Biden Blames Guns

You always had disregard for human life it just changed from white serial Killers, Italian and Irish mafias to what we see now. America was always a violent society but you try to paint it differently.

You didn't have school shootings but you hate serial kidnappers and rapists.

I don't even know what the hell that means, but yes, some parts of our society are violent. That's why it's important to have the tools to fight that violence. You leftists live in this delusion that the way to battle evil is to disarm good people, and then confused when we can't follow that logic. We in the real world understand the bad guys will never give up their guns. We realize that police are only good after a crime is committed. They are not there for our personal protection.

So if you can give us a plan on how to disarm the bad guys only, let us know what that is. We will try it out on recreational narcotics first to see if it works. How much you want to bet that it doesn't?
It is not intelligent or honest to state and make a claim to knowing absolute fact when you have no way of knowing if it is true or not. It is called lying. I You have no idea if removing the assault rifle we will do “no good”.

Wait a minute, what do you think? Do you actually believe that the rifle is what makes people kill; that without them, you can turn a cold blooded killer into a law abiding citizen? Is that what you really believe?
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Look dumb ass, it is what is out there. It is what is being reported on national news. You want better? Go get it, but both mentioned a rifle. If it was an AR as I heard the Senator from Texas who was briefed by the Texas Rangers, than of the rifle and when he purchased. I don't particularly care if it was something more or less exotic than an AR, not that I consider an AR exotic. I built mine from interchangeable parts ordered from four or five different manufacturers and 3 different suppliers with minimal tools, minimal effort and if function checked perfectly at first assembly. You would call it a ghoste gun :eek:. I call it custom to my skills and use. You are bitchin because i relay the most accurate info available, while we are on a message board where partisan assholes will intentionally swear to outright lies and proven untruths. You might as well get off it. I will honestly post what I post, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about except call me childish names as if you were a card-carrying trump republican, so fK Off.

Does your lower receiver have a serial number? If it does, that is all that is required.

If it doesn't and you get caught, enjoy your time in a cell with Bubba!
You always had disregard for human life it just changed from white serial Killers, Italian and Irish mafias to what we see now. America was always a violent society but you try to paint it differently.

You didn't have school shootings but you hate serial kidnappers and rapists.
Maybe the government shouldn’t release over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early if the concern is public safety???
You voted for a president who lost his bid to stay in office for a second term. He refuses to concede that he lost. That is bad enough however there is the very harsh reality that your leader of your party fraudulently attempted to deny me the right to have my vote count for the 2020 presidential election. I am with 88 million others who voted for him to leave. BE FUCKING GONE. Trump wanted to not count a single one of those votes.

I take my citizenship and voting very seriously. I have a right that is fundamentally much higher an 18-year-old who wants to buy an assault rifle to shoot up schools and massacre second graders.

You are an accomplice to DJT’s plot to cast aside 88 million votes for Biden
In order to allow 26 Republicans in the House of representatives to determine that it was him who won the election not Joe Biden. We are fortunate that Mike Pence stopped him.

Evil is a mild way to describe the rise of authoritarianism in the Republican Party under Donald Trump. Even an attempt to destroy our democracy is evil

As far as I know you still support the one political party that tried to cancel my vote in the 2020 election so Trump could stay in power You are therefore an accomplice and are therefore evil.
I am a Republican. Probably nicer than most Dems,
You would’ve taken Trump for four more years if he had succeeded by denying my vote being counted. You are not nice. You are an accomplice to the crime and destruction of democracy. You are therefore evil. Get yourself de- programmed and straightened out and denounce what Donald Trump did to America after he lost
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It is not intelligent or honest to state and make a claim to knowing absolute fact when you have no way of knowing if it is true or not. It is called lying. I You have no idea if removing the assault rifle we will do “no good”.
Of course we do. You don't need an "Assault Rifle" to shoot up a school full of unarmed women and children.

The rifle is just a tool, it has no power over the user. They don't call out to us telling us to grab them to run out and shoot people.
F you and your “faith” solution. That is such bogus bullshit. Even your own effing solutions “sign” contains the word “may” .
because you and the NRA and 49 evil Republican US Senators cannot get over $ protecting the shooter over the kids right to life of 10 year old school kids.

1.561 children have been killed by guns in 2021.

Your message Weatherman2020 to American kids . OK kids, just so you know gun shooters have a right to be able to shoot you with really big guns and really deadly ammo. If a shooter man decides to attack your school we the religious godly perfect family American people who worship guns that the NRA mommies and daddies “may“ be able to protect you. Maybe not? That is a chance that you have to take kids because the right to shoot 10 year old kids with the most powerful and deadly simulated weapons of war available cannot be limited to protect you. If you think you’re right to life is more important than a gun hobbyists right to own a big bad nasty gun then you are our enemy and you deserve what you get. But, maybe we will protect you.View attachment 652209
How many schools displaying such signage have subsequently suffered a school shooting?
The rifle is just a tool, it has no power over the user.
It’s more than a tool. There is a psychological factor here understanding that the weapon of war aspect of the AR15 is a major influence on the way it’s a big and a highly profitable seller.
It’s more than a tool. There is a psychological factor here understanding that the weapon of war aspect of the AR15 is a major influence on the way it’s a big and a highly profitable seller.
The "Weapon of War" moniker is fabricated bs. No country on earth is issuing semi auto AR's as a battle rifle.

You are a clueless boob peddling BS.
It’s more than a tool. There is a psychological factor here understanding that the weapon of war aspect of the AR15 is a major influence on the way it’s a big and a highly profitable seller.

I've heard plenty of psychologists discuss this school shooting since it took place, and not one of them claimed that the kind of weapon influences a crazy person to do something like this. They brought up his seclusion, his strange ways, his social media posts, his family life, but nothing about an AR being responsible for what he did.
How many schools displaying such signage have subsequently suffered a school shooting?
It does not matter at all. The point was that the word is “may” protect the children. So you’re accepting the children are left defenseless because you want the gun manufacturers to be able to sell assault rifles to anyone who wants one with just about zero amount of a background check.

Your argument is actually supportive of banning the assault rifle because you say other guns can fire just the same.. So due to their appeal to these young shooters and white supremacist types they should be banned because as you say there are other types of firearms that do the same job. But they don’t look like some kind of macho Rambo gun that appeals to young first time gun buyers
NRA psychologists do not count. They are evil too. They lie to protect the gun owners rights over the rights of a second grader to live a full and productive life.

WTF is an NRA psychologist? I never heard of one before. So that's your new line of attack, anybody that disagrees with you must have an ulterior motive, but anybody that agrees with you doesn't?
I've heard plenty of psychologists discuss this school shooting since it took place,
You arexl the victim of National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers marketing psychology. Your opinion is worthless.

Over the past two decades -- a period in which more than 200 million guns hit the US market -- the country has shifted from "Gun Culture 1.0," where guns were for sport and hunting, to "Gun Culture 2.0" where many Americans see them as essential to protect their homes and families.​
That shift has been driven heavily by advertising by the nearly $20 billion gun industry that has tapped fears of crime and racial upheaval, according to Ryan Busse, a former industry executive.​
Recent mass murders "are the byproduct of a gun industry business model designed to profit from increasing hatred, fear, and conspiracy," Busse wrote this week in the online magazine The Bulwark.​
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anybody that disagrees with you must have an ulterior motive, but anybody that agrees with you doesn't?

Anyone that does not agree that 10 year olds in classrooms have a higher right to life than a fabricated consumer right to someone who wants to buy an assault rifle without explaining what he needs it for and proving that he does not intend to use it for murder in the next month or two.
You don't think his clueless grandparents would have bought one for him?
It is not the question. The fact is, they did not. We are not talking "what if" or "what could have", as there is no benefit to injecting a reality gap into what is known. The circumstance and actions are the circumstances and actions.

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