Biden Blames Guns

Your thought process sounds pretty stupid to me. You left (what you call) this wonderful place, to live most of your life for money? If I lived in such a place all the money wouldn't mean anything to me. Happiness is not found in your bank account.

So you retire at 50, become seriously ill and die at 55. What kind of life is that when you could have spent all those years in a place you consider paradise?

I was born here and believe this is the greatest country in the world, not just for the opportunity of financial success or stability, but because of our freedom, rights and Constitution that protects them. I don't know what country you're from, but wherever it is, I'm quite sure people are not killing themselves trying to get in. Here people die every single day trying to get past our borders for the slightest chance they may be able to stay legally or illegally.

The demise of any country is possible, but people have been predicting ours for generations and it never happened. If it does happen, it will be because we've allowed the liberals to destroy this place which we are strongly fighting against. How would they be able to destroy it? By turning us into one of those other countries you consider paradise.

You got it all wrong. You see I don't believe that this country or my country of origin belongs just to those who were born in them, I believe that god created this earth for humans but some stupid greedy humans thought they can keep it to themselves. That's like asking bees, animals, whales, fish, bird to stick to one area. Before your kind there were other races, and there will be other races that's just how human nature is MIGRATION.

I'm from a country that it very old, my ancestors crossed to Europe and built most of the south of Europe, we also were the first country to recognize the independence of the US and offer it its first building outside the US. The US is merely in power for 100 and is already losing its grip, we did it for 8 centuries.

50 Is the new 30 my dear and tell me how many 50 year old you know of that can or did retire? I see many Americans who have to work till they drop because they can't afford retiring. And no the US is not the greatest country on earth, not when the kids are gunned down, where homelessness is worse than most third world countries, where the elderly have to fend for themselves and die for days unknowingly in their houses without loved ones around to take care of them, not when drugs are rampaging the youth and adults alike, not when you have settle between dumb and dumber (Biden and Trump), not when the rape rate is one of the highest in the world, and I can go and on. I agree with you that the US has the best savage capitalism system that enriching the rich yes, that the US is breeding ground of innovation (Thanks to the influx of brains from immigration).

Go travel a bit and you'll realize how much you have been lied to and your were brainwashed that you are the best there is. For god's sake you can't even walk in your town at night without being on alert.
You got it all wrong. You see I don't believe that this country or my country of origin belongs just to those who were born in them, I believe that god created this earth for humans but some stupid greedy humans thought they can keep it to themselves. That's like asking bees, animals, whales, fish, bird to stick to one area. Before your kind there were other races, and there will be other races that's just how human nature is MIGRATION.

I'm from a country that it very old, my ancestors crossed to Europe and built most of the south of Europe, we also were the first country to recognize the independence of the US and offer it its first building outside the US. The US is merely in power for 100 and is already losing its grip, we did it for 8 centuries.

50 Is the new 30 my dear and tell me how many 50 year old you know of that can or did retire? I see many Americans who have to work till they drop because they can't afford retiring. And no the US is not the greatest country on earth, not when the kids are gunned down, where homelessness is worse than most third world countries, where the elderly have to fend for themselves and die for days unknowingly in their houses without loved ones around to take care of them, not when drugs are rampaging the youth and adults alike, not when you have settle between dumb and dumber (Biden and Trump), not when the rape rate is one of the highest in the world, and I can go and on. I agree with you that the US has the best savage capitalism system that enriching the rich yes, that the US is breeding ground of innovation (Thanks to the influx of brains from immigration).

Go travel a bit and you'll realize how much you have been lied to and your were brainwashed that you are the best there is. For god's sake you can't even walk in your town at night without being on alert.

This is true, and the reason we can't walk around safely is because of minorities. Had our ancestors kept this country white or as white as possible, I'd be able to walk down my street day or night safely. How do I know this? Because that's the way it was here when it was all white.

The people that occupy or created a country is theirs. That's why when you look at a globe it has all those different names on it, not nameless land, those are countries. Humans are not birds or bees, but if I have a problem with birds or bees on my property, I eliminate them. If you don't believe in property or ownership, tell me, how many homeless are sleeping in your house right now? How many times do you leave your door unlocked for anybody to come in and make themselves at home? Animals are more territorial than humans. If you don't believe that, try taking over a bear den or invade a pride of lions sometime.

The greatest thing about the United States is everybody is in charge of their own fate. If you didn't advance yourself throughout life, you may end up homeless, old with little to live on, have to work until the day you drop. But if that is the case, it's a choice you made, not a plague out of your control.

Also in the United States we do have places where government takes total care of you. They feed you, clothe you, provide television, pool rooms and a field for sports activities and exercise. You can work if you want, or not work at all. Nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to get into.
This is true, and the reason we can't walk around safely is because of minorities. Had our ancestors kept this country white or as white as possible, I'd be able to walk down my street day or night safely. How do I know this? Because that's the way it was here when it was all white.

The people that occupy or created a country is theirs. That's why when you look at a globe it has all those different names on it, not nameless land, those are countries. Humans are not birds or bees, but if I have a problem with birds or bees on my property, I eliminate them. If you don't believe in property or ownership, tell me, how many homeless are sleeping in your house right now? How many times do you leave your door unlocked for anybody to come in and make themselves at home? Animals are more territorial than humans. If you don't believe that, try taking over a bear den or invade a pride of lions sometime.

The greatest thing about the United States is everybody is in charge of their own fate. If you didn't advance yourself throughout life, you may end up homeless, old with little to live on, have to work until the day you drop. But if that is the case, it's a choice you made, not a plague out of your control.

Also in the United States we do have places where government takes total care of you. They feed you, clothe you, provide television, pool rooms and a field for sports activities and exercise. You can work if you want, or not work at all. Nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to get into.
That's how you see life and that's your freedom of thoughts but it is totally wrong.
Whites have being killing each others since the beginning of times, oh actually humans because color has nothing to do with how ones thinks or behaves. The minorities you talking about are mainly the blacks they you used as slaves, threw in ghettos and expected them to fair for themselves with lesser options and lesser opportunities, as they say "You reap what you sow".

If you think that white is an advantage, where were white Europeans in dark ages when the Moors and Islamic empire were centuries ahead of them in every aspect of life, they even crossed to build their cities, teach them hygiene practices, build paved roads, universities even animal shelters...your white ancestors were living in filth and decay. Go travel to South of Europe and visit Alhambra, Sevilla, Cordoba, Portugal and ask scholars who brought science, Algebra, Medicine, Geometry, Algorithms and so much more to Europe and Europeans took over from there.....Unlike you I appreciate every civilizations contribution to humanity where you think is a white and dark thing. And even before where Europeans during Babylon, The Pharaohs and so many other non white civilizations?

Dude In the 20 years that I live in Los Angeles 80% beggars I encountered are white and the last time someone to steal a neighbor's bike was white in a predominantly hispanic city. The color theory has been debunked scientifically, historically and statistically and there no human whose color is white.

Heck even Pfizer who saved billions of lives is led by 2 Muslim scientist, heck even the vaccine Cezar that was appointed by Trump to help find and distribute the vaccine and save America was a Muslim. So imagine if you let only white in, you would've been toasted.
That's how you see life and that's your freedom of thoughts but it is totally wrong.
Whites have being killing each others since the beginning of times, oh actually humans because color has nothing to do with how ones thinks or behaves. The minorities you talking about are mainly the blacks they you used as slaves, threw in ghettos and expected them to fair for themselves with lesser options and lesser opportunities, as they say "You reap what you sow".

If you think that white is an advantage, where were white Europeans in dark ages when the Moors and Islamic empire were centuries ahead of them in every aspect of life, they even crossed to build their cities, teach them hygiene practices, build paved roads, universities even animal shelters...your white ancestors were living in filth and decay. Go travel to South of Europe and visit Alhambra, Sevilla, Cordoba, Portugal and ask scholars who brought science, Algebra, Medicine, Geometry, Algorithms and so much more to Europe and Europeans took over from there.....Unlike you I appreciate every civilizations contribution to humanity where you think is a white and dark thing. And even before where Europeans during Babylon, The Pharaohs and so many other non white civilizations?

Dude In the 20 years that I live in Los Angeles 80% beggars I encountered are white and the last time someone to steal a neighbor's bike was white in a predominantly hispanic city. The color theory has been debunked scientifically, historically and statistically and there no human whose color is white.

Heck even Pfizer who saved billions of lives is led by 2 Muslim scientist, heck even the vaccine Cezar that was appointed by Trump to help find and distribute the vaccine and save America was a Muslim. So imagine if you let only white in, you would've been toasted.

The difference between whites and minorities is whites became more civilized as time went on where minorities became more uncivilized. That's not so say every white person is an angel but crime statistics clearly supports my point. You don't see us whites moving into minority neighborhoods, you see them invading ours. Why is that? Because we whites created vibrant, thriving and safe environments.
Every Swiss would sink into the Earth on shame if a Swiss would speak like you with a German like me.

THIS ^^^ is why the arrogant Germans are universally reviled.

They're so fucking high and mighty they think the Swiss are going to lick their balls just for being alive.

I have news for you dumbshit, the Swiss dislike the Germans VERY MUCH. Always have. Any respect you are shown is purely perfunctory.

You are IGNORANT of history. Anyone can read a book, but not everyone has 900 years of direct evidence.

I have a message for my Nazi German friends: look in the mirror. You live in a glass house, it's not wise to throw stones.
Not if you want to take my weapons.

That puts you SQUARELY left of center.

And I do mean square.
Well if you have lived in a gun free country you would know how wonderfully peaceful it is, but unfortunately you don't. You wanna keep your toys and watch massacres unfold. And god forbid you or your loved one looses their shit and pick that toy and go on a rampage also. Guns are very tempting.
Well if you have lived in a gun free country you would know how wonderfully peaceful it is,



Wonderfully peaceful

Except when it gets "mostly" peaceful. :p

but unfortunately you don't. You wanna keep your toys and watch massacres unfold. And god forbid you or your loved one looses their shit and pick that toy and go on a rampage also. Guns are very tempting.
That's just stupid.

Guns are for KILLING. They're for self defense, and for hunting.

They're not toys

Anyone who says a gun is a toy is a plain old idiot.

Unless he's a six year old with retarded parents
Prog domination is already treating citizens badly here.

Were you ever treated as badly as the ten year old little girl who goes to school , perhaps to learn how many nIckels are in a quarter, and instead she learns what it’s like to have a stranger who looks like a soldier firing an assault rifle with a thirty round clip at her and your classmates.

The scary man was law abiding enough for the bullish society that this new child joyfully joined, without a moments hesitation, joyfully and eagerly sold him those weapons of war as if he was buying toothpaste. He was excersing a right more precious than this little girls right to life,

So with no assistance from TEXAS at that point this brave and resourceful child chose her right to life by smearing the blood of her classmates on her shirt and pretended to be dead,

Seriously, 22lcidw tell me when a “Prog” society treated you more badly than the Texas devoted to gun culture society treated that little girl and the unprotected 19 children and two teachers who did not survive the encounter with the monster that the NRA and Republican Party and Texas government protects until it does something evil with the weapons of war / then the only word gun boys know is “can’t”
THIS ^^^ is why the arrogant Germans are universally reviled.

They're so fucking high and mighty they think the Swiss are going to lick their balls just for being alive.

I have news for you dumbshit, the Swiss dislike the Germans VERY MUCH. Always have. Any respect you are shown is purely perfunctory.

You are IGNORANT of history. Anyone can read a book, but not everyone has 900 years of direct evidence.

I have a message for my Nazi German friends: look in the mirror. You live in a glass house, it's not wise to throw stones.

Now tell the same an inhabitant of Bern who knows me and he would look as bewildered as I, anti-Swiss .

Well if you have lived in a gun free country you would know how wonderfully peaceful it is, but unfortunately you don't. You wanna keep your toys and watch massacres unfold. And god forbid you or your loved one looses their shit and pick that toy and go on a rampage also. Guns are very tempting.

Correct, we do not live in a gun-free country and never will. That's the reason law abiding citizens need to be armed. If you can tell me a way to disarm all criminals, let me know, because perhaps we can extrapolate that theory to our terrible drug problem in this country; recreational drugs, the kind that have been illegal all of my life.
This is a leftist LIE.

How come there were no mass shootings in the 60's? Or before?

Because in the 60's most people were religious and believed in God and an after life. Because most households were two-parent families and in most cases the mother was home with her children or got home from work before school let out.


Wonderfully peaceful

Except when it gets "mostly" peaceful. :p

That's just stupid.

Guns are for KILLING. They're for self defense, and for hunting.

They're not toys

Anyone who says a gun is a toy is a plain old idiot.

Unless he's a six year old with retarded parents
23 years in a gun free country we never had to turn on the TV and someone taking many lives. We have crazy people but thank god we don't have guns that will empower them.
Well many said the same, till their wife or boss pisses them and they go on a rampage. Guns do unable even the week to inflict a huge harm. We had kids as young as 10 being massacred in where it supposed to be one of the safest places for kids to learn and have fun.
Because in the 60's most people were religious and believed in God and an after life. Because most households were two-parent families and in most cases the mother was home with her children or got home from work before school let out.
In the period of the mafia, Irish and other gangs....the country was in the grip of organized crime and i guess because they were is not bad after all.
the 60s as the stats show had lots of crimes too, Serial killers and child killer but with the population growth the crime grew. Just don't try and lie to make your point. Bring facts to the table please.
Sounds like, "some of my best friends are Jewish!" :p

My mother was born in Bern. I have 105 cousins in and around Bern.

You are a shame for Switzerland. In the eyes of the Nazis I'm by the way a Jew. And I don't like to know now anything about your anti-Semitism or your anti-anti-Semitism nor any other of your thoughts why you like to misuse my from the Nazis murdered family members for your own stupid criminal psychopathological structure to think.

Perhaps you should learn to listen to the words of a German like for example Friedrich Schiller in the following video. And do not forget to tell your Bernian relatives how you "killed" a Jewish Nazi-German with your platitudes because this damn asshole tried to protect the children from US-American citizens from mass-murder by money-feudalists like Donald Trump and the criminal leaders of a faking organisation like the NRA.

In memoriam Friedrich Schiller
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