Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

Sure, sure that's why they have a separate party, right.

Most alt-white groups support republic candidates and their polices, does that make them republics?

No, Trump got support from a few only because of his tough stance on the border issue. Other than that there are no other similarities between the two. However policy wise, the US Communist party and Democrat party are almost clones of each other. There are very few differences.
No, Trump got support from a few only because of his tough stance on the border issue. Other than that there are no other similarities between the two. However policy wise, the US Communist party and Democrat party are almost clones of each other. There are very few differences.
Yeah sure, post them.

Bah HA HA HA sure stephan miller says different on the alt-white support.
Yeah sure, post them.

Bah HA HA HA sure stephan miller says different on the alt-white support.

I'll tell you what, I'll do one better. Here is a copy of the Mark Levin show last month or so. Here he reads from the actual Communist Manifesto and compares what they wrote over a hundred years ago are being used today by the Democrat party. It's in his monologue that will only take up 15 minutes of your time at most. Both documents (the manifesto and Declaration of Independence) where you can choose the source you trust are widely available on the internet if you question what he's reading.

I'll tell you what, I'll do one better. Here is a copy of the Mark Levin show last month or so. Here he reads from the actual Communist Manifesto and compares what they wrote over a hundred years ago are being used today by the Democrat party. It's in his monologue that will only take up 15 minutes of your time at most. Both documents (the manifesto and Declaration of Independence) where you can choose the source you trust are widely available on the internet if you question what he's reading.

Figures that you would an angry Marc levin listener.

Not buying his bias ray
And I'm typing even slower so you get it: Commie Care could never be funded with taxes alone. The insurance companies have to raise their rates on people who don't get subsidies. Just because the communists don't call that a tax doesn't mean it isn't. It's still government taking money away from you.
you still don't get it ... it has never been used ... nobody has had the penalty used against them ... because when all was said and done in 2017 the republican controlled congress pass legislation to Make the penalty not a tax like you keep trying to call it but they move the penalty to cost 0 dollars ... it was part of the bill that was design to help pay for the ACA for those who refused to sign up ... I can't believe how stupid you people are ... it just amazes me ... the ACA to date hasn't raise one tax on the ACA to date ... so pull your head out of your ass ...
I'll tell you what, I'll do one better. Here is a copy of the Mark Levin show last month or so. Here he reads from the actual Communist Manifesto and compares what they wrote over a hundred years ago are being used today by the Democrat party. It's in his monologue that will only take up 15 minutes of your time at most. Both documents (the manifesto and Declaration of Independence) where you can choose the source you trust are widely available on the internet if you question what he's reading.

first of all: the Communist hates liberals worse then you do ...second of all: communist hate democrats as much .... I don't care what your blogger Mark Levin says he is trying to convince you ... no democrat, liberal, has ever supported a communist idea or view ever ... you need to go look up the definition of communist ... cause you pal haven't a clue at all just love use that word loosely to brand people over what some blogger has said... Mark Levin is an American right-wing lawyer, author, and radio personality. He is the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. and you want us to take a bloggers word for it ...some right wing radio talk show hosts nut job ...that he knows what he's talking about ??? you are even a blgger fool then I thought ... at least I use natural sites...
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You are talking about after the argument was made in 2017. The original ruling was that the government had no power to inflict penalties; that it would have to be a tax. This was changed on the bench by Benedict Roberts who as you said, sided with the liberal judges on the matter. It was not changed by Republicans, it was changed at the Supreme Court and from that point forward was called a tax by the Democrats.
they never made the penalty a tax period, if you can't grasp that I can't fix stupid ... the penalty was never charge to anyone to date ... in 2017 republicans made the penalty, not tax, but a penalty cost to anyone ... your attempt too make it a issue here is you showing us your ignorance how government bills work ... to date the ACA has worked fine with how the tax has been charge to people making over 270,000 along with how the bill is to be funded.. the more people that get on it, pay into it, make the bill work even better and you can't stand that Idea ... I hope Biden ads to the bill this up coming year its in the BBB that removes the idea of states having to sign up for the ACA or not ... the democrats take that part of the bill out doing so you republicans will never get the ACA remove ever on the fear of losing their seat in the congress, you betcha !!!
. no democrat, liberal, has ever supported a communist idea or view ever ...
A distinction without a difference, imo.
No, Trump got support from a few only because of his tough stance on the border issue. Other than that there are no other similarities between the two. However policy wise, the US Communist party and Democrat party are almost clones of each other. There are very few differences.
boy you are stuck on trying to convince they are one and the same ... like I said you know how childish you sound the democrats and the communist party has nothing in common ... the communist part won't let you own anything ...they make you work a job that they tell you what you will work at ... thats is nothing that a democrat has ever supported... democrats supports democracy, a communist will never support that ever ...a democrat supports social equality communist would ever support social equality ever ... so if you want to keep making a fool of yourself thats fine with me we all can use the laugh ... cause buddy we are laughing at you ...

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A distinction without a difference, imo.
View attachment 585210
you are using a bloggers idea of what a democrat is guys are comical is all I can say ... the democrats would never support a communist ever... if a communist wants to support the democrats thats their choice ... it's a free country ... it by no means makes democrats communist ...this is your proof communist supporting democrats and that makes them communist ???? really the American communist party support democrats and we are suppose to take you serious ??? really you are a fool
boy you are stuck on trying to convince they are one and the same ... like I said you know how childish you sound the democrats and the communist party has nothing in common ... the communist part won't let you own anything ...they make you work a job that they tell you what you will work at ... thats is nothing that a democrat has ever supported... democrats supports democracy, a communist will never support that ever ...a democrat supports social equality communist would ever support social equality ever ... so if you want to keep making a fool of yourself thats fine with me we all can use the laugh ... cause buddy we are laughing at you ...


Then go to the website and look for yourself. I know you don't have the balls to because you're afraid you're going to find out I'm right.

Are the Chinese people forced to work jobs chosen for them by the government? Do the Chinese own what they want? The country has the largest consumer base for iPhones. Think those are provided by Xi? Communism IS about making everybody the same; everybody has the same outcome. People are equally poor.

The Commies tried to force us to get healthcare. The commies are currently trying to force us to take vaccines some don't want and the case is being heard by the Supreme Court starting yesterday. They want to force employers to pay workers more money than they want or can afford. In New York it's against the law to eat at a restaurant without your vaccine card. They are going after an ex-Presdident a year later because they are deathly scared of him running against them next election. No evidence of their phony claims. They have trespassers of the Capital in prison no ability to see a judge, set bail, or have a speedy trial as outlined in the Constitution. Because they are considered political prisoners, many are held in solitary confinement which was only used in this country for extremely violent criminals.

Don't tell me they're not Communists.
they never made the penalty a tax period, if you can't grasp that I can't fix stupid ... the penalty was never charge to anyone to date ... in 2017 republicans made the penalty, not tax, but a penalty cost to anyone ... your attempt too make it a issue here is you showing us your ignorance how government bills work ... to date the ACA has worked fine with how the tax has been charge to people making over 270,000 along with how the bill is to be funded.. the more people that get on it, pay into it, make the bill work even better and you can't stand that Idea ... I hope Biden ads to the bill this up coming year its in the BBB that removes the idea of states having to sign up for the ACA or not ... the democrats take that part of the bill out doing so you republicans will never get the ACA remove ever on the fear of losing their seat in the congress, you betcha !!!

Bullshit. I had to pay that penalty. Do you think I imagined it? Would you like the name and number to my CPA?
first of all: the Communist hates liberals worse then you do ...second of all: communist hate democrats as much .... I don't care what your blogger Mark Levin says he is trying to convince you ... no democrat, liberal, has ever supported a communist idea or view ever ... you need to go look up the definition of communist ... cause you pal haven't a clue at all just love use that word loosely to brand people over what some blogger has said... Mark Levin is an American right-wing lawyer, author, and radio personality. He is the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. and you want us to take a bloggers word for it ...some right wing radio talk show hosts nut job ...that he knows what he's talking about ??? you are even a blgger fool then I thought ... at least I use natural sites...

What Levin did was read from the Communist manifesto and compare that to what Democrats are doing today. It's more than just an opinion, it's a rock solid case.
What Levin did was read from the Communist manifesto and compare that to what Democrats are doing today. It's more than just an opinion, it's a rock solid case.
got you convinced that's what liars do... the thing is that rock-solid is your brain ... i don't believe anything a right-wing nur case blogger says ... so you are going to have to do a better job than this ... you go get what he said about communist go get what he compared democrats to ... and I will pick apart every piece he posted or told his listeners to ... bet you're too afraid to do that actually prove what you are saying ... not to worry i know you big mouth republicans are always too lazy to prove anything ... they just shoot off their big mouths you are one stupid dumb fuck ... never read so much crap in all my days ...
got you convinced that's what liars do... the thing is that rock-solid is your brain ... i don't believe anything a right-wing nur case blogger says ... so you are going to have to do a better job than this ... you go get what he said about communist go get what he compared democrats to ... and I will pick apart every piece he posted or told his listeners to ... bet you're too afraid to do that actually prove what you are saying ... not to worry i know you big mouth republicans are always too lazy to prove anything ... they just shoot off their big mouths you are one stupid dumb fuck ... never read so much crap in all my days ...

first of all: the Communist hates liberals worse then you do ...second of all: communist hate democrats as much .... I don't care what your blogger Mark Levin says he is trying to convince you ... no democrat, liberal, has ever supported a communist idea or view ever ... you need to go look up the definition of communist ... cause you pal haven't a clue at all just love use that word loosely to brand people over what some blogger has said... Mark Levin is an American right-wing lawyer, author, and radio personality. He is the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. and you want us to take a bloggers word for it ...some right wing radio talk show hosts nut job ...that he knows what he's talking about ??? you are even a blgger fool then I thought ... at least I use natural sites...

Funny, but my wife’s family all immigrated/escaped from a former Communist country and they would beg to differ. They know first hand what Communism is and they recognize the Democratic Party as a pre-cursor to losing freedom. They are staunch Republicans for that reason. They knew nothing of American politics before arriving, but it didn’t take them long to figure out which party was more closely tied to what they escaped.
got you convinced that's what liars do... the thing is that rock-solid is your brain ... i don't believe anything a right-wing nur case blogger says ... so you are going to have to do a better job than this ... you go get what he said about communist go get what he compared democrats to ... and I will pick apart every piece he posted or told his listeners to ... bet you're too afraid to do that actually prove what you are saying ... not to worry i know you big mouth republicans are always too lazy to prove anything ... they just shoot off their big mouths

you do realize that 65% of Fox noise are lies ... this is your so-called proof ... hell if I use CNN or MSNBC as a source you would tell me to go packing ... I'm doing the same .... nothing that fox noise says is factual especially that guy ... he's just a big windbag that sucks mindless boobs like you
Funny, but my wife’s family all immigrated/escaped from a former Communist country and they would beg to differ. They know first hand what Communism is and they recognize the Democratic Party as a pre-cursor to losing freedom. They are staunch Republicans for that reason. They knew nothing of American politics before arriving, but it didn’t take them long to figure out which party was more closely tied to what they escaped.

I don't care what your family members experienced ... democrats have nothing to do with the communist party they never have ... there is nothing you can say that will convince they are communist or on the edge of being a communist ... I've been a liberal democrat for 50 years and I accept everything they represent and they don't represent the communist party ... everything they have passed into law has always benefitted the people and their personal rights ... look at what the republicans want to do ... they want to remove drop boxes, they want to stop mail in ballots the most sercure way to vote ...they want to not let you vote on Sundays they say if they don't like the vote that was passed they will take the republican and put them in office ... if they lose the vote ... they say your vote will be voided if some one gives you water while standing inline there are so many thing ant to stop you from doing it just shocks you so don't give me my frien of a froend was in a comunist count and they are like demopcrats ...

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