd realize their platforms are nearly identical. I'm not calling you a communist, I'm calling you a useful idiot.
If you new the defference between a blogger and actual facts people might take you serious … so far all you’ve posted is bloggers … they are opinion pieces … there is nothin factual to their post … they were straight from fox noise … who are liars the only bigger liar then fox is trump
Anybody that knows somebody from these countries also know they are expressing great concern when Democrats have power. I knew one guy that used to load my truck. He was from Ukraine when it was part of the union. He told me what's going on in our country is what he experienced before the commies took over. Little by little, baby steps by baby steps, and people like Billy don't even realize what's happening to them.
Oh the guy who new a guy routine. Yeah we believe you …
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If that's what you believe then fact check him. It's all over the internet what the commies are doing and the Communist Manifesto and the Declaration of Independence are all over the internet. All you have to do is look up what he said and what the Democrats are doing. You can hate him and Fox all you want, but you can't deny documented proof unless you are so brainwashed you can't see your fingers in front of your face.
It’s not document proof …it’s a opinion piece … it’s all made up to suck fools like you to believe it… I have seen your style of post so many times it amazes me how gullible people like you are…you want it so badly to be true that you will say just about anything … it is in no way documented proof … I gave you the proof… my proof isn’t based on a blogger or a conspiracy theorist … it’s all based on actual research being done to find out what is true … but you guy hate the truth … all you do is say that’s liberal site … you prove to them it’s not a liberal site and you come up wit some other bloggers opinion piece … never using actual known research … you guys deserve what you get … you’re too stupid to understand what is fact and what is bull shit opinion piece… it fits your needs so you go with it …I really get tired seeing the same old shit … just a different face … there’s nothing here that you have posted is based on any factual fact is all opinion pieces that you use …
If that's what you believe then fact check him. It's all over the internet what the commies are doing and the Communist Manifesto and the Declaration of Independence are all over the internet. All you have to do is look up what he said and what the Democrats are doing. You can hate him and Fox all you want, but you can't deny documented proof unless you are so brainwashed you can't see your fingers in front of your face.
Just because it’s all over the internet doesn’t make it true … what makes it true is research.something you haven’t done … if you look at these documented sites you call proof you will see they are all one sided … they base the site on opinions not any actual factual evidence … the problem is when you go to s fact checkers and you find out you been lied to, the first thing out of your mouth is to deny it say it’s a dem/ liberal site … never mind it’s the truth you have to justify it’s a lie in your mind … so you chalk it up as a lying liberal site just like you have done here… every claim here you made has come from a blogger not a political researcher … political researcher do one thing as Joe Friday use to say .., just the facts man… so I can’t take you serious as a poster … just a angry ignorant Republican poster … when you come back with a post that’s actual factual with actual research by researcher I’ll just look at you as another Republican fool…
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Benefited their personal rights? Making laws to make it harder for law abiding people to own firearms is giving us personal rights? Forcing Americans to take medication they don't want is giving us personal rights? The Pork Bill includes hiring 83,000 more IRS agents with the law that banks have to report all transactions over $600.00 to the IRS is giving us personal rights? Locking up political foes in solitary confinement for trespassing, not giving them a court date or any way to bail out is giving us personal rights?

Yes we want to eliminate drop boxes and mail-in voting. What better way to cheat than to not present yourself and personal ID to vote? Years ago we didn't have either and we voted just fine. The Commies want to make it easy as hell to vote because that draws in the stupid and politically ignorant that always vote Democrat.

The bottled water story is bullshit. The commies were putting their candidates name on the bottle which is against voter laws in that state. You can give them all the water you want (as if people were too stupid to bring their own) as long as the bottle is not promoting any political candidate.
The only gun law we dems have passed was stop crazy people from buying a gun or people who have beat their spouse up for control … but not to worry trump repealed that law so now crazy people and wife beaters can still buy their guns … I mean the school and bars and concerts are dropping like flies … cause you felt your gun rights are being abused… you fool …
Benefited their personal rights? Making laws to make it harder for law abiding people to own firearms is giving us personal rights? Forcing Americans to take medication they don't want is giving us personal rights? The Pork Bill includes hiring 83,000 more IRS agents with the law that banks have to report all transactions over $600.00 to the IRS is giving us personal rights? Locking up political foes in solitary confinement for trespassing, not giving them a court date or any way to bail out is giving us personal rights?

Yes we want to eliminate drop boxes and mail-in voting. What better way to cheat than to not present yourself and personal ID to vote? Years ago we didn't have either and we voted just fine. The Commies want to make it easy as hell to vote because that draws in the stupid and politically ignorant that always vote Democrat.

The bottled water story is bullshit. The commies were putting their candidates name on the bottle which is against voter laws in that state. You can give them all the water you want (as if people were too stupid to bring their own) as long as the bottle is not promoting any political candidate.
You do realize you post is 99% blogger … that I have in past posted sites where it’s a blogger opinion piece… nobody has passed a 600 dollar income law it’s just another ranting Republican pieces that’s based on all lies … I’m not going to take my Time up on your post it’s to much all bull shit base, on let’s make our base feel good pieces that we are doing something in reality you are being lied to …
You are so full of crap it’s not funny anymore …you have no idea what you are talking about … you don’t know the difference between a fact or a blogger or a conspiracy theorist… everything you posted I’ve seen so many god damn time it’s pathetic… go educate your self … I’m done with stupid people like you
You post like a broken record, dipshit. All I did was post information from the US communist party. Information that indicates they’ve encouraged their members to vote for the democrat candidate for POTUS since 1988. That’s not from a “blogger”, you fucking tool. Instead of whining like an ignorant cvnt, try doing some research for yourself instead of just regurgitating shit like a useful idiot.
Benefited their personal rights? Making laws to make it harder for law abiding people to own firearms is giving us personal rights? Forcing Americans to take medication they don't want is giving us personal rights? The Pork Bill includes hiring 83,000 more IRS agents with the law that banks have to report all transactions over $600.00 to the IRS is giving us personal rights? Locking up political foes in solitary confinement for trespassing, not giving them a court date or any way to bail out is giving us personal rights?

Yes we want to eliminate drop boxes and mail-in voting. What better way to cheat than to not present yourself and personal ID to vote? Years ago we didn't have either and we voted just fine. The Commies want to make it easy as hell to vote because that draws in the stupid and politically ignorant that always vote Democrat.

The bottled water story is bullshit. The commies were putting their candidates name on the bottle which is against voter laws in that state. You can give them all the water you want (as if people were too stupid to bring their own) as long as the bottle is not promoting any political candidate.
Have you ever looked at the constitution ??? where the government can make you get a shot …it can make you wear a mask … if you were half as bright as you think you are you would known this… your rights are not being violated … every school child in this country has to get shots … every person who goes over seas or comes into this country had to be vaccinated so the bull shit that you are being abused … you are trying to say you are being force in taking a shit it’s for the grater good so go read the god damn constitution … try to get passed the second amendment if you can …
If you new the defference between a blogger and actual facts people might take you serious … so far all you’ve posted is bloggers … they are opinion pieces … there is nothin factual to their post … they were straight from fox noise … who are liars the only bigger liar then fox is trump
Learn to spell and learn to think if you want to converse with me, boy.
You post like a broken record, dipshit. All I did was post information from the US communist party. Information that indicates they’ve encouraged their members to vote for the democrat candidate for POTUS since 1988. That’s not from a “blogger”, you fucking tool. Instead of whining like an ignorant cvnt, try doing some research for yourself instead of just regurgitating shit like a useful idiot.
You posed from a blogger who wants you to believe their opinion pies … I can’t help you dumb fuck that you don’t know the difference between a fact or a opinion piece

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