Biden border policy is killing Americans

So, if it goes back forever, no matter whose administration or which party in power, do like wall street and figure it into the mix and drive on. Don't kick out the Border patrol as part of the deep state. They have reported most drugs going through the border at points of legal entry in normal transportation, bob trucks, tractor trailers, ocean points of entry since the 1980s at least. DEA, FBI, basically everybody is saying the same thing as it is coming in by the ton in many cases, far more than being packed across with illegal immigrants scaling fences or getting lost in the vast southwester desert.
Maybe the Deep State was always there

But it didnt show its face till a non swamp rat moved into the white house

all the other presidents were part of the system

trump was not
Maybe the Deep State was always there

But it didnt show its face till a non swamp rat moved into the white house

all the other presidents were part of the system

trump was not
Well, I don't believe bulk of the hundred so tons of drugs is walking walking across the border through the desert, any more than I thin Jaun Valez packed his ass off that mountain with 14.1 Million 60 kilogram bags of coffee last year. Drugs are big business, requiring modern transportion methods to meet demand and expanding market.
Well, I don't believe bulk of the hundred so tons of drugs is walking walking across the border through the desert, any more than I thin Jaun Valez packed his ass off that mountain with 14.1 Million 60 kilogram bags of coffee last year. Drugs are big business, requiring modern transportion methods to meet demand and expanding market.
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I dont know about bulk

but I know enough drugs cross the border to make it a serious problem
I dont know about bulk

but I know enough drugs cross the border to make it a serious problem
To effect the amount on the street, you got to get the trucks, boats and planes. The mules with backpacks are much smaller potatoes. Serious yes, but just a distraction from the real problem.
To effect the amount on the street, you got to get the trucks, boats and planes. The mules with backpacks are much smaller potatoes. Serious yes, but just a distraction from the real problem.
Its all a problem

and nothing should be overlooked
Reagan was bamboozled into giving millions of illegals amnesty on the fake promise of border security. Then Bush came along with his NWO bullshit and tried to change the Republican immigration policy to the more open Democrat style, neocon asshole that he was. Then Clinton came along and opened it up to IAs even more. He even held a mass swearing in ceremony for citizenship to help his chances for reelection. Then the young Bush came along and spent 8 years trying to give our country away to cheap labor, neocon asshole that he was. But then Obama came along and flat out ignored immigration law, especially in his second term. Trump was actually the first President since Reagan to TRY to secure our border. Everyone else, R and D, was too busy selling out the American worker and taxpayer for cheap labor and quick votes. But this Biden buffoon is easily the worst ever. That's why people love Trump. He's the only recent President to put the people of the US first and we appreciate it. Years from now, this illegal alien invasion that Biden is behind will cause massive problems in this country but it will be too late to fix then.
Illegal drugs have been flooding across the border for decades. It's amazing how you right wing fools try to act as if this just started when Joe Biden came into office.
Conservatives have been complaining about the border situation for decades

biden is just far, FAR worse than any president before him

The border is shifting from a manufactured crisis to a national embarrassment

5 Aug 2021 ~~ By Chad Wolf
"We are also hearing from administration officials that they are seriously considering removing Title 42 authority, which would increase the number of illegal immigrants in DHS custody and would likely cause another surge to the border. But their latest move is even more radical - congressional Democrats, with support from a Biden White House, are looking to insert amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants into a budget bill with little consent from the American people. This is a flagrant act of federal overreach and absolutely the wrong course to take.
The Biden administration is realizing, albeit too late, that they have taken the wrong approach. Just recently, they have announced several measures, dubbed "Blueprint for a Fair, Orderly, and Humane Immigration System," designed to look like they are getting tough on immigration enforcement. A few of these measures, such as expedited removal and dedicated court dockets, are actions implemented by previous administrations. Whether these actions work or not depends on how they are implemented and executed over time, though the Biden administration has been uniquely opaque in its methods and operations. While I am hopeful for their success for the sake of the American people, this administration's track record leaves significant doubt.

A Democrat Congress impeached a President for a phone call but, yet not one for violating his oath of office and the nation's laws.
Meanwhile Joey Xi Bai Dung continues to be an American embarrassment and to the world.
When Democrats try to demean those for not being vaxxed, make sure and ask them why they aren't demeaning Biden for importing people that are not vaxxed and allowing them to spread COVID all over the nation infecting us all.

"Hey, normal, law-abiding Americans -- fuck you!"

-- The Democratic Party
Illegal drugs have been flooding across the border for decades. It's amazing how you right wing fools try to act as if this just started when Joe Biden came into office.
Yeah, nobody said that. We know drugs are a problem. It didn't start with Biden -- but he damn sure isn't doing anything about it.
and that's all they do is give lip service to make folks like you claim they are doing something.
That is true for the inside washington swamp rat repubs

they serve the big money donars

but trump served the voters who elected him
Nobody in Washington treats the southern border as a border. Neither party takes national security seriously enough.
i agree

but Trump cared and tried to make something happen

but the washington swamp resisted

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