Biden Blames Guns

I am not a "guy you have ever used". What shows by the way an interesting aspect of your machine mind loving machine guns.

How did you repair what you shot on?
I don't repair steel or paper targets or clay skeet pigeons

Why would I?
The constant stream of fabricated bullshit coming from your keyboard shows your complete dishonesty in discussing the subject

Lacing up your running shoes I see Big Gun Man in TEXAS.

Before you run away again, is the following true ir false?

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

And do you agree that the lawful gun owner, Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath keepers, should be convicted of the Seditious Conspiracy charges against him for the role he played in helping Trump create chaos on Jan6 to stay in power.

And this is all related to Uvalde because the NRA refused entry to the PROUD BOYS at the Gun Nut convention following this mass murder. Is that something new? The Proud Boys had nothing to do with killing 19 ten year olds in a classroom. Could it be the NRA Is “woke” to the fact that it’s membership supports with fervent enthusiasm President Trump’s conspiracy and attempt on Jan6 to create election chaos on Jan6 resulting in US House Members on the GOP and God’s GUNS and GUTS side to vote in a 26 to 24 Republican majority the re-election of Trump and Pence to the White House?
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I don't repair steel or paper targets or clay skeet pigeons

Why would I?

Because you would learn in this case something about irreversibility and transcience and this could help you not to stay to be a slave of guns and their wrong prophets.

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Considerably more than that actually.

That enables me to donate several thousand pounds of quality meats to charities every year.

Our little town however has one of the lowest crime rates in the country largely due to the fact that at any given time half the adults are carrying on their person and most of the rest in their vehicles.

Is your little town an oil based economy like Vladimir Putin’s Russia? Are others living there as as oil rich as you and Putin? What industry drives the wealth of your little TEXAS town UTOPIA besides oil and cattle?
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Because you would learn in this case something about irreversibility and transcience and this could help you not to stay to be a slave of guns and their wrong prophets.
Do you try to "repair" paper that you "irreversibly" damage?

And in case you don't realize this a gun is an inanimate object incapable of performing the acts you think it does.
Ok he blames gun, and I blame criminals.

If you take away guns you still are left with criminals. Taking away guns doesn't actually solve any problems because if you do all the bad guys are still here ready, willing and able to do some bad shit.
Lacing up your running shoes I see Big Gun Man in TEXAS.

Befure you run away again, is the following true ir false?

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

And do you agree that the lawful gun owner, Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath keepers, should be convicted of the Seditious Conspiracy charges against him for the role he played in helping Trump create chaos on Jan6 to stay in power.

And this is all related to Uvalde because the NRA refused entry to the PROUD BOYS at the Gun Nut convention following this mass murder. Is that something new? The Proud Biys had nothing to do with killing 19 ten year olds in a classroom. Could it be the NRA Is “woke” to the fact that it’s membership supports with fervent enthusiasm President Trump’s conspiracy and attempt on Jan6 to create election chaos on Jan6 resulting in US House Members on the GOP and God’s GUNS and GUTS side to vote in a 26 to 24 Republican majority the re-election of Trump and Pence to the White House?
Sorry but this babbling rant is just too much garbage to wade through this morning.
Do you try to "repair" paper that you "irreversibly" damage?

And in case you don't realize this a gun is an inanimate object incapable of performing the acts you think it does.

I live in other time dimensions than you do. Slow down! Try to understand!

Ein meister las
Troum unde spiegelglas
Daz sie zem winde
Bi der staete sin gezalt
Loup unde gras
Daz ie min fröide was
Swiez nu erwinde
[Iz] dunket mich also gestalt

Dar zuo der bluomen manicvalt
Diu heide rot, der grüene walt
Der vogele sanc ein truric ende hat
So we dir, Werlt, wie dirz gebende stat

Dar zuo der linde
Süeze und linde
So we dir, Werlt, wie dirz gebende stat
So we dir, Werlt, wie dirz gebende stat
Ein meister las
Troum unde spiegelglas
Daz sie zem winde
Bi der staete sin gezalt
Loup unde gras
Daz ie min fröide was
Swiez nu erwinde
[Iz] dunket mich also gestalt

Heiliger Krist
Sit du gewaltic bist
Der werlte gemeine
Die nach dir gebildet sint
Gib mir den list
Daz ich in kurzer frist
Alsam gemeine
Dich sam diniu erwelten kint

Ich was mit sehenden ougen blint
Und aller guoten dinge ein kint
Swie mine missetat der werlte hal
Mache mich reine

Ich was mit sehenden ougen blint
Und aller guoten dinge ein kint
Swie mine missetat der werlte hal
Mache mich reine
E min gebeine
Versenke sich in daz verlorne tal
Versenke sich in daz verlorne tal
Versenke sich in daz verlorne tal
Last edited:
I live in other time dimensions than you do. Slow down! Try to understand!

Ein meister las
Troum unde spiegelglas
Daz sie zem winde
Bi der staete sin gezalt
Loup unde gras
Daz ie min fröide was
Swiez nu erwinde
[Iz] dunket mich also gestalt

Dar zuo der bluomen manicvalt
Diu heide rot, der grüene walt
Der vogele sanc ein truric ende hat
So we dir, Werlt, wie dirz gebende stat

Dar zuo der linde
Süeze und linde
So we dir, Werlt, wie dirz gebende stat

Ein meister las
Troum unde spiegelglas
Daz sie zem winde
Bi der staete sin gezalt
Loup unde gras
Daz ie min fröide was
Swiez nu erwinde
[Iz] dunket mich also gestalt

Heiliger Krist
Sit du gwaltic bist
Der werlte gemeine
Die nach dir gebildet sint
Gib mir den list
Daz ich in kurzer frist
Alsam gemeine
Dich sam diniu erwelten kint

Ich was mit sehenden ougen blint
Und aller guoten dinge ein kint
Swie mine missetat der werlte hal
Mache mich reine
E min gebeine
Versenke sich in daz verlorne tal

No you really don't.

If you were actually living in another dimension you wouldn't be typing this nonsense to me
Ok he blames gun, and I blame criminals.

If you take away guns you still are left with criminals. Taking away guns doesn't actually solve any problems because if you do all the bad guys are still here ready, willing and able to do some bad shit.

Now you've done it, confusing the leftists.

Their belief is if you make sure they get no AR's, you will turn homicidal maniacs into sane law-abiding citizens. After all, what fun is it killing a bunch of kids in school unless you have an AR or AK? You might as well get a job, invest your money, or stay home and watch reruns of South Park.
What I doubt about. Many people became victims of their own weapons. And in what absurde country do you live where your property and life of your family depends on your ability to use guns? Time to change something in your country I would say.

And what would you suggest? We lock people up for committing crimes. Throughout the years our liberal judges turned prisons into lowlife playgrounds, so criminals don't have a huge fear of being locked up. Most of them have been in prison before. The police are only good AFTER a crime is committed. Up to that point you can only defend yourself and family against an attacker. How does one do that against an armed criminal?

Exactly. I studied a Japanese form of self-defense for one year when I was young. But not on reason of self-defense - I studied it on reason of opportunity and fascination. I'm astonished how this helps me also today - decades later - when I have to react very fast with my body in the best of all possible ways.

I'm a black belt in Kenpo. One of the lessons they teach you is there is no reasonable way to defend yourself against a person with a gun. If they have the gun and you don't, you lost that battle. They're either going to seriously injure or kill you, or otherwise take all your personal belongings.
I am an asshole because you try to hurt your real existing president Joe Biden with stupid political mass-propaganda from your "noble" elitarian fake-president Donald Trump?

Yes, hurt Joe Biden because he's Fn up our country worse than any President in the last 50 years. What do you think our politics in this country is about anyway? That's what we do here, we put down the other side so we can gain victory and restore this country back to normal.
Their belief is if you make sure they get no AR's, you will turn homicidal maniacs into sane law-abiding citizens
You are a liar. That is not the left’s argument or belief. There’s no such thing as a law abiding homicidal maniac. They become homicidal maniacs when they kill. As more massacres occur it is apparent that some of these law-abiding citizens have some psychological attachment to using weapons that are also used in war to kill with. So one possible path to curtailing a killer like Ramos from waiting and planning and abiding by the law until his 18th birthday to buy the gun of his fantasies and delusions that would make him a killer is to slow the process way down. For fucks sake if Ramos had to wait seven months to get his assault rifle those kids would at least be alive in Uvalde because ramose was already waiting eight months until he could purchase the weapon of his dreams himself and legally.

I’m saying when a young kid with no firearms background or training walks into a gun shop and wants to buy two AR fifteens a fucking red flag goes up as something slows the process down. THAT is basically the left position so quit your lying. I know you have to lie to have an argument but please just stop it
Guns are little machines which spit out or spray out little pieces of metal. Boring! Very boring machines! Or do you know anything what you can repair with guns? Guns produce irreversible destructions!

Yes they do, and that's what I'll do to a criminal intending to cause me harm, produce irreversible destruction to him. That's what makes him think twice about causing harm to me in the first place.

According to statistics, American citizens use their little machines that spit out pieces of metal between 1 and 4 million times a year for self-defense, to stop a crime, or to defend others. Those little machines save lives of law abiding citizens every single day.
Be a man, stand up for yourself. Tell your boss to take his job and shove it. You really must not have any marketable skills amidst this time of shortage of labor. Or they don’t hire skinheads in your area.

I haven't worked in a few years since I got on disability. It's too complicated to explain now, but I had to stay with small business which many also quit offering that benefit. Why should I have to leave a job I liked because morons voted for this Kenyan lawn jockey as President? I can't keep losing the game because we have so many people that are too stupid to vote.

Look at the mess our country is in today. Does it look like we have an intelligent electorate? You have this joker who's been in federal politics for nearly a half-century, never had one major accomplishment, who's been busted plagiarizing in the past, who's drug addict son was under FBI investigation, who virtually promised us the gasoline and fuel prices we have today, and people voted for him in record numbers? Does that sound like smart people voting in our country? And why did they vote against a President that had as many positive accomplishments as Trump did? Meanie Tweets.
As a CIA puppet, POSPOTUS already knows that the Texas-New Orleans shootings are not about guns, nor even his handlers supplying guns to Ukraine. Other weapons would be used if they were not available. As Gonzalo Lira has noted, America is collapsing due to apathy, an apathy that cancels the individual who will then look for the opportunity to get recognized. That is the pathology now being deliberately cultivated for furtherance of America's demise. Neither this POSPOTUS nor his handlers are your friend.
Nice try. It's the guns. That's it.

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