Biden Bombshell: FOX News digs up old clips of Sleepy Creepy Joe using N word & disparaging women

hey, didnt chevy chase get away with saying the N word in front of about 200 million people once?
Yep, it was in an infamous skit he did with Richard Pryor on Saturday Night Live.
Chevy.....Jigaboo,,,,,Richard,,,,"Honky".........Chevy,,,"Spearchucker",,,,,Richard,,,,,HONKY HONKY !!!,,,,,,,,Chevy,,,,,,N------R,,,,,,Richard,,,,,Dead Honky !!!!............Classic !
Yep! One of the funniest skits I remember seeing on SNL.
Carrol O Conner spent years making fun of black people, and hes was so honored for his work on All In The Family
He-he, how DO you live your life being SO hateful, miserable and dumb? It must must be horrific, G3. (Goofy Golfing Gator) are attacking me, calling me names and some how I am the hateful , miserable one

you are not a very bright person
You crack me up, G3! Thanks for the comedic relief tonight.

stupid people are always easy to entertain.
Thanks once more, G3. And what is YOUR I.Q. again?

Easily 4 times of what yours is.
So, what IS it, G3? Four times mine would be 588. I don't THINK so........Anyway, I know you won't give a straight answer, that's OK. I've just been having fun f*ckin' with you, I'll leave you alone the rest of tonight. Have a good one, G3.
So, what IS it, G3? Four times mine would be 588. I don't THINK so........Anyway, I know you won't give a straight answer, that's OK. I've just been having fun f*ckin' with you, I'll leave you alone the rest of tonight. Have a good one, G3.

One thing that is true of all people with high IQs, none of them feel the need to brag and tell everyone how smart they are.
we need a president who has the guts to take on Wall Street, not just take their money as Biden does

that's additionally why the Dems wont nominate Creepy Joe!
Biden said it was "storybook" that a black guy could be clean and articulate -- and THEN he became VP. The democrats have NO standards. NONE
No fan of Biden, except stupid to go after him for quoting someone else in the second video.
what about the 1st vid?
Because he said Negro last century?
would you allow Trump to do the same?
Say Negro back in the 50's? Why not?
1973, he was a Senator then!
Yeah Black people were calling themselves negro back then. If he said it any time after the 90's it would give me pause but not back in the 7o's. Its a nothing burger.
Carrol O Conner spent years making fun of black people, and hes was so honored for his work on All In The Family
You do realize he was acting and in fact making fun of racists right?
i still remember the classic scene of when a black nurse told "Archie" that she was his blood donor, and that soon Archie will be craving watermelon and fried chicken {well something like that}

What, you're not going to insist it's fake news?

It falls under the "nobody gives a fuck" news category.

. . . you should amend that to, "nobody that matters, gives a fuck," news category.

As if folks that care about Biden are going to be listening to Hannity, and the second video Biden is just reading a quote that isn't his ideas or words, so proves nothing, so, meh. . . . :dunno:

Like folks on the left will care? They will never see it in numbers enough to make a difference.
So, what IS it, G3? Four times mine would be 588. I don't THINK so........Anyway, I know you won't give a straight answer, that's OK. I've just been having fun f*ckin' with you, I'll leave you alone the rest of tonight. Have a good one, G3.

One thing that is true of all people with high IQs, none of them feel the need to brag and tell everyone how smart they are.
I guess I'M the exception to the rule. Again, have a good night.

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