Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

Funny, and all along I thought the majority of taxes already collected were from these very same people. I guess the savings realized from lifting the SALT cap makes it fair. Then again what is fair? Thank God I don’t make that much. The only problem I have is the knowledge that this imaginary $400k only dribble is untrue and will be used to justify increasing taxes on those making considerable less.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
please enlighten us all what tax is he going to raise ... seems you've been smoking too much weed ... maybe you should try not watching FOX Noise so much... Watch a real news outlet like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC they tend to know what's real or not ... Biden did steal the elections, they votes were thrown away, lay off the drugs and try to get the real news ... here's what he said ... the only taxes he's going to raise are taxes on the wealthy and people making over 400,000 dollars... you and the wife don't need a second job, your kids don't need to works, so lay off the crack it's fogging you ability to know what's real
please enlighten us all what tax is he going to raise ... seems you've been smoking too much weed ... maybe you should try not watching FOX Noise so much... Watch a real news outlet like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC they tend to know what's real or not ... Biden did steal the elections, they votes were thrown away, lay off the drugs and try to get the real news ... here's what he said ... the only taxes he's going to raise are taxes on the wealthy and people making over 400,000 dollars...

Right, and DumBama said nobody making over 250K a year will see any new taxes. Then came Commie Care where people were fined for not following along with Big Brother. And now Dementia wants to break a similar promise.

Let's get all those rich people smoking cigarettes and vaping.
Right, and DumBama said nobody making over 250K a year will see any new taxes. Then came Commie Care where people were fined for not following along with Big Brother. And now Dementia wants to break a similar promise.

Let's get all those rich people smoking cigarettes and vaping.
some times you nut case republicans just make me laugh ... a tax on smoking products is not a tax on everybody... it's only on the people who abuse this products ...that money isn't part of the transpertation bill ... you guys love to grasp at straws ... so far it hasn't been passed yet so again can you please stay on topic ... bidens bills he's passing the transportation bill and the BBB only people who make 400,000 over are taxed ... ray from Cleveland you Aren't taxed for ACA pay for your health care yourself, not the taxpayer ... there was a clause in it that made the people who refuse to pay for health care have a percentage of their tax return .docked.. that clause was removed ... so you pay for you health care not the tax payer ... pull your head out, you have no idea what big brother means .... what are these so-called similar promises you speak of or are you just ranting non-sense ... you say health care is a tax, its not ...what next are you going to make up ...
Right, and DumBama said nobody making over 250K a year will see any new taxes. Then came Commie Care where people were fined for not following along with Big Brother. And now Dementia wants to break a similar promise.

Let's get all those rich people smoking cigarettes and vaping.
don't ya just wan to break out in hysterics when you see a poster picture of some fool pointing a gun at us... must suffer from little dick syndrome ...needfs a gun to appear he's tuff they can to show us their tuff Manleyness ...
don't ya just wan to break out in hysterics when you see a poster picture of some fool pointing a gun at us... must suffer from little dick syndrome ...needfs a gun to appear he's tuff they can to show us their tuff Manleyness ...

So that's all you got, criticism of my avatar. Typical lib with no argument.
some times you nut case republicans just make me laugh ... a tax on smoking products is not a tax on everybody... it's only on the people who abuse this products ...that money isn't part of the transpertation bill ... you guys love to grasp at straws ... so far it hasn't been passed yet so again can you please stay on topic ... bidens bills he's passing the transportation bill and the BBB only people who make 400,000 over are taxed ... ray from Cleveland you Aren't taxed for ACA pay for your health care yourself, not the taxpayer ... there was a clause in it that made the people who refuse to pay for health care have a percentage of their tax return .docked.. that clause was removed ... so you pay for you health care not the tax payer ... pull your head out, you have no idea what big brother means .... what are these so-called similar promises you speak of or are you just ranting non-sense ... you say health care is a tax, its not ...what next are you going to make up ...

It's a tax on people making over 400K a year. Are you retarded or something? When somebody says they won't tax anybody making less than that, and they tax even one person, that's a tax on people making less than 400K a year thus making the statement a complete lie.

Taking money from people for non-compliance is a tax. Anytime government takes money from you, it's a tax. Even the supreme court said unless they change their phrasing from a fine to a tax, it's unconstituional. So that's exactly what they did. A tax on people making less than 250K a year.

Yes, the taxpayer is paying for your healthcare if you get any kind of subsidy which most people get. WTF do you think is paying these subsidies?
Tax & Spend is far more responsible than Borrow & Spend.

So instead of whining, maybe you should have done this: CUT SPENDING FIRST, THEN CUT TAXES.

From now on, run for office by promising to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, whatever departments and programs that you don't want. Tell us EXACTLY HOW MUCH AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT. If you win, FIRST YOU CUT SPENDING. Then you cut taxes. If you don't win, that's on YOU.

Right wingers who think they're fiscally responsible because talk radio says so are absolutely ignorant.
Neither of those work. Cut and cut is the only way. Cut taxes and cut spending and the economy will boom. The more people working the more revenue the government collects all without fleecing the tax pay. I know you loons can't stand working people keeping more of their money.
apparently you can't comprehend ... theres more then a response about you ridiculous avatar other words you got bested and can't respond

I got busted? Busted doing what exactly? One of the reasons I keep this avatar is because it drives you libs suicidal.
It's a tax on people making over 400K a year. Are you retarded or something? When somebody says they won't tax anybody making less than that, and they tax even one person, that's a tax on people making less than 400K a year thus making the statement a complete lie.

Taking money from people for non-compliance is a tax. Anytime government takes money from you, it's a tax. Even the supreme court said unless they change their phrasing from a fine to a tax, it's unconstituional. So that's exactly what they did. A tax on people making less than 250K a year.

Yes, the taxpayer is paying for your healthcare if you get any kind of subsidy which most people get. WTF do you think is paying these subsidies?

It's a tax on people making over 400K a year. Are you retarded or something? When somebody says they won't tax anybody making less than that, and they tax even one person, that's a tax on people making less than 400K a year thus making the statement a complete lie.

Taking money from people for non-compliance is a tax. Anytime government takes money from you, it's a tax. Even the supreme court said unless they change their phrasing from a fine to a tax, it's unconstituional. So that's exactly what they did. A tax on people making less than 250K a year.

Yes, the taxpayer is paying for your healthcare if you get any kind of subsidy which most people get. WTF do you think is paying these subsidies?
only people making over 250 k a year are paying for the subsites for the ACA they are put into a higher tax bracket to help pay for the plan ...none of the people under 250 k are being taxed for the ACA ... their tax rate is still the same attention nobody is being charged a higher tax rate under 250k for people have their taxes garnished because they didn't get health care that was removed from the ACA... so again you have no idea what's going on or how taxes are paid...AS for the 400k WHAT the fuck are you talking about.. people above the 400k are charged a higher tax rate, period !!!! all taxes are charged by the government setting a tax rate you pay each year the people under 400k are in a lower tax bracket .... where do you get this shit ... do you even know what you are talking about... The taxes you are paying now haven't gone up ...
only people making over 250 k a year are paying for the subsites for the ACA they are put into a higher tax bracket to help pay for the plan ...none of the people under 250 k are being taxed for the ACA ... their tax rate is still the same attention nobody is being charged a higher tax rate under 250k for people have their taxes garnished because they didn't get health care that was removed from the ACA... so again you have no idea what's going on or how taxes are paid...AS for the 400k WHAT the fuck are you talking about.. people in the above the 400k are charged a higher tax rate, period !!!! all taxes are chaged by the government setting a tax rate you pay each year the people under 400k are in a lower tax bracket .... where do you get this shit ... do you even know what you are talkinbg about... Teh taxes you are paying now and they have gone up ...

So what's the difference between paying a higher tax bill and more for medical coverage to subsidize lower income people? After all, where do you think the money comes from for those subsidizes? It comes from federal taxes and people who have medical insurance that don't get those subsidies, and that's a hell of a lot more people than those who make over 250K a year.
I got busted? Busted doing what exactly? One of the reasons I keep this avatar is because it drives you libs suicidal.
that's bested not busted moron can't even comprehend what you are reading ... you don't know how taxes are applied ... you have no idea what you are or aren't paying for I'm typing real slow so read it real slow ... The ACA is being paid for by people making over 250 k their tax rate is higher than the people under 250 k ... you still pay taxes you don't get to not pay any taxes anymore... no politician said you won't pay taxes anymore for people under 250 K ... IF that's what you thought you are stupider then I first thought ... everybody pays takes ... people over 250k are in a higher tax bracket ...people under 250k are charged the same rate they have been charged the year before ... do you get it ???
So what's the difference between paying a higher tax bill and more for medical coverage to subsidize lower income people? After all, where do you think the money comes from for those subsidizes? It comes from federal taxes and people who have medical insurance that don't get those subsidies, and that's a hell of a lot more people than those who make over 250K a year.
you are so fixated on trying to convince yourself they lied because that's what Fax noise told you ... do you even know how government works???
Right, and DumBama said nobody making over 250K a year will see any new taxes. Then came Commie Care where people were fined for not following along with Big Brother. And now Dementia wants to break a similar promise.

Let's get all those rich people smoking cigarettes and vaping.
one other thing about your post it wasn't a tax until the republicans made it a tax by taking it to court ... when they took it to court the court rule it as a tax ... again this was part of the plan it wasn't a tax it was a fine agreed upon when passed ... then the republicans made it a tax then they took it away nobody is paying for not buy health care ... why are you ragging about something that's not happening ... if anybody is lying here it is you ... like I said you have no idea what you are talking about ...
So what's the difference between paying a higher tax bill and more for medical coverage to subsidize lower income people? After all, where do you think the money comes from for those subsidizes? It comes from federal taxes and people who have medical insurance that don't get those subsidies, and that's a hell of a lot more people than those who make over 250K a year.
you just don't get it the way the bill was written is how the tax rates are made... if you make over 250k you pay higher taxes that was how the bill is written ...if you don't like it can't help you there ...nobody is being charged higher taxes under 250k that is for that one bill the ACA... in the bill to help keep the cost lower the added a fine ... republican didn't like that ... it was the supreme court who ruled that fine as a tax .. being a tax it can be removed the republicans remove it... nobody was ever charged for the fine, nobody was taxed for it ... again you have no idea how taxes worked

now the infrastructure bill ...people making over 400k are paying higher taxes at the end of the year ...there is a percentage I don't remember what it is... nobody under it even the people who are making 250k they aren't paying a higher tax rate ... only the people who are getting 400k is the only ones paying the higher rate ... for the250k tax people, they aren't being taxed a higher rate only the people 400 k ... as I said they are two different bills that's the way taxes work and nobody lies about it just didn't understand how taxes work ...
now say for the instant they pass another bill saying that bill is set up for people who make 500k ... their taxes go up to pay for that bill ... not only do they pay for that new bill they pay for the rate for the 400k tax bill and they are also paying for the 250k Bill increase ...their current tax rate they pay goes up only on the v500k ... ...everybody below pays they lower tax rate ... that's the way it works ...if they pass a new bill they can write a bill that everybody pays and everybody taxes go up .... its based on how its paid for and what it cost to pay for that bill ...many times its doesn't cost us more taxes ...but if it does then your taxes go up ... that isn't saying you were promising you taxes won't go up ... the promise is for the one bill they promised you won't pay taxes on that bill .. you just have no idea how the government works ... this they lie is only they way republicans can get you riled up thinking you will pay higher taxes ... 90 % of americans
don't make over 100k its that last 10% who are ... and you get all excioted over it ...
you just don't get it the way the bill was written is how the tax rates are made... if you make over 250k you pay higher taxes that was how the bill is written ...if you don't like it can't help you there ...nobody is being charged higher taxes under 250k that is for that one bill the ACA... in the bill to help keep the cost lower the added a fine ... republican didn't like that ... it was the supreme court who ruled that fine as a tax .. being a tax it can be removed the republicans remove it... nobody was ever charged for the fine, nobody was taxed for it ... again you have no idea how taxes worked

now the infrastructure bill ...people making over 400k are paying higher taxes at the end of the year ...there is a percentage I don't remember what it is... nobody under it even the people who are making 250k they aren't paying a higher tax rate ... only the people who are getting 400k is the only ones paying the higher rate ... for the250k tax people, they aren't being taxed a higher rate only the people 400 k ... as I said they are two different bills that's the way taxes work and nobody lies about it just didn't understand how taxes work ...

Bullshit. You don't get coverage, you are charged a tax via your income tax refund. It's a tax on people making less than 250K a year because people who make that kind of money can easily afford healthcare.

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