Biden and Harris lie, both Tweet that Trump will enact a FEDERAL abortion ban…Trump put it to the STATES. IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.

The Dobbs decision is SETTLED LAW. Abortion laws are state matters, not the purview of the federal government.

Are Biden and Harris insurrectionists for trying usurp the Supreme Court who has already ruled?
Roe was settled law.

How’d that work out?
Lets get real here

Trump is saying “Leave it to the states” before the election
If elected and Republicans hold Congress, Trump would sign a national ban on abortion in a second

I doubt that. Trump respects the rule of law, and Dobbs would prevent him from doing that.

Although , OTOH, Biden would undoubtably sign a national approval from abortion on demand to the date of birth, in spite of the Supreme Court's decision.
Roe was settled law.

How’d that work out?
Roe was an open wound on our nation for a half century. A compromise was made. Giving it to the states is not some nazi agenda as Progs push their propaganda. A real Democrat would know it. It's the children of Mao, Stalin, Che, Castro, Pol Pot and others who the modern Prog gives tribute to.
Roe was settled law.

How’d that work out?

Laws can be changed. The use and possession of marijuana is still illegal, according to settled law. Yet some states have opted to disregard federal law.

Trump says abortion is a STATE issue.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are fear mongering and lying.

Ahhhh, the lies of the left. That is all they do.

It’s the MAGA agenda to make it a national ban. Joe and Kamala are just letting everyone know. :dunno:


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