Biden Bans The Term 'Illegal Alien'

Fine, I have banned "Joe Biden" as this term is associated with extreme stupidity and corruption.
Fine, I have banned "Joe Biden" as this term is associated with extreme stupidity and corruption.
it's truly amazing the power he thinks he has. He has as much power to make that statement as you do to yours. that's hilarious. And you know what, the sheeple will tell you Joe said you can't say that now!!! I'll just respond with, by whose authority for such self righteousness.
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Fine, I have banned "Joe Biden" as this term is associated with extreme stupidity and corruption.
it's truly amazing the power he thinks he has. He has as much power to make that statement as you do to yours. that's hilarious. And you know what, the sheeple will tell you Joe said you can't say that now!!! I'll just respond with, who provided him the authority to issue such self righteousness.

That's like when the media told Trump he couldn't call anchor babies anchor babies. Trump, "I'll just continue calling them anchor babies" and the media's reaction... :aargh:
As stupid as this is, it is definitely a trend that liberals have been using for over a decade now. In order to shape their narrative, they try to redefine words, it's simply an extension of their PC bogus agenda. When the argument goes against them, they cite improper word usage and deflect from the topic at hand.

Remember when that clown Obama tried to change 'terrorism' to 'man made disaster'? These morons will try anything to avoid having to justify their evil anti-American agenda.
Biden entertains the cauliflowers known as PROGS where everything is your feelings.
Fine, I have banned "Joe Biden" as this term is associated with extreme stupidity and corruption.
it's truly amazing the power he thinks he has. He has as much power to make that statement as you do to yours. that's hilarious. And you know what, the sheeple will tell you Joe said you can't say that now!!! I'll just respond with, who provided him the authority to issue such self righteousness.

That's like when the media told Trump he couldn't call anchor babies anchor babies. Trump, "I'll just continue calling them anchor babies" and the media's reaction... :aargh:
If we are ever visited by beings from another planet, they are going to think us quite rude.
What an incredibly powerful move by good old President Joe.

Banana Republican's are besides themselves with Fauxrage and Cognitive Dissonance with the stroke of the mighty EO pen.
Invaders is right. The NG on the border should be shooting these invaders. Many have the Chinese virus and pose a real problem for we Americans.

Shoot the bastards or load them on busses and ship them back to Mexico.
Of course, but Biden and his crew rigged the election, and they now are releasing a plague upon America that we may never recover from. This is what happens when you allow evil and insane people to take control of your government. Republicans should have been more careful,
If Democrats erase our borders then they wipe out the 'crimes of illegally crossing our borders, which is pretty much what they have done...

...So no need to ban the term.
I always thought to be bat shit crazy one had to be a little intelligent in the first place. I was wrong. Never, including obama has one man tried to tear this country apart, our freedom, our liberties, our way of life. The question is how long will we allow him to continue from behind his razor wire. So far he has been like a bull in a china shop. dragging us down to his level with the help of our lying media. The truth as to why is out there but you won't hear it or see it printed. All we have is speculation but after a while it comes into plain view. This administration will have us begging for one world order at the rate he is destroying us. The Bible says in end times most people won't be able to see the nose in front of their face. I give you the 'Something 4 Nothings' the 'U Owe Mes' better known as democRats. who only know how to use the system to their own greed. You will never see them enlist or give to their community, only take. Where do these lower life forms live? Where murder rates are sky high. In trashed out shit holes. Never owning anything worth taking care of they have no respect of life or others property. You want lower murder rates you go into these cities and clean out these totally useless democRats and must start at the top. New York and California are beyond repair so move them all there. Stop releasing them back out on the streets for murder and other crimes that destroy innocent lives. Gun confiscation and early release has never been the answer. Poverty, we spend a trillion a year. democRats really cured that problem. War, they start them but never want to win them, leaving good people to fend for them self. Under Joe America is doomed. Why hasn't anyone ask to see Joes tax returns? I'm sure all the cash he has received from China, Ukraine, and every country he had anything to do with the last 50 years would be hard to hide. The shut up and sat down republicans should change their name to the Enabler Party.

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