God Save The Queen?

How can you people still insist that Biden is competent to be president? In CT Biden reaffirms his desire to violate our second amendment rights instead of going after criminals ans he ends his little speech saying, God Save the Queen, man"


/——-/ Dementia Joe didn’t get the memo that the Queen is dead, long live the King.
A doddering senile old man? The guy who handily beat the orange douchebag so badly that he is still whining about it years later? LOL
No ... we aren't calling Dominion a “doddering senile old man.”
Imagine this: A guy gets fired from his job and gathers an ugly mob of goons to ransack his former workplace. Before he left his workplace he stole Top Secrets and revealed our military plans for the whole world to see. In some countries he would have faced a firing squad. I don`t think much of Biden but why doesn`t the GQP have a respectable candidate to run against him? Maybe George Santos, who claims to have buried 2 mothers or MTG could beat him. :abgg2q.jpg:
1. This isn’t about Trump

2. It’s not even alleged in the indictment he did half the things you said.

3. Trump being bad doesn’t make Biden good.
A doddering senile old man? The guy who handily beat the orange douchebag so badly that he is still whining about it years later? LOL
So you're happy that a senile old man beat the narcissistic egomaniac?

You can't even see how sad it is that these 2 idiots are the best this country can do for presidential candidates can you?
Biden didn't steal anything. Trump stole the documents, showed them to people, refused to give them back. Now the Ex-President is going to face justice. Get this trial over with quickly! Time to move on and let the nation heal.

GOD save the Queen! I say it sometimes when I am going to eat fish and chips.
never seen you before billy bob, but you're dumb as fuck per your 1st post that caught my eye
you'll do well here son beingt his damned dumb...lol
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Eat shit and die, loser :abgg2q.jpg:

God Save The Queen. Whatever Joe says, he means it :p

2 days ago he was building a bridge to the indian ocean....lolol......ok penis breath..........btw flames make me stronger

what are you fucking doing up so early on sunday libturd?.heavy crack night?
2 days ago he was building a bridge to the indian ocean....lolol......ok penis breath..........btw flames make me stronger

what are you fucking doing up so early on sunday libturd?.heavy crack night?
I am not afraid of you, bitch :smoochEE:

God Save The Queen. Whatever Joe says, he means it. Joe delivers​

A doddering senile old man? The guy who handily beat the orange douchebag so badly that he is still whining about it years later? LOL
So beating dumb Don makes Joe a sentient intelligent person. Lol.

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