Biden Blames Guns

So maybe your dream will come true of killing somebody someday if somebody mistakes your car for his own and walks up and puts their hand on your door handle. You can kill ‘em
Oh shut up, leftist troll.

Fucking door handles. What a moron.

I tire of these leftard dickheads.
There are lobbyists for every business and manufacturer. What's the problem?

Weapons are an ideology in the USA - that's the problem. Also when everyone will always carry a gun - this will not solve problems in context "violent society" but cause only more problems in this context. Guns are like walls in the communication between people. And behind this walls live poor lonesome strangers - always ready to defend with brutal violence their own self made prisons.
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Biden blames Texas school shooting on ‘gun lobby,’ demands new gun laws​

Just think, in doing so, Biden is saying:
  1. The "gun lobby" has more power than Congress! Apparently they can stop the entire Congress!
  2. That if not for the gun lobby, Biden would ban all guns tomorrow thus doing away with the "gun problem" walking right over the Second Amendment! The "gun lobby," not the LAW is what is stopping Joe from ending all gun crime!
Just think, in doing so, Biden is saying:
  1. The "gun lobby" has more power than Congress! Apparently they can stop the entire Congress!
  2. That if not for the gun lobby, Biden would ban all guns tomorrow thus doing away with the "gun problem" walking right over the Second Amendment! The "gun lobby," not the LAW is what is stopping Joe from ending all gun crime!
Biden is a brain dead idiot. 2 brain surgeries, 78 years old, has to read everything, and is declining in his ability to use and remember words. Constantly slurring and meandering from the subject.
Just saying if he didn't buy the weapon(s) until he was 18, to be legal, this shooting might not have happened for 3 more years if at all, as there is some more maturity at 21 than 18, anyway.

If the State and Federal government did their jobs, he would have FAILED the Background Check.
Weapons are an ideology in the USA - that's the problem. Also when everyone will always carry a gun - this will not solve problems in context "violent society" but cause only more problems in this context. Guns are like walls in the communication between people. And behind this walls live poor lonesome strangers - always ready to defend with brutal violence their own self made prisons.
Total bullshit. If everyone is armed, perps (who are cowards) will stand down. In fact, they won't even try because anyone can render them room temperature. Guns provide a defensive wall between law abiding citizens and criminal perps.
Learn about guns, how they work, etc. Shoot rhem, get used to them. They are your only defense.
FYI, I am not an NRA member, just a big supporter of the 2A and the right to defend oneself and one's family. I am a Republican. Probably nicer than most Dems,
I am not an NRA member as well. I fully support the second amendment. Where the line is drawn on that freedom when it overrides the freedom to live about 10-year-old child is not compatible with your Republican no limit indifference to the gun owner ideology and culture of death that is causing are Black people in churches in supermarkets and children in classrooms.
Learn about guns, how they work, etc. Shoot rhem, get used to them. They are your only defense.
You are absurd. You are amoral. 19 ten year olds and two of their teachers had absolutely no defense against one of your “Championed” human killing tools. You fault little children for not knowing how guns work. GFY
It’s easy. Do not make it so damned easy for anybody anywhere in the United States to buy an assault rifle without a two year probation period to prove he has the right to play with any type of military use firearm. All you longer term gun owners keep what already have. Proper probationary deeper investigation applications will apply to only first time buyers of a gun.

If there is a definite definable need of self or property protection then each case can be reviewed on an independent basis. Say someone living on a ranch and their father died and one of the sons is taking over. He gets credit for his father’s history of being a law abiding citizen with a gun. Sensible people can make something like this work.

You can’t but since you cannot guarantee in any way that first time gun buyers who choose assault rifles as their first gun toy to play with won’t be committing mass murders with them, no one should pay attention to you. You are not sensible.
There’s more guns in America than humans. How’s the governments war on drugs going?

It’s time to address the REAL elephants in the room, which includes fractured families, drugs, death penalty, faith, paroling, violence in entertainment, and mental health issues.
F you and your “faith” solution. That is such bogus bullshit. Even your own effing solutions “sign” contains the word “may” .
because you and the NRA and 49 evil Republican US Senators cannot get over $ protecting the shooter over the kids right to life of 10 year old school kids.

1.561 children have been killed by guns in 2021.

Your message Weatherman2020 to American kids . OK kids, just so you know gun shooters have a right to be able to shoot you with really big guns and really deadly ammo. If a shooter man decides to attack your school we the religious godly perfect family American people who worship guns that the NRA mommies and daddies “may“ be able to protect you. Maybe not? That is a chance that you have to take kids because the right to shoot 10 year old kids with the most powerful and deadly simulated weapons of war available cannot be limited to protect you. If you think you’re right to life is more important than a gun hobbyists right to own a big bad nasty gun then you are our enemy and you deserve what you get. But, maybe we will protect you.
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F you and your “faith” solution. That is such bogus bullshit. Even your own effing solutions “sign” contains the word “may” .
because you and the NRA and 49 evil Republican US Senators cannot get over $ protecting the shooter over the kids right to life of 10 year old school kids.

1.561 children have been killed by guns in 2021.

Your message Weatherman2020 to American kids . OK kids, just so you know gun shooters have a right to be able to shoot you with really big guns and really deadly ammo. If a shooter man decides to attack your school we the religious godly perfect family American people who worship guns that the NRA mommies and daddies “may“ be able to protect you. Maybe not? That is a chance that you have to take kids because the right to shoot 10 year old kids with the most powerful and deadly simulated weapons of war available cannot be limited to protect you. If you think you’re right to life is more important than a gun hobbyists right to own a big bad nasty gun then you are our enemy and you deserve what you get. But, maybe we will protect you.View attachment 652209
How’s your governments war on drugs going?
School shootings were extremely rare prior to God being removed from the classrooms in 64.
rare prior to God being removed

This is one of the sickest arguments that is coming from the evil NRA Republicans Who believe it is more important for an American to be able to own an assault rifle than it is to protect 10 year old kid l’e in a classrooms life

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