Biden border policy is killing Americans

That is true for the inside washington swamp rat repubs

they serve the big money donars

but trump served the voters who elected him
Trump served himself and the racist that fall at his feet.
i agree

but Trump cared and tried to make something happen

but the washington swamp resisted
Are you ever going to wake up from that fairytale or Trump dream you are living in.
Trump served himself and the racist that fall at his feet.

Are you ever going to wake up from that fairytale or Trump dream you are living in.
I appreciate your concern

even if it is phony

but you will have to go pick some gullible guilt-ridden white lib’s pocket cause there is nothing for you here

Biden Called for the Border Surge, and Now He Owns It​

On the disaster at our southern border, I find myself, oddly, in agreement with Democrats and their media mouthpieces who are so desperately defending President Joe Biden.

They've been insisting, rather frantically, that the chaos we're seeing on the border didn't just begin on Jan. 20, the day Biden was inaugurated. I agree. It did not begin in January.


Fact Check: Did Biden Tell Immigrants to Surge The Border? [Video]​

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
And don't forget, back during the Dimocrat debates, when asked which candidate for president would be in favor of providing healthcare to illegals, ALL fucking candidates raised their fucking hands!!!!

You really wonder why they are flooding in now more than ever?

I appreciate your concern

even if it is phony

but you will have to go pick some gullible guilt-ridden white lib’s pocket cause there is nothing for you here
Come on Trump Humper, tell us what your savior was doing that was so great other than giving you lip service.
Defending the border from a peasant invasion

confronting china

reforming NATO to name a few

He didn't slow down a damn thing on the border, the only time there was a problem on the border was when he was in some hot water.

How many of his goods did he stop having made in China? 0.

Explain how he reformed NATO.

He didn't slow down a damn thing on the border, the only time there was a problem on the border was when he was in some hot water.

How many of his goods did he stop having made in China? 0.

Explain how he reformed NATO.
You are entitled to your opinion

but you are wrong

Migrant Encounters At The Border Have Nearly Doubled Since Biden Took Office​

The number of migrants encountered at the southern border in January nearly doubled that of January 2021, when President Joe Biden took office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported Friday.

CBP agents encountered 153,941 migrants in January, according to an agency press release, nearly twice the 78,414 migrants encountered in January 2021.

As I recall you said trump did nothing

which was not true

I never said his efforts succeeded to my satisfaction because libs are accomplished obstructionists
He claimed to have this great Healthcare plan for all Americans, what happened to it?

Nothing changed on the border when he was president.

He claimed he could stop the crime in Chicago and it would be easy, crime in Chicago never dropped under his watch.

You guys whined and cried about the Fed deficit when Pres Obama was in office, he balloned the debt and not a whimper out of you right wing clowns.

He ran his mouth about he giving the military more money than any other President. That didn't happen.

Please by all means show me where I am in error.

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