Biden Blames Guns

We will get $2400 /month easy with no mortgage = $1400 income so why would we rent it to a hillbilly who thinks gun buyers have more rights than ten year olds have a right to live.
Stupid fucking leftard !!!

Just because someone abused your rights is no reason to strip those same rights from million of others.

Your logic stinks.

You're a dumbass, shit for brains leftard.
Stupid fucking leftard !!!

Just because someone abused your rights is no reason to strip those same rights from million of others.

Your logic stinks.

You're a dumbass, shit for brains leftard.
Huge Smiley.jpg
We will get $2400 /month easy with no mortgage = $1400 income so why would we rent it to a hillbilly who thinks gun buyers have more rights than ten year olds have a right to live.
laughing animated.gif

I make more than 3x that daily without even getting out of bed thanks to idiots like Obama and Biden's idiot energy policies.
Shared Misery is their road to happiness for all.

A liberal sees a man happy with his financial success. He made a comfortable life for himself and has money to make the lives of his heirs happy. Liberals want to take his money making him unhappy.

I make more than 3x that daily without even getting out of bed thanks to idiots like Obama and Biden's idiot energy policies

Wow $4000 a day laying in bed. - Jesus really LOVED you

Great for you - I don’t need that much but this is for certain “Shared Misery” is not on my road to happiness. it’s appearing to be you suffer the unhinged delusion of a wealthy but arrogant perpetual asshole who worships guns.

How much were you making when Trump was making energy policy’s

Therefore the reality is Biden and Obama never did take away your money to make you and Ray From Cleveland unhappy. In fact they helped you make more. Interesting.
Not my job to educate who George Floyd is in 2022. Go hang out in the PlayStation forum, this one is for people who have at least half a clue to what’s going on in the world.

What's and where's this "play station"? In Sony-land? And what has this to do with Germans who murdered in your fantasy a man with the name George Floyd? ... Your weirdness, do you have any any idea what you like to tell me? ...
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I am not an NRA member as well. I fully support the second amendment.

You bought a muzzle loader and aggree that ever country of the USA has to have an own army while the Union has not to have an army at all?

Where the line is drawn on that freedom when it overrides the freedom to live about 10-year-old child is not compatible with your Republican no limit indifference to the gun owner ideology and culture of death that is causing are Black people in churches in supermarkets and children in classrooms.
Learn about guns, how they work, etc. Shoot rhem, get used to them. They are your only defense.

And how many millions of tons of human meat still stinks around the throne of god because "they" - whoever "they" had been once - defended each other against each other? What likes to show the USA to the world ? Empty prisons? The more weapons exist in the USA since the 1970ies the less prisoners exist? Really?

USA (~"bad weapon laws") 629 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
Germany (~"strict weapon laws") 71 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
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You drive the demand. Every assault weapon ever made is a response by manufacturers to provide sufficient supply of whatever you need to pleasure yourselves in the great gun hobby.

See this guy pleasuring himself with a deadly weapon .

View attachment 652594

What for heavens sake is going on in the brain of such an absurde murderous "I like to be a crusader"-superidiot? The same as in the brain of an absurde murderous jihadist who has not any idea about the big jihad - what is an inner fight against the own person?

„Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!“

You just don't get it, do you?

I am => NOT INTERESTED <= in your worthless German opinion.

And FUCK YOU for your arrogant pejorative opinion of the Swiss.

YOU are a typical German fucktard, and the rest of the world DOES NOT SHARE YOUR OPINION.

You dumb fuckers elected a Stasi operative to lead you country. Enough said.

After you read what I said to you and you still give this totally stupid "answer" (=hate attack) it is totally clear for me now that never anyone of your family had anything to do with Switzerland. A Swiss reacts on critics with arguments and not with an unmotivated hate attack. So I think you are a liar. And for me it's also totally clear that you are a Nazi on your own.
And how many millions of tons of human meat still stinks around the throne of god because "they" - whoever "they" had been once - defended each other against each other? What likes to show the USA to the world ? Empty prisons? The more weapons exist in the USA since the 1970ies the less prisoners exist? Really?

USA (~"bad weapon laws") 629 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
Germany (~"strict weapon laws") 71 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.

Germany Demographics by race:

White --88%
Other-- 12%
Therefore the reality is Biden and Obama never did take away your money to make you and @Ray From Cleveland unhappy. In fact they helped you make more. Interesting.

I had employer sponsored health insurance all of my working life until that Kenyan lawn jockey showed up. The day it started my employer dropped that benefit as many small business employers have. That cost me tens of thousands since Commie Care had no plans for my provider. You know, if you like your doctor and hospital, you can keep your doctor and hospital? Pure bullshit and still is today. If you don't believe me, just go to Commie Care's website and find a plan for the Cleveland Clinic and see how you come up empty handed.
And how many millions of tons of human meat still stinks around the throne of god because "they" - whoever "they" had been once - defended each other against each other? What likes to show the USA to the world ? Empty prisons? The more weapons exist in the USA since the 1970ies the less prisoners exist? Really?

USA (~"bad weapon laws") 629 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
Germany (~"strict weapon laws") 71 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.
We tend to lock up mostly nonviolent offenders.

Drug and property crime offenders are the highest populations in our prisons
We will get $2400 /month easy with no mortgage = $1400 income so why would we rent it to a hillbilly who thinks gun buyers have more rights than ten year olds have a right to live.

Right, because that's what it boils down to in your tiny mind, the choice between constitutional freedom and the life of a ten year old.
Right, because that's what it boils down to in your tiny mind, the choice between constitutional freedom and the life of a ten year old.
And the reason that you suck as a human being in general is that you go absolutely nuts over preserving your constitutional freedom to choose what the toys you like to play with look like over the life and the rights of a 10-year-old child. The child has no choice in the matter of life or death. You’re a petty cruel human being spoiled rotten beyond repair. Sitting around With your gun nut pals justifying your nonsense and cruelty with the explanation that you’re saving the world from Commies. Jesus H Christ.
How powerful? Self-defense?
The Second Amendment extends, prima facie,to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
USSC DC v Heller

"All bearable arms" - those "those in common use for lawful purposes"
"...weapons that were not specifically designed for military use and were not employed in a military capacity."
USSC, DC v Heller

This includes the AR15, et al.
Why not Apache helicopters and surface to air missiles ...
See above.
Why do you drop the first part of the SA...
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Thus, "well regulated militia" is irrelevant in detrmingin who holds the right to keep an dbear arms as protected by the 2nd.
All the rednecks that bought 200 million guns over the past 20 years we’re not engaged in any kind of a well regulated militia that I know of.
See above.
I do not believe the white nationalists, white Christian or not white Christian nationalists like the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters who attacked our Capitol for former President Trump on Jsn6 , are well regulated militias. do you?
See above.
Yes you do. It’s a political decision not a legal decision, You put politicians in power who let the assault rifle ban expire.
As the 1994 AWB was an unnecessary and ineffective restriction on the rights of the law abiding, letting it expire was the only rational courrse of actiom.
Thousands of deaths by assault rifle later...
This is a lie.

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