Biden Blames Guns

Yeah, that stopped the Boston Marathon bombers! Dumbass!
No matter how you slice it, bombs are more technically demand, and harder to get, make, etc, than going to the local gun shop and are simpler to operation while providing greater flexibility and adaptability to changing situations.
once you come to terms with the reality of guns in our country, only then you'll realize how unproductive banning AR's at any age are. I

The AR-15 is a central political organizing symbol among Trump voters whether every dumbass Redneck Trump voter owns one or not. So when they are used in horrifying mass shootings, yes all dumbass Redneck Trump voters should be identified with the mass shooters.
He got in because the staff knew him as his grandmother worked there.
No. He got in with the ease he did, because Security SOP not followed. Door was not left open because somebody knew grandma, so he was invited in to an elementary school for some nebulous familiarity reason.
Does your lower receiver have a serial number? If it does, that is all that is required.

If it doesn't and you get caught, enjoy your time in a cell with Bubba!
That is not quite how that works. If I take it to a regulated gunsmith or gun store for repair or sale, it will have to have one before it leaves is the last legislation I heard discussed. Lower receiver does not help identify a weapon used in a crime from analysis of the slug. That is more about the upper receiver/barrel assembly imparting distinctive marks on the projectile fired.
The AR-15 is a central political organizing symbol among Trump voters whether every dumbass Redneck Trump voter owns one or not. So when they are used in horrifying mass shootings, yes all dumbass Redneck Trump voters should be identified with the mass shooters.
Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear.
The AR-15 is a central political organizing symbol among Trump voters whether every dumbass Redneck Trump voter owns one or not. So when they are used in horrifying mass shootings, yes all dumbass Redneck Trump voters should be identified with the mass shooters.

Identified as what, Americans exercising their constitutional rights? How awful.

Our side didn't politicize guns, your side did.
Anyone that does not agree that 10 year olds in classrooms have a higher right to life than a fabricated consumer right to someone who wants to buy an assault rifle without explaining what he needs it for and proving that he does not intend to use it for murder in the next month or two.

Again with this fantasy that if people couldn't buy an AR, they would not go on a killing spree.

So let me ask: A person (for whatever reason) is not allowed to have an AR, goes to a school and kills 19 kids with a handgun. Would that make you any happier?
You arexl the victim of National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers marketing psychology. Your opinion is worthless.

Over the past two decades -- a period in which more than 200 million guns hit the US market -- the country has shifted from "Gun Culture 1.0," where guns were for sport and hunting, to "Gun Culture 2.0" where many Americans see them as essential to protect their homes and families.​
That shift has been driven heavily by advertising by the nearly $20 billion gun industry that has tapped fears of crime and racial upheaval, according to Ryan Busse, a former industry executive.​
Recent mass murders "are the byproduct of a gun industry business model designed to profit from increasing hatred, fear, and conspiracy," Busse wrote this week in the online magazine The Bulwark.​

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. For the most part guns are not advertised anywhere but in gun stores or gun magazines. The NRA has never been an organization that tells it's members what to do, we tell them what our interests are. When they promote the use of guns, it's to fellow members that have likely owned them for years and even generations.

The Communists look at the NRA like an exterminator looks at the queen bee of a nest he needs to destroy. If you don't kill the queen, killing the other bees are a waste of time and product. It's the same thing with Walmart. Walmart pays their workers the same or better than any non-skilled labor. It's just that they are the largest employer and have no unions.
Have a read, semen breath -

Constitutional Amendment Process

PS - unless you're a Native American, you're a foreigner too, a descendant of an immigrant. Probably an illegal one at that
OK, Captain Dickhead! I taught the US Constitution for 21 years. When did you pass your US citizenship test or did you run to Canada because of all of the guns that were out to kill you?
OK, Captain Dickhead! I taught the US Constitution for 21 years. When did you pass your US citizenship test or did you run to Canada because of all of the guns that were out to kill you?
Well semen breath, I reside in the UK were you can only dream of low gun crime. I've been to the US several times but, the US is no longer on my visit list.
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ABC reports, "Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro revealed in a court filing Tuesday afternoon that he has been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury this week as part of the Justice Department's sprawling probe into the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

"Navarro, who was a trade adviser to then-President Donald Trump, said he was served by the FBI at his Washington, D.C., house last week. The subpoena is the first known instance of prosecutors seeking testimony from someone who worked in the Trump White House as they investigate the worst attack on the Capitol in two centuries."

While that is happening Republicans have expressed confidence in recapturing Congress and certain governor races in November.

CNN reports, "Momentous and tragic events are driving public attention back toward abortion rights and gun control, two issues that keyed the Democratic advance in well-educated suburbs over the past generation.

"Republicans have consolidated a commanding grip on rural and small-town communities filled with culturally conservative blue-collar voters who generally oppose both legal abortion and most restrictions on gun ownership.

"In mirror image, Democrats have gained in white-collar communities around major cities filled with well-educated voters who generally support both abortion rights and gun control.

"Amid discontent over persistent Covid disruptions, dissatisfaction over President Joe Biden’s performance, supply chain problems like the shortage of infant formula, and above all, the highest inflation in 40 years, Republicans have expressed mounting confidence about recapturing many of those suburban House seats, and flipping suburban voters in Senate and governor races, in November. But the tragic mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, have riveted attention on gun violence and access to firearms along with more attention to women's rights when it comes to their health."

Here is the problem for the Republicans. The Biden administration did not cause Covid disruptions, supply shortages, infant formula shortage, or the high inflation. Increased spending resulting from full employment -- as in a prosperous economy -- caused inflation and some of the other problems.

On the other hand, the NRA sponsored Republican Party is responsible for the failure to pass needed gun control legislation, and the GOP clearly wants government control of pregnancies in America, forbidding women to make decisions regarding their own pregnancy. In the case of abortion, Republicans want to impose their religious views on all Americans, a violation of the spirit, if not the meaning, of our Constitution.

Perhaps Republicans should not be that confident.
I am not an NRA member as well. I fully support the second amendment.
The 2A says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Glad to hear you support it. To me, that means that law-abiding citizens of sound mind should be able to own powerful weapons for self defense, sport, or hunting, including high-capacity AR-15s and all kinds of other stuff.

Where the line is drawn on that freedom when it overrides the freedom to live about 10-year-old child is not compatible with your Republican no limit indifference to the gun owner ideology and culture of death that is causing are Black people in churches in supermarkets and children in classrooms.

We are not indifferent to it. It is terrible. There is a crisis, but it's people who commit crimes, not guns or knives or fertilizer or vehicles or gasoline.

The problem is not solved by restricting the rights of the law-abiding because there are some bad people among us.
law-abiding citizens of sound mind should be able to own powerful weapons for self defense,
How powerful? Self-defense? Why not Apache helicopters and surface to air missiles in case you’re being attacked by the government by the air. The US government does possess an Air Force you know.

You decided that assault rifles are all you need for sejf defense - based on what? Because they look cool?
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How powerful? Self-defense? Why not Apache helicopters and surface to air missiles in case you’re being attacked by the government by the air. The US government does possess an Air Force you know.
I don't get to decide that. Supreme Court does. You can see from current law what has been decided so far.

Your comment on the Air Force is so nonsensical. 2A is about arming the populace.

You decided that assault rifles are all you need for sejf defense - based on what? Because the look cool?
I did not say that, but when the food shortages come, and the power has been out for a while, and armed gangs are going door-to-door, you will wish you had one.

PS: Get a clue about what an "assault rifle" is. I think you classify them based upon the ones that look scary.....

So scary

(it's a .22, and it's not an assault rifle)
law-abiding citizens of sound mind should be able to own powerful weapons for self defense, sport, or hunting, including high-capacity AR-15s and all kinds of other stuff.

Why do you drop the first part of the SA And a pose well regulated ownership powerful weapons but anybody who wants one without a background check.

The 2A says "A well regulated Militia,

All the rednecks that bought 200 million guns over the past 20 years we’re not engaged in any kind of a well regulated militia that I know of.

I do not believe the white nationalists, white Christian or not white Christian nationalists like the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters who attacked our Capitol for former President Trump on Jsn6 , are well regulated militias. do you?
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I don't get to decide that.
Yes you do. It’s a political decision not a legal decision, You put politicians in power who let the assault rifle ban expire. Thousands of deaths by assault rifle later you wanna put it on the Supreme Court. What a Putz.

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