Biden Blames Guns

That’s your choice. But if the next law abiding citizen easily buys an assault rifle and enough ammo to shoot to kill all the deer in Kansas, Suddenly goes wacko and then open me fire on a group of teenagers hanging out in the mall and one of them is yours don’t come crying to me. You killed your own.
Thank God the Border Patrols barber had a gun to give him so he could drive 40 miles to go shoot the murderer.

It’s too bad this school didn’t have armed teachers.
My solution is not and never has been to take guns away from rightwing law-abiding citizens you dimwit. Just prove my point. You are not very bright. I won’t lie buying citizens to keep playing with them Until they grow up.
And tell us how this person should have never had a gun.

Oh yeah. You want to grab guns from law abiding citizens.
My solution is not and never has been to take guns away from rightwing law-abiding citizens you dimwit. Just prove my point. You are not very bright. I won’t lie buying citizens to keep playing with them Until they grow up.

All your rants point to you wanting to see a disarmed society. So tell me, if that's not your position, what is? Think raising the age will do shit? Do age limits have any affect on the teens shooting other teens in Chicago with handguns which you have to be at least 21 years old to buy?

No, you don't want to take guns away from law abiding people,

That’s your choice. But if the next law abiding citizen easily buys an assault rifle and enough ammo to shoot to kill all the deer in Kansas, Suddenly goes wacko and then open me fire on a group of teenagers hanging out in the mall and one of them is yours don’t come crying to me.
That’s your choice. But if the next law abiding citizen easily buys an assault rifle and enough ammo to shoot to kill all the deer in Kansas, Suddenly goes wacko and then open me fire on a group of teenagers hanging out in the mall and one of them is yours don’t come crying to me. You killed your own.
There are more guns in America than citizens.
So what’s your solution?
Nothing can be less bright than that, as if making some new law would actually stop them.
I want to make it impossible for an 18-year-old to buy an assault rifle and high velocity ammunition with 30 round clips without a damn good reason for why he needs one for starters.

There will be an application process to buy a weapon that looks like an assault rifle used by the military. If there’s any semblance of hate towards other races or towards the opposite sex, or opposing political views recorded in any of his social media then he will be watched during a two years application process requireing not posting any of that rape shit like Ramos did, if he is going to earn the right to play with an AR15 ever. The applicant signs a contract that if he slips up during those two years he gives up all rights to gun possession and ownership for life.

You probably oppose that right off the bat. You enabled Ramos to buy his assault weapon easily, to be was used immediately to mass murder 19 kids and two of their teachers while the good guys with the guns didn’t move very fast to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

You have no soul. You have no heart. You should not have any say in this matter. That’s why I hope JD Vance loses. We don’t need NRAowned US Senators holding school kids hostage to service the NRA and the gun manufacturers so unknown problem people can easily buy guns to shoot them.

MY sister is on a first name basis working with Congressman Ryan on the The SFC Heath Robinson Pact ACT which is a huge deal coming to the aid of Veterans suffering from the effects of burn pits white in Iraq. My niece was married to Heath, they have a daughter and Heath died of multiple cancers after keeping him isolated and protected from rightwing anti-maskers during COVID. But the cancer was too much. My sister and congressman Ryan have been instrumental in getting this bill almost to a vote as we speak. She is in DC right now at the rolling thunder Rally as a speaking part of the Memorial Day event which will provide so much benefits for our veterans. There’s still a chance that Republicans can shoot it down in the coming weeks but I hope not. Fucking Republicans.

My sister carries all the time. Her husband is a hunter. they both know the NRA is evil Because they know Democrats are not coming to grab any law abiding citizens guns. . It’s an NRA lie to their suckers for cash to buy Senators. Well enough of that is enough. Let’s fire 10 Republican NRA owned senators over the next decade. Start by not letting Vance get near him Save school kids from dying in gunfire.

I hooe to volunteer to work on RYAN’s campaign to start Putting an end to your gun grabber bullshit.
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I want to make it impossible for an 18-year-old to buy an assault rifle and high velocity ammunition with 30 round clips without a damn good reason for why he needs one for starters.

There will be an application process to buy a weapon that looks like an assault rifle used by the military. If there’s any semblance of hate towards other races or towards the opposite sex, or opposing political views recorded in any of his social media then he will be watched during a two years application process requireing not posting any of that rape shit like Ramos did, if he is going to earn the right to play with an AR15 ever. The applicant signs a contract that if he slips up during those two years he gives up all rights to gun possession and ownership for life.

You probably oppose that right off the bat. You enabled Ramos to buy his assault weapon easily, to be was used immediately to mass murder 19 kids and two of their teachers while the good guys with the guns didn’t move very fast to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

You have no soul. You have no heart. You should not have any say in this matter. That’s why I hope JD Vance loses. We don’t need NRAowned US Senators holding school kids hostage to service the NRA and the gun manufacturers so unknown problem people can easily buy guns to shoot them.

MY sister is on a first name basis working with Congressman Ryan on the The SFC Heath Robinson Pact ACT which is a huge deal coming to the aid of Veterans suffering from the effects of burn pits white in Iraq. My niece was married to Heath, they have a daughter and Heath died of multiple cancers after keeping him isolated and protected from rightwing anti-maskers during COVID. But the cancer was too much. My sister and congressman Ryan have been instrumental in getting this bill almost to a vote as we speak. She is in DC right now at the rolling thunder Rally as a speaking part of the Memorial Day event which will provide so much benefits for our veterans. There’s still a chance that Republicans can shoot it down in the coming weeks but I hope not. Fucking Republicans.

My sister carries all the time. Her husband is a hunter. they both know the NRA is evil Because they know Democrats are not coming to grab any law abiding citizens guns. . It’s an NRA lie to their suckers for cash to buy Senators. Well enough of that is enough. Let’s fire 10 Republican NRA owned senators over the next decade. Start by not letting Vance get near him Save school kids from dying in gunfire.

I hooe to volunteer to work on RYAN’s campaign to start Putting an end to your gun grabber bullshit.
Thanks for confirming you’re a gun grabber.
I want to make it impossible for an 18-year-old to buy an assault rifle and high velocity ammunition with 30 round clips without a damn good reason for why he needs one for starters.

There will be an application process to buy a weapon that looks like an assault rifle used by the military. If there’s any semblance of hate towards other races or towards the opposite sex, or opposing political views recorded in any of his social media then he will be watched during a two years application process requireing not posting any of that rape shit like Ramos did, if he is going to earn the right to play with an AR15 ever. The applicant signs a contract that if he slips up during those two years he gives up all rights to gun possession and ownership for life.

You probably oppose that right off the bat. You enabled Ramos to buy his assault weapon easily, to be was used immediately to mass murder 19 kids and two of their teachers while the good guys with the guns didn’t move very fast to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

You have no soul. You have no heart. You should not have any say in this matter. That’s why I hope JD Vance loses. We don’t need NRAowned US Senators holding school kids hostage to service the NRA and the gun manufacturers so unknown problem people can easily buy guns to shoot them.

MY sister is on a first name basis working with Congressman Ryan on the The SFC Heath Robinson Pact ACT which is a huge deal coming to the aid of Veterans suffering from the effects of burn pits white in Iraq. My niece was married to Heath, they have a daughter and Heath died of multiple cancers after keeping him isolated and protected from rightwing anti-maskers during COVID. But the cancer was too much. My sister and congressman Ryan have been instrumental in getting this bill almost to a vote as we speak. She is in DC right now at the rolling thunder Rally as a speaking part of the Memorial Day event which will provide so much benefits for our veterans. There’s still a chance that Republicans can shoot it down in the coming weeks but I hope not. Fucking Republicans.

My sister carries all the time. Her husband is a hunter. they both know the NRA is evil Because they know Democrats are not coming to grab any law abiding citizens guns. . It’s an NRA lie to their suckers for cash to buy Senators. Well enough of that is enough. Let’s fire 10 Republican NRA owned senators over the next decade. Start by not letting Vance get near him Save school kids from dying in gunfire.

I hooe to volunteer to work on RYAN’s campaign to start Putting an end to your gun grabber bullshit.

It's easy to do, just petition for a constitutional amendment. You either have a constitutional right or you don't. You don't have to give a reason to exercise any right to anybody in our free country.

And I see you are reading from your Holy Bible, 1984. Any semblance of hate, opposing political views, freedom of speech or racism would allow the Communists to deny you your rights. Why am I not shocked? Better question: why don't you just move to North Korea or Cuba where you'd be happier?

If you have a theory on how to make it impossible for anybody under the age of 21 to buy an AR, let me see what you got. Let's try using it on our drug problem first in this country that killed over 107,000 Americans last year. If you can show me how it's done, I'd like to know what it is since recreational and dangerous drugs have been illegal my entire life, and we have a worse problem now than we ever had.

Any semblance of hate, opposing political views, freedom of speech or racism would allow the Communists to deny you your rights.
You are defending the right for every citizen, never convicted of a major crime, to commit atrocities with whatever weapon of war or means of killing humans that humankind can devise. Of course that right goes up to the split second when the atrocity using that tool actually begins. Then a victim or mass victims are deprived of their right to life in the name of preserving the liberty of the few who want unfettered access to a killing tool being a higher right than the very right to life by all.

Your individual rights argument is so weak and absurd that you must accuse those who oppose you even by minor degree of being communists.

And you are a fraud because if individual possession and unfettered access to killing tools is higher than the right to life itself, then you must demand access to all and any killing tool ever invented. But you shy away from such a demand because you are a fraud. You’ve become increasingly absurd and obsessed about guns over the decades. You consent to not having access and possession, not bearing most arms, such as an attack helicopter or plastic explosives to blow up the bridge leading to your town before the commies can cross to kill and oppress you.

Your highest and most sacred “gun” right that is higher and more sacred than the very right to life of a ten year old, stops at a very low threshold of “human killing” tools available thanks to modern technology.

Your sacred right is limited and you have consented to the limit. Therefore you have consented already that society has a right to draw the lines on access and to regulate human killing tools in the hands of the individual. And most in society want the line moved closer to something more protective of ten year olds in school who have a right to grow up. Its not a Commie plot.
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It's easy to do, just petition for a constitutional amendment
Society already has the right to limit and restrict access and regulate firearms and weapons developed for combat in a war. No constitutional amendment needed. We just need to fire ten Republican Senators.
You are defending the right for every citizen, never convicted of a major crime, to commit atrocities with whatever weapon of war or means of killing humans that humankind can devise. Of course that right goes up to the split second when the atrocity using that tool actually begins. Then a victim or mass victims are deprived of their right to life in the name of preserving the liberty of the few who want unfettered access to a killing tool being a higher right than the very right to life by all.

Your individual rights argument is so weak and absurd that you must accuse those who oppose you even by minor degree of being communists.

And you are a fraud because if individual possession and unfettered access to killing tools is higher than the right life itself then you must demand access to all and any killing tool ever invented. But you shy away from such a demand because you are a fraud. You’ve become increasing absurd and obsessed about guns over the decades. You consent to not having access to possession, not bearing most arms, such as an attack helicopter or plastic explosives to blow up the bridge leading to your town before the commies can cross to kill and oppress you.

Your highest and most sacred “gun” right that is higher and more sacred than the very right to life of a ten year old, stops at a very low threshold of “human killing” tools available thanks to modern technology.

Your sacred right is limited and you have consented to the limit. Therefore you have consented already that society has a right to draw the lines on access and to regulate human killing tools in the hands of the individual. And most in society want the line moved closer to something more protective of ten year olds in school who have a right to grow up. Its not a Commie plot.

Anybody that votes Democrat is a comme, they're just too stupid to know it. To support my point, I invite you to visit the US Communist party website. Read their agenda. There are very few differences between theirs and the Democrat party. Read their praises of candidates like Hillary and DumBama. Read their disdain of candidates like Trump and yes, even Romney or McCain.

You see if the devil comes for your soul, he will not have a cape, fiery red skin, and a tail with an arrowhead at the end. He would likely be a well dressed man, somebody you'd expect on wall street, very coy and of course never tell you why he's there.

I don't defend people who commit heinous crimes. In fact I have always proposed stronger prison sentences for them, unlike commie cities that give them a slap on the hand. This is especially true of crimes committed with guns. But I also don't believe in punishing everybody for the actions of a few. It's as stupid as restricting good drivers because of people who constantly drive drunk. We don't punish the good motorists, we provide harsher penalties for people that drive drunk or high. Because of that, we've greatly reduced intoxicated driving over the past few decades. In fact many people don't even go out on New Years Eve anymore unless they are going to a restaurant or a party at a hotel where they have a room waiting for them.

Every gun is a killing tool. That's what they are designed for. To think if you ban one killing tool it makes all the others less deadly is a stupid conclusion to make. So it's not a choice between allowing kids to be killed over Constitutional rights, it's taking safeguards to protect ourselves and children while protecting those rights at the same time.

Now if you want to address these gun murder problems by giving the offenders much harsher sentences, count me in. If you want to see less children killed by giving federal money to schools for more protection, you have my vote. But I will never support being guilty until proving your innocence, or allowing one or more individuals to make the choice whether you can own a firearm or not base don their unprofssional opinion of an individual.
Society already has the right to limit and restrict access and regulate firearms and weapons developed for combat in a war. No constitutional amendment needed. We just need to fire ten Republican Senators.

You can fire all the Senators you want. What firearm do we have that was developed for war that we use today? Anybody in the military will tell you AR's and AK's are never used in war or even training. There are plenty of semi-automatic handguns that can do just as much damage, it's just they don't look as scary. So what happens when you restrict those and find out it was fruitless? The next step would be to go after those handguns.

I wish Trump would be President again, and this time make a bet with your leftist anti-gun politicians: We will make these restrictions you've been preaching about, but if they don't greatly reduce gun violence and mass shootings in five years, we remove all restrictions and you never bring it up again. Do you really think any commie would make that bet? Of course not, because even they know it's bullshit.
Do you think the NRA gun lobbyists have no influence on !egislators, or governors?

No they don't because the NRA contributed something like 2 million bucks to reps that supported the 2nd Amendment last year. In comparison to other groups, that's like pissing on a house fire.

Reps work to get the vote of the people which many are pro 2nd amendment. Even in my state the Democrat governor signed our CCW bill because he knew what going against it meant for his future. The NRA had nothing to do with it anymore than they had to do with the Texas school shooting or Buffalo mass murder.
No they don't because the NRA contributed something like 2 million bucks to reps that supported the 2nd Amendment last year. In comparison to other groups, that's like pissing on a house fire.

Reps work to get the vote of the people which many are pro 2nd amendment. Even in my state the Democrat governor signed our CCW bill because he knew what going against it meant for his future. The NRA had nothing to do with it anymore than they had to do with the Texas school shooting or Buffalo mass murder.
If you're in Ohio, your governor that signed it, was a Republican and not a democrat as you stated???

The majority of Americans believe there should be background checks and other regulations, even citizens that are pro 2nd amendment and own guns.....

The NRA wrote the new easy peasy gun laws in Texas and in Ohio...don't fool yourself in to believing they had no influence...

Do you think the NRA gun lobbyists have no influence on !egislators, or governors?
Not much as compared to abortion lobbies and environmental lobbies. The NRA basically teaches gun safety. You seem grossly misinformed.
Not much as compared to abortion lobbies and environmental lobbies. The NRA basically teaches gun safety. You seem grossly misinformed.
It may have begun that way but now, the NRA is the lobbyist for gun MANUFACTURERS.

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