Biden Blames Guns

See post # 766.
Bullshit! I said if Texas had a 21-year-old purchase requirements he would not have murdered those kids. I also said it’s possible he would kill them two years later, some other kids , but you never know. You are therefore a liar. You have to lie. Your argument is absurd.
After San Bernardino nothing changed. After Orlando nothing changed. Hard to believe, but Robb Elementary is not the worst school shooting. Sandy Hook Elementary is. Of course, nothing changed after Sandy Hook, either.

The NRA sponsored Republican Party will not permit changes to be made.

The coverup has already begun in Republican controlled Texas. Most of the kids haven't been buried yet.

Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo was secretly sworn in as a city council member Tuesday night.

"Out of respect for the families who buried their children today, and who are planning to bury their children in the next few days, no ceremony was held," Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said in a statement obtained by ABC News.

Republican Governor Abbott is calling for meetings in an effort to pretend something is being done.

"In a letter sent on Wednesday, Abbott requested that both Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) and the state’s House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) each convene a special legislative committee to address the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde," The Hill reported.

The Uvalde Police Department and the Uvalde Independent School District police force are no longer cooperating with the Texas Department of Public Safety's investigation into the massacre at Robb Elementary School and the state's review of the law enforcement response, multiple law enforcement sources told ABC News.

The Uvalde police chief and a spokesperson for the Uvalde Independent School District did not immediately respond to requests for comment from ABC News.

"According to sources, the decision to stop cooperating occurred soon after the director of DPS, Col. Steven McCraw, held a news conference Friday during which he said the delayed police entry into the classroom was "the wrong decision" and contrary to protocol." ABC.

On the Senate front matters are looking just as dire, or worse. For decades NRA sponsored Senate Republicans have blocked meaningful gun reform. It appears they will be doing it again.

CNN reports, "Mitch McConnell was asked about the ongoing talks over gun control legislation in the US Senate during an appearance in Kentucky on Wednesday.

"And his answer made clear why betting on something significant getting passed – even in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting – is still pretty unlikely."

“We have a Second Amendment to the Constitution. We take it seriously. There’s the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” McConnell said. “And so what I’ve done is encourage some bipartisan discussions that are going on. In fact, I just had a call with one of the members of it to see if we can find a way forward consistent with the Second Amendment that targets the problem.”

That is political gibberish so typical of McConnell. He is the master at talking, but saying nothing. Clearly, his primary concern is the Second Amendment and "the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” not the 19 kids and two teacher who were murdered at an elementary school.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.
That is political gibberish so typical of McConnell. He is the master at talking, but saying nothing. Clearly, his primary concern is the Second Amendment and "the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” not the 19 kids and two teacher who were murdered at an elementary school.
The Times reports, "Multiple people were shot and four people, including the gunman, were killed on Wednesday afternoon at a medical building in Tulsa, Okla., the Tulsa police said.

"The assailant, who was armed with a rifle, was dead, according to Capt. Richard Meulenberg of the Tulsa Police Department, who said he was not sure if the police had shot him or if he had shot himself."

Shots rang out across the country over the Memorial Day weekend, with more than a dozen mass shootings in the span of 72 hours.

NBC reports, "According to the Gun Violence Archive, which tracks shootings in the United States, there were at least 14 "mass shootings" in the country over the weekend, from early Saturday to late Monday.

"The archive defines a mass shooting as an incident in which "four or more people are shot or killed, not including the shooter."
Bullshit! I said if Texas had a 21-year-old purchase requirements he would not have murdered those kids. I also said it’s possible he would kill them two years later, some other kids , but you never know. You are therefore a liar. You have to lie. Your argument is absurd.
What a clown you are.

You make the YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE assumption this cross-dressing nutbag wouldn't get his guns illegally because of a law when he is getting them to ignore the law against murder. You are as much of a nutbag as the cross-dressing kid killer. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
You did.
And your statement is as false then as it is now,
You are a liar. My statement is absolutely true. Ramos bought two AR15s legally at the age of 18. There was no seven month waiting period.

He did not choose a shotgun he chose two assault rifles. He had an obsession with using an assault rifle. It was too easy to feed his obsession . You have no way of knowing he would have used a shotgun .You are a liar

Why do you not understand raising the age to buy an AR15 would not have saved these kids?

you don’t know that, hence you are a liar.

Unless he bought a shotgun.
He didn’t buy a shotgun.

The problem is you, You won’t try anything to save a kid’s life if it’s to be death by bullet or pellets.
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What a clown you are.

You make the YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE assumption this cross-dressing nutbag wouldn't get his guns illegally because of a law when he is getting them to ignore the law against murder. You are as much of a nutbag as the cross-dressing kid killer. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

It didn't seem he listened to the law about killing innocent kids. Why would he listen to a law about legal firearm ownership?
wouldn't get his guns illegally because of a law when he is getting them to ignore the law against murder.

Again if all the same guns are easily available illegally why are illegal guns out there if only law abiding citizens buy them and take care of them? You do not appear to comply with the SA because a well regulated militia wouid not allow its weapons fall into the hands of the criminals.
It didn't seem he listened to the law about killing innocent kids. Why would he listen to a law about legal firearm ownership?

You are a liar, He followed the law because he had to wait to reach the legal age to buy his weapon of choice.

He waited 8 months to turn 18 and within a couple weeks of his birthday 19 kids are dead because the law is 18 not 21. He did not by an illegal weapon during those 8 months. We wont know what he would have done if Texas had a 21 yr age limit but it looks like the legal age in Texas to purchase AR15s played a definite role in killing 19 kids.

Deranged Texas killer Salvador Ramos had been trying to buy a gun for at least eight months — and openly chatted about his reputation as a likely school shooter in social media messages posted in the months before Tuesday’s attack, officials announced Friday.​
“Ramos asked his sister to help him buy a gun” as far back as Sept. 21, Texas Department of Public Safety director Col. Steven McCraw announced Friday as he detailed the killer’s online activity.
You are a liar, He followed the law because he had to wait to reach the legal age to buy his weapon of choice.

He waited 8 months to turn 18 and within a couple weeks of his birthday 19 kids are dead because the law is 18 not 21. He did not by an illegal weapon during those 8 months. We wont know what he would have done if Texas had a 21 yr age limit but it looks like the legal age in Texas to purchase AR15s played a definite role in killing 19 kids.

Deranged Texas killer Salvador Ramos had been trying to buy a gun for at least eight months — and openly chatted about his reputation as a likely school shooter in social media messages posted in the months before Tuesday’s attack, officials announced Friday.
“Ramos asked his sister to help him buy a gun” as far back as Sept. 21, Texas Department of Public Safety director Col. Steven McCraw announced Friday as he detailed the killer’s online activity.

It's one thing to wait a few months and quite another to wait a few years. As you stated during that time he tried to buy other guns but he was not desperate. By the time he exhausted all his legal resources he was almost 18.

19 kids are not dead because of any stupid law. 19 kids are dead because you had a psycho killer on the loose nobody knew about. Your unfounded claim is no different than the clowns that come to these gun topics and insist people would not commit suicide if they didn't have access to a gun. The kid was raised in a drug addict family and smoked pot himself. Why don't you blame illegal narcotics while you're at it?
"Then everyone is an idiot".

And you wonder why the Swiss People think YOU are the idiot? :p

If everyone in the USA has a gun then everyone in the USA is an idiot. The Swiss are not married with their rifles, anti-Swiss. Every Swiss who had been a soldier has a rifle on reason someone will attack Switzerland and he has to become a soldier again. From time to time they have also a military training. And a normal Swiss will not understand your absurde level of aggressions on not any reason to have to be aggressive.

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Wow $4000 a day laying in bed. - Jesus really LOVED you

Great for you - I don’t need that much but this is for certain “Shared Misery” is not on my road to happiness. it’s appearing to be you suffer the unhinged delusion of a wealthy but arrogant perpetual asshole who worships guns.

How much were you making when Trump was making energy policy’s

Therefore the reality is Biden and Obama never did take away your money to make you and Ray From Cleveland unhappy. In fact they helped you make more. Interesting.
Considerably more than that actually.

Obama's idiotic energy policies made my oil leases much more valuable than they had been so when I renewed some of them I hit enough money to retire comfortably at 50 and donate the bulk of my income to charity.

Several more have come up for renewal in the last few months and they are now paying considerably more.

A half interest in a 10-40bbl well is paying very handsomely right now and the bonus payments for signing renewals were even nicer.
Again if all the same guns are easily available illegally why are illegal guns out there if only law abiding citizens buy them and take care of them? You do not appear to comply with the SA because a well regulated militia would not allow its weapons fall into the hands of the criminals.
Because you idiot over half a million firearms are stolen annually in the US.

A great many of those guns in fact are stolen from National Guard and active duty bases, manufacturers, wholesalers and police agencies as well as from their vehicles.

Only about 10% of guns used in crimes are legally possessed by the criminals using them.

So much for your "Well Regulated Militia" BS.

I had employer sponsored health insurance all of my working life until that Kenyan lawn jockey showed up

Be a man, stand up for yourself. Tell your boss to take his job and shove it. You really must not have any marketable skills amidst this time of shortage of labor. Or they don’t hire skinheads in your area.

So much for your "Well Regulated Militia"
Because you idiot over half a million firearms are stolen annually in the US.

Don’t try to tell me ever again that America’s gun owners are responsible and safe gun owners. That’s bullshit. Half a million guns stolen annually. That’s bullshit! shame on you people. All the violence you allow to take place it’s probably on purpose so you can justify manufacturing and selling more guns. Do you get a kick back from Daniels when you leave you assault rifle out there somewhere for a criminal to steal.

So if Ramos had stolen an AR15 - 1somewhere out there is a law abiding citizen who is careless snd therefore an accessory to the mass murder of 19 children.

You hillbillies know that a stolen gun could be used in the next mass shooting and you dont know how to store and protect your firearms fro theft but you want us non-gun owners to believe you are the best to protect kids in school. You are getting more absurd as we go.deeper into this,

Ray From Cleveland should get a job from Big Bend Texas - he makes $4,000 a day and you both are gun hillbillies. I’m sure he pays employees well including top benefits making that a day before rolling out of bed with guns in both hands.
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Be a man, stand up for yourself. Tell your boss to take his job and shove it. You really must not have any marketing skills and this time of shortage of labor.

So much for your "Well Regulated Militia"


Don’t try to tell me ever again that America’s gun owners are responsible and safe gun owners. That’s bullshit. Half a million guns stolen annually. That’s bullshit shame on you people. All the violence you allow to take place It’s probably it’s probably on purpose so you can justify Manufacturing and selling more guns. Do you get a kick back from Daniels when you leave you’re going out there somewhere for a criminal to steal. So what you were saying if Ramos had stolen an AR 15 somewhere out there is a law budding citizen who is careless And therefore an accessory to the mass murder of 19 children.
You must be smoking the Crystal Drain O again.

Considering a good portion of them are stolen from police, military, and guard stockpiles along with others being stolen from manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers your entire premise is pure ignorance and prejudice.

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