Biden Blames Guns

If there was just a 10 day waiting period in the Uvalde Texas massacre these kids would be out of schooom and alive and enjoying their summer just like you are probably about to do.

School isn't even out yet because it's only June 1st and he bought those guns longer than 10 days ago.
Guns are like a drug - how the USA shows to everyone worldwide. Your whole nation is dominated from the belief in this drug. And if you listen how drug addicts defend their drugs and how gun addicts defend their guns then you are not able to hear a big structural difference.

People take recreational drugs to get high. People buy guns for sport, self defense or hunting.
Your statistics appears misleading since you leave out a lot of data for drug trafficking and gang wars.

I leave out nothing. Who likes to tavel a little while throigh Europe will pass Germany many times. And we have also much more migrants from foreign nations. In 2015 for example came 1 million people from Europe and 1 million people from outside of Europe to Germany (this would be relativelly the same as if 8 million people - 4 millions from within America and 4 millions from oustide of America came to the USA). In 2016 we had a growing number in the crimes in context with sexuality. Means this now there had been less of this crimes in 2014 and before? No! The reason was we made new laws in this context in 2016. And we have by the way indeed also problems with clan and/or gang criminality and organized criminality.
100% white except Roberto Blanco (="Robert White" in your language). Indeed Roberto is double black because he is also a poltician from "the Blacks" = christian conservative political party,

The point is that you have virtually no minorities in your country so you can't compare yours to ours given the fact people of color are the largest segment of criminals here. It has nothing to do with guns, it has to do with the people.
I leave out nothing. Who likes to tavel a little while throigh Europe will pass Germany many times. And we have also much more migrants from foreign nations. In 2015 for example came 1 million people from Europe and 1 million people from outside of Europe to Germany (this would be relativelly the same as if 8 million people - 4 millions from within America and 4 millions from oustide of America came to the USA). In 2016 we had a growing number in the crimes in context with sexuality. Means this now there had been less of this crimes in 2014 and before? No! The reason was we made new laws in this context in 2016. And we have by the way indeed also problems with clan and/or gang criminality and organized criminality.

You didn't address my statement in detail thus I am thinking you don't have the answer.

I don’t advocate taking away the guns from those that already have them. It’s a minuscule fraction of Americans who want to confiscate guns, but you don’t fucking understand “small fraction of a percentage” when you are stirring up fear the commie gun grabbers are coming after you.
Yeah. Because they're lying when they tell us they want to repeal the 2nd and take our guns.
In the Uvalde Texas massacre the shooter turned 18, bought two AR15s and within a week murdered 19 kids and two teachers. And you gun whackos argue that raising the age to 21 would not save these kids.
Because we know how easy it is to buy an AR on the TX secondary market, and we know this kid could have easily killed as many people as he did with a pump-action shotgun.
Why do you not understand raising the age to buy an AR15 would not have saved these kids?
I advocate that there’s a waiting period, when a young 18-year-old wants to purchase an assault rifle,...
It takes, on average, 7 months to go through the process to buy an assault rifle.
specifically those that have had no background in the use of firearms or does not have a genuine purpose or interest or need to have one. Because he wants one ain’t cutting it:
Your notion that someone's rights should be limited by your perception of need is, at best, absurd.
If there was just a 10 day waiting period in the Uvalde Texas massacre these kids would be out of schooom and alive and enjoying their summer just like you are probably about to do.
Unless he bought a shotgun.
So don’t give me your crap about what I don’t understand...
And yet, what you do not understand is so impossibly obvious.
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Maybe I used the term incorrectly. He scoffed at, and tried to defend actions considered immoral in his personal life, public life, actions of associated (admitted, and/or convicted), broke faith with his own oath of office and had party hacks defend and block negative action. 4 years of seeing the crap contributed to him loosing the 2020 election as well as the two impeachments.

Bull. The only reason he lost the election is because of mail-in voting. Mail-in draws the laziest and most politically ignorant to vote because you hand them a ballot on their kitchen table. If they had to go out and vote, like any other election, they would have just stayed home looking for their welfare check in the mail.
The point is that you have virtually no minorities in your country so you can't compare yours to ours given the fact people of color are the largest segment of criminals here. It has nothing to do with guns, it has to do with the people.

Take a card from the Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) Nation and ask yourselve why this had been hundreds of nations in all colors and variations and very different sizes then you will perhaps lose the idea Germans are something like Prussian Borgs. And sure make people who came from foreign nations more mistakes than others - anything else would be absurde.
And the reason that you suck as a human being in general is that you go absolutely nuts over preserving your constitutional freedom to choose what the toys you like to play with look like over the life and the rights of a 10-year-old child. The child has no choice in the matter of life or death. You’re a petty cruel human being spoiled rotten beyond repair. Sitting around With your gun nut pals justifying your nonsense and cruelty with the explanation that you’re saving the world from Commies. Jesus H Christ.

I'm just much more intelligent than you realizing that banning this nut case wouldn't have changed a damn thing. An AR does not make anybody a killer. They are a killer looking for what tools to use to kill.

In your fairy tale land, if this kid didn't get an AR, he would have never killed anybody. You see the difference between you and me is I live in reality whereas you don't. Guns of any kind have no ability to make a law abiding citizen a killer.

My truck wouldn't fit in that garage.

Look at that thing, the front door is taller than it is! You'd be lucky to fit a Smart car in there! :p
Looks like a sardine can stood on it's end.
Guns are like a drug - how the USA shows to everyone worldwide. Your whole nation is dominated from the belief in this drug. And if you listen how drug addicts defend their drugs and how gun addicts defend their guns then you are not able to hear a big structural difference.
Guns are not like drugs.
Guns are tools
I don’t advocate taking away the guns from those that already have them. It’s a minuscule fraction of Americans who want to confiscate guns, but you don’t fucking understand “small fraction of a percentage” when you are stirring up fear the commie gun grabbers are coming after you. In the Uvalde Texas massacre the shooter turned 18, bought two AR15s and within a week murdered 19 kids and two teachers. And you gun whackos argue that raising the age to 21 would not save these kids. You are absurd. Sure two years from now he might’ve done the same thing but what are the odds of that? He would probably be convicted of a less deadly felony by then.

I advocate that there’s a waiting period, when a young 18-year-old wants to purchase an assault rifle, specifically those that have had no background in the use of firearms or does not have a genuine purpose or interest or need to have one. Because he wants one ain’t cutting it:

If there was just a 10 day waiting period in the Uvalde Texas massacre these kids would be out of schooom and alive and enjoying their summer just like you are probably about to do.

So don’t give me your crap about what I don’t understand. I understand. I understand the ugliness wacko gun owners in this country are forcing on the entire population for their selfish need to play with guns.
A waiting period won't make any difference.
Bull. The only reason he lost the election is because of mail-in voting. Mail-in draws the laziest and most politically ignorant to vote because you hand them a ballot on their kitchen table. If they had to go out and vote, like any other election, they would have just stayed home looking for their welfare check in the mail.
Why did he not attract much mail in vote to vote for him? They voted for somebody, based on what they perceived to be the correct choice for whatever reason.
Why did he not attract much mail in vote to vote for him? They voted for somebody, based on what they perceived to be the correct choice for whatever reason.

Is that what they did? The guys son was under FBI investigation for a crooked business deal he too was involved in. That's not to mention all the shady deals his family had with people making them wealthy. He virtually promised us record fuel prices. He preached about his open border policy and promised to stop the building of the wall. People sadly watched as this confused old man couldn't even face the direction of the stage. His rallies had less than five cars in one instance, and nobody came out to hear him speak. And you mean to tell me he got the most votes in history without most of the voters being stupid?

I'm sorry, but it defies all logic. We are talking about lazy and politically ignorant voters here.

I have never said anything like that. You are a liar. If you’re so intelligent why can’t you get your argument to be truthful?

I am 100% truthful. You are the one running around here stating that this could have been prevented by not allowing this guy to have access to ARs. I (and others here) are telling you he would have found a different weapon to use, just like all the people who have felonies and still get guns.

Now if that's not your stance, then please explain why you keep stating it's a choice between 18 year olds getting AR's and these kids getting killed.
After you read what I said to you and you still give this totally stupid "answer" (=hate attack) it is totally clear for me now that never anyone of your family had anything to do with Switzerland. A Swiss reacts on critics with arguments and not with an unmotivated hate attack. So I think you are a liar. And for me it's also totally clear that you are a Nazi on your own.

This from YOU ?

This is what YOU said:

"Then everyone is an idiot".

And you wonder why the Swiss People think YOU are the idiot? :p

You're worse than an idiot, you're totally retarded if you think anyone's going to swallow your bullshit.

You're just another bigoted leftist dimwit. It doesn't matter what COUNTRY you're from, fuckface. You're here dissing me and my people because we believe in defending ourselves. From the likes of YOU.

So you know what? You can go fuck yourself. Next time you need to be rescued from your own Nazi and Stasi leaders, don't come looking to us, we'll be busy.
Tell your statistics to each parent : family in person who lost a loved one and let me know what they think of them. You asshole
You're still a retarded leftist idiot, no matter how many times you repeat the bleating heart bullshit.

The simple fact is, ANOTHER retarded leftist moron murdered a bunch of kids, and you're running away from the fact that he was a leftist moron (probably on antidepressants) and you're trying to blame his weapon.

Your bullshit won't fly pal, it's that simple.

If you're THAT fucking stupid to where you can't even discern the truth, you have no business being in this discussion.

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