Biden bizarrely ends gun control speech with ‘God save the Queen’

I wonder what he he was thinking in his demented mind?

An anti right to keep and bear arms speech and then praising an UK monarch?

That is discerning.
The proper quote would have been, "God save the King!".
Of course that wouldn't have made any sense either, but at least it would likely acknowledge that Biden is aware the queen had died, and hey, he didn't trip on the imaginary king's robe.
Whether he was speaking of the late Queen Elizabeth II or of some queen who paraded around White House grounds a few days ago is unknown.

President Biden unexpectedly ended a speech on gun control Friday by saying, “God save the Queen, man” — after warning his audience they could be liable for the actions of people who steal their cars.
The 80-year-old president’s signoff confounded listeners, including journalists in the room at the University of Hartford’s campus in Connecticut.
“Several of you have asked me why he might have said that,” Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News wrote in a pool report describing the moment.
“I have no idea. Other poolers likewise have no idea.”
Later Friday, deputy White House press secretary Olivia Dalton told reporters that Biden “was commenting to someone in the crowd,” without further clarification.

Let's have a poll,
Was it refering to his secret bank acct,
Was it refering a covet circle of elitist thieves?
Was it refering to the schemers patriarch Jill, or Hillary, or even was he referring to Feinstein's illness?
Was he threatening someone's mother?
Joe Biden is so stupid that he doesn't know it's a little late for the Queen.

He should be praying for God to save him, at this point.
I doubt he believes in God, but that's not my thing to judge.
"The rebels are beginning to repent, Your Majesty."
Joe Biden is so stupid that he doesn't know it's a little late for the Queen.

He should be praying for God to save him, at this point.
Biden is innocent - the little man in his head encourages him to say such things.
Scary to think this confused demented sonofabitch is Commander in Chief of the US military.

Put aside all his corruption, incompetence, dishonesty and treason. He should be impeached just for giving an anti Constitutional speech and then praising an imaginary foreign monarch.
Whether he was speaking of the late Queen Elizabeth II or of some queen who paraded around White House grounds a few days ago is unknown.

President Biden unexpectedly ended a speech on gun control Friday by saying, “God save the Queen, man” — after warning his audience they could be liable for the actions of people who steal their cars.
The 80-year-old president’s signoff confounded listeners, including journalists in the room at the University of Hartford’s campus in Connecticut.
“Several of you have asked me why he might have said that,” Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News wrote in a pool report describing the moment.
“I have no idea. Other poolers likewise have no idea.”
Later Friday, deputy White House press secretary Olivia Dalton told reporters that Biden “was commenting to someone in the crowd,” without further clarification.

Biden was referring to THIS 'GUY', after being told he was banned from ever coming back to the WH...



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