Biden Blames Guns

And the reason that you suck as a human being in general is that you go absolutely nuts over preserving your constitutional freedom to choose what the toys you like to play with look like over the life and the rights of a 10-year-old child. The child has no choice in the matter of life or death. You’re a petty cruel human being spoiled rotten beyond repair. Sitting around With your gun nut pals justifying your nonsense and cruelty with the explanation that you’re saving the world from Commies. Jesus H Christ.
Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear.
As a CIA puppet, POSPOTUS already knows that the Texas-New Orleans shootings are not about guns, nor even his handlers supplying guns to Ukraine. Other weapons would be used if they were not available. As Gonzalo Lira has noted, America is collapsing due to apathy, an apathy that cancels the individual who will then look for the opportunity to get recognized. That is the pathology now being deliberately cultivated for furtherance of America's demise. Neither this POSPOTUS nor his handlers are your friend.
We just came out of 4 years of a president that scoffed at objective morality. Why would you expect more of society, than of a national leader?
Objective morality is an oxymoron. Nazism is morality itself, so there's no sense in making a case against nazism, which would be politically disatrous. No morality happens in the first place without the subjectivity of Homo sapiens, whether or not they are fucked up on religion. Thomas Jefferson had early on outlined the medicine for this mental illness.
irrational fear.
Is it irrational fear when parents put their kids on a school bus in the morning and hug them as if they will never see them alive again so you can purchase the toys of your choice for your gun hobby?

I’ve never owned a gun in a life of over 70 years, never wanted one,or thought I needed one, I guess I have no fear.
Is it irrational fear when parents put their kids on a school bus in the morning and hug them as if they will never see them alive again so you can purchase the toys of your choice for your gun hobby.

99.9999% of all people who own guns legally would never murder anyone

99.9999% of all people who own guns legally would never murder anyone
You are a complete moron. Salvador Ramos owned his guns legally up to the second he killed the first kid or shot his grandma in this case. So you are a liar to parents who are hugging their kids like they have never but like they will never see them again when they put them on a school bus.What kind of human being lies to parents like that. Legal owners of guns kill 10 year olds in their classroom in mass shootings.
Is it irrational fear when parents put their kids on a school bus in the morning and hug them as if they will never see them alive again...
At an average of just over 2 deaths / year over the last 40 years, a school shooting committed with an 'assault weapon' is the least likely way for a child to die.
So... yes.
so you can purchase the toys of your choice for your gun hobby?
And thus, your ignorance and bigotry.
At an average of just over 2 deaths / year over the last 40 years, a school shooting committed with an 'assault weapon' is the least likely way for a child to die.
So... yes.

Tell your statistics to each parent : family in person who lost a loved one and let me know what they think of them. You asshole
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Cars cannot be driven down the halls of a school, so guns checked at the doors, doors that are guarded so that no unauthorized persons can enter, will still not suffice: children will be shot outside the classroom for universal recognition. That perpetrator will win the award for cutting-edge applications of methods of murder of innocents, as the history of this violence evolves in the #1 country for it.
Objective morality is an oxymoron. Nazism is morality itself, so there's no sense in making a case against nazism, which would be politically disatrous. No morality happens in the first place without the subjectivity of Homo sapiens, whether or not they are fucked up on religion. Thomas Jefferson had early on outlined the medicine for this mental illness.
Maybe I used the term incorrectly. He scoffed at, and tried to defend actions considered immoral in his personal life, public life, actions of associated (admitted, and/or convicted), broke faith with his own oath of office and had party hacks defend and block negative action. 4 years of seeing the crap contributed to him loosing the 2020 election as well as the two impeachments.
You are a complete moron. Salvador Ramos owned his guns legally up to the second he killed the first kid or shot his grandma in this case. So you are a liar to parents who are hugging their kids like they have never but like they will never see them again when they put them on a school bus.What kind of human being lies to parents like that. Legal owners of guns kill 10 year olds in their classroom in mass shootings.
So what?

That doesn't change the fact that a minuscule fraction of a percent of legal gun owners will ever commit murder.

You might want to look up what percentages are
Germany Demographics by race:

White --88%
Other-- 12%

:lol: 100% white except Roberto Blanco (="Robert White" in your language). Indeed Roberto is double black because he is also a poltician from "the Blacks" = christian conservative political party,

"Good Evening" (voice from a leprechaun from Mainz)
"98% of all jokers go to the wrong costume ball." (commentator)
We tend to lock up mostly nonviolent offenders.

Drug and property crime offenders are the highest populations in our prisons

Guns are like a drug - how the USA shows to everyone worldwide. Your whole nation is dominated from the belief in this drug. And if you listen how drug addicts defend their drugs and how gun addicts defend their guns then you are not able to hear a big structural difference.
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Guns are like a drug - how the USA shows to everyone worldwide. Your whole nation is dominated from the belief in this drug.
Can't say I disagree with that assessment.
And how many millions of tons of human meat still stinks around the throne of god because "they" - whoever "they" had been once - defended each other against each other? What likes to show the USA to the world ? Empty prisons? The more weapons exist in the USA since the 1970ies the less prisoners exist? Really?

USA (~"bad weapon laws") 629 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
Germany (~"strict weapon laws") 71 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.

Your statistics appears misleading since you leave out a lot of data for drug trafficking and gang wars.
No matter how you slice it, bombs are more technically demand, and harder to get, make, etc, than going to the local gun shop and are simpler to operation while providing greater flexibility and adaptability to changing situations.

Actually, it is easy to make a bomb with legal parts from the stores.
That doesn't change the fact that a minuscule fraction of a percent of legal gun owners will ever commit murder.

I don’t advocate taking away the guns from those that already have them. It’s a minuscule fraction of Americans who want to confiscate guns, but you don’t fucking understand “small fraction of a percentage” when you are stirring up fear the commie gun grabbers are coming after you. In the Uvalde Texas massacre the shooter turned 18, bought two AR15s and within a week murdered 19 kids and two teachers. And you gun whackos argue that raising the age to 21 would not save these kids. You are absurd. Sure two years from now he might’ve done the same thing but what are the odds of that? He would probably be convicted of a less deadly felony by then.

I advocate that there’s a waiting period, when a young 18-year-old wants to purchase an assault rifle, specifically those that have had no background in the use of firearms or does not have a genuine purpose or interest or need to have one. Because he wants one ain’t cutting it:

If there was just a 10 day waiting period in the Uvalde Texas massacre these kids would be out of schooom and alive and enjoying their summer just like you are probably about to do.

So don’t give me your crap about what I don’t understand. I understand. I understand the ugliness wacko gun owners in this country are forcing on the entire population for their selfish need to play with guns.

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