Biden ahead by 14 among registered voters

And all swing states Trump won in 2016 are now leaning D

Donald Trump won the last election despite losing the popular vote by 3 points. However, our data suggests he has a bigger hill to climb this year, as he trails the presumptive Democratic nominee by 14 points among registered voters (49%-35%).

It's difficult to believe this nonsense....especially since Biden destroys his chances every time he opens his mouth.

You are describing Donald Trump.
No it is not. A poll that correctly reflects voters would have more registered Democrats than Republicans. Democrat registration has been growing faster than Republican registration.
That just isn't true...and in the case of polling Trump support he has support from all three major over sampling dems is never going to show the true read on the people...this is the same mistake that was made in 2016....
Polls are fake and democrats have no platform other than hate Trump so look for the crux of their campaign from now on to be “Polls say....”
And all swing states Trump won in 2016 are now leaning D

Donald Trump won the last election despite losing the popular vote by 3 points. However, our data suggests he has a bigger hill to climb this year, as he trails the presumptive Democratic nominee by 14 points among registered voters (49%-35%).




I started reading the nonsense and couldn't stop, I'm like...
OMG, really, poll my ass, try an opinion piece supported by poll results
But when my eyes read this... In swing states that Trump won in 201(FL, IA, MI, NC, OH, PA, WI)
INSTANTANEOUSLY Event 201 came to mind and I'm like...O M G

So, just a little about the Chairman of ABACUS

Mr. Anderson has served as a pollster and/or strategic advisor to political leaders in the Liberal and Progressive Conservative parties. He has worked extensively with many major corporations and organizations including Shaw Communications, TELUS, BCE, Enbridge, Imperial Oil, BP, Cenovus, RBC, CIBC, Teck, BC Hydro, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association, the Mining Association of Canada, CropLife, the Forest Products Association of Canada, and the Canadian Bankers Association.

And CEO, founding partner 35 yr old David Coletto

An outspoken proponent of transparency in the polling industry, David is regularly called up by media and organizations to provide expert analyses of public opinion and research methodologies.

Outspoken proponent of transparency in the polling industry my ass



The survey was conducted with 1,500 American adults from June 11 to 13, 2020. A random sample of panelists was invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size
is +/- 2.5%, 19 times out of 20.
A 'partner' is a dedicated, reliable respondent who is compensated for taking surveys
They have extensive profiles of information they provided

The significance of double opt-in is....

where respondents have gone through an industry-regulated double opt-in registration process to specifically join a research panel. Double opt-in means the respondent signed up for the panel, received an email to confirm the registration, and then click on a link back to the panel site to complete registration. With panel sample, the demographic profile of the respondents is consistently collected and maintained/updated in a master database. We know who these people are and we can target them for specific types of research studies. Panels also have a defined periodic panel cleansing/refresh process that infuses “fresh” respondents while also removing respondents who demonstrate a pattern of poor quality response behaviors.

So, here is how ABACUS created...uh, I mean conducted
the survey you saw fit to share

Hmmm, ABACUS KNEW the people they were choosing to invite to take the survey

Yep...that's how you get the 'right' answers for the questions you're asking
Buy the right respondents
No it is not. A poll that correctly reflects voters would have more registered Democrats than Republicans. Democrat registration has been growing faster than Republican registration.
That just isn't true...and in the case of polling Trump support he has support from all three major over sampling dems is never going to show the true read on the people...this is the same mistake that was made in 2016....

It is true. You clearly do not want to face reality. No mistakes were made in 2016. In 2016, you had 2 candidates who were extremely disliked. Trump's disapproval was 65% and Clinton's was 59%. Biden's negatives are much lower while Trump's is much higher. Plus Trump has lost key parts of the Reagan coalition. Suburban voters. Also Trump is facing a larger deficit with female voters than he did with female voters.
And all swing states Trump won in 2016 are now leaning D

Donald Trump won the last election despite losing the popular vote by 3 points. However, our data suggests he has a bigger hill to climb this year, as he trails the presumptive Democratic nominee by 14 points among registered voters (49%-35%).

So? Hillary was up by 18 at this point.
No it is not. A poll that correctly reflects voters would have more registered Democrats than Republicans. Democrat registration has been growing faster than Republican registration.
That just isn't true...and in the case of polling Trump support he has support from all three major over sampling dems is never going to show the true read on the people...this is the same mistake that was made in 2016....

It is true. You clearly do not want to face reality. No mistakes were made in 2016. In 2016, you had 2 candidates who were extremely disliked. Trump's disapproval was 65% and Clinton's was 59%. Biden's negatives are much lower while Trump's is much higher. Plus Trump has lost key parts of the Reagan coalition. Suburban voters. Also Trump is facing a larger deficit with female voters than he did with female voters.
People do not flock to rallies for people they dislike and disapprove have to ignore a lot of stuff to get to where your thinking maybe its you that is not facing reality.....
And all swing states Trump won in 2016 are now leaning D

Donald Trump won the last election despite losing the popular vote by 3 points. However, our data suggests he has a bigger hill to climb this year, as he trails the presumptive Democratic nominee by 14 points among registered voters (49%-35%).

your pussy is going to be hurting again lol
No it is not. A poll that correctly reflects voters would have more registered Democrats than Republicans. Democrat registration has been growing faster than Republican registration.
That just isn't true...and in the case of polling Trump support he has support from all three major over sampling dems is never going to show the true read on the people...this is the same mistake that was made in 2016....

It is true. You clearly do not want to face reality. No mistakes were made in 2016. In 2016, you had 2 candidates who were extremely disliked. Trump's disapproval was 65% and Clinton's was 59%. Biden's negatives are much lower while Trump's is much higher. Plus Trump has lost key parts of the Reagan coalition. Suburban voters. Also Trump is facing a larger deficit with female voters than he did with female voters.
People do not flock to rallies for people they dislike and disapprove have to ignore a lot of stuff to get to where your thinking maybe its you that is not facing reality.....
You are correct rallies and campaign signs are the only true indicates for public opinions
And all swing states Trump won in 2016 are now leaning D

Donald Trump won the last election despite losing the popular vote by 3 points. However, our data suggests he has a bigger hill to climb this year, as he trails the presumptive Democratic nominee by 14 points among registered voters (49%-35%).

I've been unable to open that story. That said, if the poll was via CNN, CNN has acknowledged that their polls come from their viewers. No surprise there.
Trump will use the same roadmap in 2020 that he used in 2016. Game over for Democrats.

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