Biden/Beto!...The Hill: "Biden team discussed 2020 run with O'Rourke as VP"

Have they suddenly gone suicidal?

Hillary will be the nominee no matter how many mysterious deaths that might require.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Run Joe run, run with the fake Mexican Beto!
  2. This will have huge entertainment value!
  3. Like one said if they don't both make suicide, double suicides!,!,...Hillary suicides!!!! I wonder if she can pull that one off???
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Given the corruption and lies and treason and idiocy presently stinking-up the White House...

It's a good bet that much of America would now rather vote for a fence-post than vote for Trump again...

Biden and Bedo are better than a fence-post, so...
Sorry bout that,

Given the corruption and lies and treason and idiocy presently stinking-up the White House...

It's a good bet that much of America would now rather vote for a fence-post than vote for Trump again...

Biden and Bedo are better than a fence-post, so...

  1. Ah the fence post logic, yeah run with that,...we can only hope.
isnt there a "Minimum IQ" required of anyone running for President?
No, otherwise, we would not be plagued with the present-day Twit(ter)-in-Chief... ( TIC )...


Oh... wait... mebbe that's not IQ that I'm thinking-of... mebbe it's an MDQ... Minimum Decency Quotient.

I think Beto did very poorly against Cruz in the debate. It was like a white belt in judo against a black belt. He needs to improve his skills if he goes national.
that would be a win for everyone. Beto cant get the nom by himself

Biden team discussed 2020 run with O'Rourke as VP: report
I think that Nom would blow Trump away. #Landslide

TRUMP would take down Biden easily, which would leave Beto having to make a choice on if he want's to go all out in supporting Biden. Beto is young enough to know he'd be better off waiting until 2024, then running as VP on a losing ticket.

Also Obama is already supporting Beto and Biden is smart enough to not run unless he has support from Obama.
I'd rather see a poll of democrat super-delegates than Iowa voters. For the dems is CA &NY that give the most delegates, not Iowa.

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