Biden Blames Guns

What you "think" is a long list of irrelevant lies.

You don't get to fabricate your own reality.

Language lesson:

stupid = blöde
to make oneselve not to be stupid = entblöden

So: Why do you not "entblöden" yourselve?
The other way is to have to learn from the reality all around - what you are also not doing.
Who made you spokesman for everybody?

The schools aren’t the problem - the SA does not absurdly bestow a specific unlimited right to a first time young gun buyer just turning 18, to endanger the public with an assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo like buying an ice cream cone at the county fair.

The state of Texas Republican NRA jumping beans knows damn well that an 18 year old would be a danger to the public if the same kid who can easily buy an AR15 to mass shoot grade schoolers has the right to buy a handgun for mass shooting grade schoolers as well.

There is a distinct line drawn by Republican gun cult leadership in Tx. So they know..

Texas protects its school kids from being mass murdered by young men with handguns but refuses to protect its little kids from being mass murdered by young men using the mass murderer’s weapon of choice - the assault rifle because mass murder looks much cooler while making an assault for the livestream. And Republican Mr Daniels gets to willy nilly sell more guns. He must be sued.

Either the 18 19 20 year old has an inalienable right, we must ask every single Republican, to mass murder school kids under the SA or they don’t with a legally purchased handgun.

I say they don’t. So it is not infringement on a tight to expect fany 18 year who wants to own a his own firearm lawfully as an upstanding protector of his personal sejf and property and community like Big Bend Texas is as a whole person, is required to fill out an application starting at 18 to show the entire community that by the time he is 21 the parents of the dead kids in Uvalde can have little ease of mind ttat other parents won’t suffer the horror that Republicans intentionally bestow upon them.

We also should see a law that anyone who aids snd abets anyone to obtain an illegal firearm used in a mass shooting can be convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad. And 20 years for anyone who didn’t secure the firearm in the places
18 year old Negro gang bangers , druggies and street thugs commit gun crimes in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes with strict gun control laws every day and you Moon Bats don't give a shit. Any new law isn't going to change the enormous crime that goes on.

Stop pretending you give a shit because you don't.
I grew up in the desert Southwest you moron where multiculturalism is all around us every day.

I live in the most multicultural community and area of the country and we don’t need guns all over the place to get along with each other.

growing up where you did does not mean you are in favor of it on a national levelZ

white Americans are a shrinking majority. Lots of white Americans are arming up solely fior that reason

Is the Democratic Party more or less favorable to placing a high value on a multicultural America than Republicans are.
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You certainly have a generalized fixation on black Americans who are criminals. still pissed that Abe Freed them? What’s with the American treason flag?
They are the ones that commit most of the gun crimes in the US. You Liberals always ignore that fact because the Negroes are the main voting block of the filthy Democrat Party.
Who made you spokesman for everybody?

The schools aren’t the problem - the SA does not absurdly bestow a specific unlimited right to a first time young gun buyer just turning 18, to endanger the public with an assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo like buying an ice cream cone at the county fair.

I know a bit about the personnel and equipment NEEDED to do MASSIVE reviews on 100s of thousands of citizens' social media accounts. Probably you dont. Its NOT RIGHT liberty and constitution wise because depending on the INTEGRITY of the agency DOING it -- it could become just another way to harass certain groups. Because by the time they REVIEW your social media going back 5 or 10 years -- they're GONNA see some stuff they could HANG you with. Like being not a progressive or a conservative or just because YOU had too many Let's Go Brandon or Orange Man memes..

And when the POWER goes out of Democrat hands -- it's YOUR ass and liberties on the line. You must have dozens of pics of the Orange man having sex with Putin.

WE KNOW that NSA Super Spy system was hijacked by the fucking FBI and misused. Most smart people aren't TRUST these tools in hands of raving partisans EVER AGAIN !!!!

And it's not practical. Only goes back MAYBE 5 years right now for the Big tech tyrants. NSA's World's Greatest Domestic Spying Machine only got turned about 2010 or so.

I ENDORSE raising the legal age on long guns with clips/mags to 21. Dont assume I'm not THINKING about fixing problems. The schools definitely ARE a LOT of the problem. When they SHIELD students with discipline problems, and dont report to authorities, you gonna miss the very kids that HAVE ALREADY COMMITTED these crimes.

Parkland -- kid was disciplined over 20 times. Suspended. Transfered to other schools including "mental cases" school. NEVER REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES.

Buffalo Grocery -- Kid THREATENED to SHOOT-UP a school. Got a 36 psych hold and released with NO RECORD and NO reporting to authorities. Came to school after Covid and his shooting threat -- dressed in head to toe HAZMAT outfit. Crazy as a loon and sharp enough to OBTAIN a full hazmat suit. NYORK HAS A RED FLAG LAW AND NO ONE USED IT !!!!!! Dont ya wanna know WHY?

It's also problematic and probably UNCONSTITUTIONAL to "red flag" minors without parental consent. Which is a GOOD thing.

I could give you at least SIX MORE where the schools REFUSED to refer the kid shooters to authorities. FIX THIS FIRST before you treat law abiding citizens as criminals and start prying and spying on the rest of us who simply want to buy/trade a gun.
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It's big. Part of what gets revealed is how that GPS tracking in GEORGIA connects those mules to Stacy Abrahms offices after she boasted about having "400,000" ballots "IN HER HANDS".

I know a bit about
But I know that you are a master of disinformation propagation. You are great at packaging hooey about imaginary election fraud and the right of gun buyers to purchase a “style” of a firearm being a higher rate than a school kids most essential right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s too much trouble for the kind of gun grasping owner you are to be bothered with Helping normal gun owners like my sister finding ways to save the lives of 10 year olds in America.

Your excuse making favorable to the national white right obsession that results in a lot of bullet riddled bloodied bodies young and old black and white Is impressive, I’ll give you that.
They make false arguments all the time. Our statistics show that people of color commit the most crime per capita, sometimes four times their population size depending on the type of crime. Take people of color out of the mix and our country compares to other white and single culture countries even with all our guns.

The larger the population, the more mentally disturbed people any country will have. Here we don't lock up people who might commit a crime, we lock up people after they commit a crime.

Norway and France beat us for the worst mass shootings…over 70 murdered in one attack…137 in the attack in France….

Keep in mind, the Muslim terrorists in France had fully automatic military rifles….they are illegal across the entire continent, illegal in France and illegal in Paris…..their gun control laws didn’t stop the attack
Norway and France beat us for the worst mass shootings…over 70 murdered in one attack…137 in the attack in France….

Keep in mind, the Muslim terrorists in France had fully automatic military rifles….they are illegal across the entire continent, illegal in France and illegal in Paris…..their gun control laws didn’t stop the attack

It's like I've said so many times: Take a white middle-class suburb and make a law that every household must have a firearm, and their violent crime statistics will not change. At the same time, make a law that nobody is allowed to be in possession of a firearm in a crime filled minority community, and their violent crime rate will not change either.

It's proof positive the problem are the types of people and not the guns. The people in the suburb that were made to buy a firearm had no reason or inclination to kill, while the people in the ghetto restricted from guns will find a way to get them.

The liberal solution to slow down or stop school shootings is to disarm the law abiding public. The Republican solution is to secure schools better including having an armed officer on duty at all times.
Good of you to agree we do not need any more gun laws.
I don’t agree with that at all. Law-abiding gun owners turn into mass murderers as soon as they can get their hands on an AR 15. As soon as you can guarantee there will never be another mass murder in America I don’t agree we don’t need any more laws. Are we there yet. Try to get control of your own.
I don’t agree with that at all.
You live in the most multicultural community and area of the country and you - personally and collectively - don’t need guns all over the place to get along with each other.
This being the case, there is clearly no need for any additional gun control laws.
Law-abiding gun owners turn into mass murderers as soon as they can get their hands on an AR 15.
This is a lie.
You live in the most multicultural community and area of the country and you - personally and collectively - don’t need guns all over the place to get along with each other.
Yes we do. The problem is the right wing gun scum in cahoots with the NRA and deadly weapons manufacturers in our country want to arm everybody 8 to 80 to the teeth so they say we don’t have to worry about one of them flipping out and shooting up school or supermarket or movie theater because they want everybody to own guns so more crazy people have easy access to guns making it necessary for more guns to be everywhere In our faces. No thanks gun scum. You are wrong and a threat to peaceful existence.
Half a million guns a year end up in the wrong hands...
You said live in the most multicultural community and area of the country and you - personally and collectively - don’t need guns all over the place to get along with each other.
Apparently, as you do not need firearms for protection, these "half a million guns" that "end up in the wrong hands" don't affect you - and so, there's no need for additional gun control laws.
Half a million guns a year end up in the wrong hands via lawful gun owners. If you can’t control yourselves we need more gun laws not less.

And when we catch the people who stole those guns, the democrat party prosecutors release them to steal more guns...

This isn't a law abiding gun owner is a democrat party issue.

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