Biden AGAIN repeats the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid

You repeating the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid is far worse than CNN telling people to drink bleach.

Stupid people like you believe this lie, and are going around killing others because you think you can't spread Covid.

Listen to the CDC and stop killing people.
Each of the above is a LIE.
trump taught you well.
I only heard CNN saying it. Provide the Trump quote you think exists.
Apparently you missed the video.
He didn't say 'bleach' he said 'disinfectant'
He's literally killing people with this lie, and there are millions of dumb leftists who believe it (including many here on this forum).

President Joe Biden falsely claimed in an interview on Tuesday that people who were vaccinated for the coronavirus could not spread the disease.

“Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test,” Biden said. “Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? What about that? What’s the big deal?”

The president commented on vaccines during an interview with local news channel WHIO-TV in Ohio.

The Centers for Disease Control has acknowledged that “vaccinated people can still become infected and have the potential to spread the virus to others,” which is why they recommend that Americans continue to wear masks indoors, even if they are vaccinated.

In an interview with News19, Biden also blamed the unvaccinated for spreading the virus.

“[T]hose who aren’t vaccinated are the ones that continue to spread the diseases,” he said. “And so we should think of as a patriotic duty.”
Don't get the vaccine.
Each of the above is a LIE.
trump taught you well.

Apparently you missed the video.
He didn't say 'bleach' he said 'disinfectant'
He SPECIFICALLY ASK a Doctor at the side of the podium if it were possible and whether it could be tested, at NO time did he say anyone should do it. You lying fucks,
marvin is like a broken record.

He just repeats the same thing over and over.

Why do you keep dodging the Big Lie you're spreading? You're killing people by walking around thinking you can't spread Covid to anyone.
Conservative Marvin is now projecting. He supported the terrorist act of January 6, 2021.

You mean the "terrorist act" that's resulted in exactly NO ONE being charged with terrorism? LOL

You're such a dumbfuck, fascist.

How many people did you kill today because you think you can't spread Covid?
Condemn the terrorist attack of January 6, 2021. Condemn it right now, conservative.

A "terrorist attack" with no terrorism charges? LOL, you've been lied to, rube.


Go on now and kill a few more people with your Covid infection.
Each of the above is a LIE.
trump taught you well.

Apparently you missed the video.
He didn't say 'bleach' he said 'disinfectant'
he didn't say drink it either. Look up the adjective 'Like'.

Is liked an adjective?
In English texts and everyday communication, the word " like " serves a variety of purposes. It can act as an adjective, a preposition, an adverb, a conjunction, a noun, or a verb. This word is classified under adjectives if it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun by indicating similarities in qualities or characteristics.

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