Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion: Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion:

Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence

Who buried the Biden bribery scandal?
Mounting evidence of deep-state corruption and cover-ups demands an answer.
6 Sep 2023 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

The Federalist’s blockbuster exclusive on Tuesday revealed U.S. Attorney David Weiss was spoonfed The New York Times’ false narrative that the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney had pushed the Delaware office to investigate Rudy Giuliani’s claims of Biden family corruption. That revelation adds new texture to the IRS whistleblowers’ earlier testimony. More importantly, it suggests a select few DOJ and FBI agents buried the FD-1023 sent to Delaware for further investigation — a report memorializing a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source’s claims that Burisma paid $5 million bribes each to Hunter and Joe Biden.
On Dec. 11, 2020, The New York Times ran an article titled, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden.” As I previously detailed, the Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” and sought to paint the “then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, whom Barr had tasked with screening any new material related to Ukraine,” as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens. The article falsely represented Brady as pushing the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate the Bidens based on material provided by Rudy Giuliani.
However, as a whistleblower would later confide in Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney’s office had sought the investigation not of Giuliani material, but of separate intel provided by a longtime and “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) on which agents briefed the Delaware office.
As Grassley explained in a July 2023 letter to Weiss, “[O]n October 23, 2020, Justice Department and FBI Special Agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, one of your top prosecutors, and FBI Special Agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden.”
Grassley would later release a minimally redacted copy of the FD-1023, which confirmed the information provided to the Delaware office came not from Giuliani, but from the CHS.
An individual familiar with that Oct. 23 meeting previously confirmed to The Federalist that Weiss was not present for it. That detail gained new significance last week when FOIA documents, obtained by the Heritage Foundation following its lawsuit against the DOJ, revealed that one of Weiss’s top assistant U.S. attorneys forwarded him the Times article portraying the Pittsburgh evidence as originating from Giuliani.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?
Weiss has yet to answer that question. But IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony and supplemental affidavit suggest Wolf and the Baltimore agents briefed by Pittsburgh about the FD-1023 buried that evidence.
During Shapley’s testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS special agent made no mention of the FD-1023. Later, though, after former Attorney General William Barr confirmed to The Federalist that the FD-1023 had been sent to Delaware for further investigation, Shapley submitted a supplemental affidavit.
With the Times piece purportedly sourced to “five current and former law enforcement officials and others with knowledge of F.B.I. interactions with the Justice Department,” unless someone told Weiss about the FD-1023 or its contents, Weiss would have had no basis to know the Pittsburgh office had given the Delaware office independent evidence of Biden family corruption. And this was evidence that had already been partially corroborated, as the Pennsylvania-based agents detailed in the briefing on Oct. 23, 2020.
This again raises the question: Who knew of the FD-1023, and when did Weiss learn of its existence?
From Grassley’s whistleblower, it appears Wolf included at least two Baltimore field office agents in the brief. However, from Shapley’s testimony, it appears the Baltimore field agents Wolf allowed to participate in the briefing were not the ones working Hunter’s case — which makes no sense.
That is, unless you are trying to bury the evidence.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?

Who buried the Biden Bribery Scandal?
Such a mystery, if only we had a clue, just one little bitty clue...
It’s like the guy looking for his dime under a street lamp..
I asked him ..”where did you drop it?”... he said” down the street near that tree.”
I asked “then why you looking for it here?” He said, ”there’s more light”, just can’t seem to find a clue anywhere....
We have paper trails of Biden treason, bribery and quid pro quo, witnesses, and an exorbitant tax debt after just 2 short years of Lesko Brandon. If Trump wins next term will anything of happened to any of the criminals being uncovered now? What about doin anything about the folks that lied, obfuscated, financed, made excuses for, covered up or hid anything illegal that helped the criminals we are finding about now to do what they have done?
Deep-State partisans cannot and won’t walk free very long to many spot lights on them and a lot of public anger will keep the heat on the hacks re-election it’s all they have going for them.
To many records have been kept.

Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion:

Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence

Who buried the Biden bribery scandal?
Mounting evidence of deep-state corruption and cover-ups demands an answer.
6 Sep 2023 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

The Federalist’s blockbuster exclusive on Tuesday revealed U.S. Attorney David Weiss was spoonfed The New York Times’ false narrative that the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney had pushed the Delaware office to investigate Rudy Giuliani’s claims of Biden family corruption. That revelation adds new texture to the IRS whistleblowers’ earlier testimony. More importantly, it suggests a select few DOJ and FBI agents buried the FD-1023 sent to Delaware for further investigation — a report memorializing a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source’s claims that Burisma paid $5 million bribes each to Hunter and Joe Biden.
On Dec. 11, 2020, The New York Times ran an article titled, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden.” As I previously detailed, the Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” and sought to paint the “then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, whom Barr had tasked with screening any new material related to Ukraine,” as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens. The article falsely represented Brady as pushing the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate the Bidens based on material provided by Rudy Giuliani.
However, as a whistleblower would later confide in Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney’s office had sought the investigation not of Giuliani material, but of separate intel provided by a longtime and “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) on which agents briefed the Delaware office.
As Grassley explained in a July 2023 letter to Weiss, “[O]n October 23, 2020, Justice Department and FBI Special Agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, one of your top prosecutors, and FBI Special Agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden.”
Grassley would later release a minimally redacted copy of the FD-1023, which confirmed the information provided to the Delaware office came not from Giuliani, but from the CHS.
An individual familiar with that Oct. 23 meeting previously confirmed to The Federalist that Weiss was not present for it. That detail gained new significance last week when FOIA documents, obtained by the Heritage Foundation following its lawsuit against the DOJ, revealed that one of Weiss’s top assistant U.S. attorneys forwarded him the Times article portraying the Pittsburgh evidence as originating from Giuliani.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?
Weiss has yet to answer that question. But IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony and supplemental affidavit suggest Wolf and the Baltimore agents briefed by Pittsburgh about the FD-1023 buried that evidence.
During Shapley’s testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS special agent made no mention of the FD-1023. Later, though, after former Attorney General William Barr confirmed to The Federalist that the FD-1023 had been sent to Delaware for further investigation, Shapley submitted a supplemental affidavit.
With the Times piece purportedly sourced to “five current and former law enforcement officials and others with knowledge of F.B.I. interactions with the Justice Department,” unless someone told Weiss about the FD-1023 or its contents, Weiss would have had no basis to know the Pittsburgh office had given the Delaware office independent evidence of Biden family corruption. And this was evidence that had already been partially corroborated, as the Pennsylvania-based agents detailed in the briefing on Oct. 23, 2020.
This again raises the question: Who knew of the FD-1023, and when did Weiss learn of its existence?
From Grassley’s whistleblower, it appears Wolf included at least two Baltimore field office agents in the brief. However, from Shapley’s testimony, it appears the Baltimore field agents Wolf allowed to participate in the briefing were not the ones working Hunter’s case — which makes no sense.
That is, unless you are trying to bury the evidence.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?

Who buried the Biden Bribery Scandal?
Such a mystery, if only we had a clue, just one little bitty clue...
It’s like the guy looking for his dime under a street lamp..
I asked him ..”where did you drop it?”... he said” down the street near that tree.”
I asked “then why you looking for it here?” He said, ”there’s more light”, just can’t seem to find a clue anywhere....
We have paper trails of Biden treason, bribery and quid pro quo, witnesses, and an exorbitant tax debt after just 2 short years of Lesko Brandon. If Trump wins next term will anything of happened to any of the criminals being uncovered now? What about doin anything about the folks that lied, obfuscated, financed, made excuses for, covered up or hid anything illegal that helped the criminals we are finding about now to do what they have done?
Deep-State partisans cannot and won’t walk free very long to many spot lights on them and a lot of public anger will keep the heat on the hacks re-election it’s all they have going for them.
To many records have been kept.
actually, there us another conclusion, maybe there is no evidence biden could be as innocent as trump himself and we would never know it!

of course, if there is evidence or if the whistleblower shows up and speaks truth i might believe this shit, until then, this is just more "bengazi"
The saddest part about the Biden corruption scandal is that the obedient left wing Media helps cover it up.
I'd be willing to bet there were a lot of people getting cash from the potato to help ensure that if he does go down, he can take lots of people with him. Plenty of republicrats along with a turtle too I'd bet. I think DC has become rotten to the core and the best thing we can hope for is a visit from Cthulhu and maybe a meteor.
I'd be willing to bet there were a lot of people getting cash from the potato to help ensure that if he does go down, he can take lots of people with him. Plenty of republicrats along with a turtle too I'd bet. I think DC has become rotten to the core and the best thing we can hope for is a visit from Cthulhu and maybe a meteor.
View attachment 825679
That's why none of these dirty politicians is ever held accountable, they all have dirt on each other.

Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion:

Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence

Who buried the Biden bribery scandal?
Mounting evidence of deep-state corruption and cover-ups demands an answer.
6 Sep 2023 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

The Federalist’s blockbuster exclusive on Tuesday revealed U.S. Attorney David Weiss was spoonfed The New York Times’ false narrative that the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney had pushed the Delaware office to investigate Rudy Giuliani’s claims of Biden family corruption. That revelation adds new texture to the IRS whistleblowers’ earlier testimony. More importantly, it suggests a select few DOJ and FBI agents buried the FD-1023 sent to Delaware for further investigation — a report memorializing a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source’s claims that Burisma paid $5 million bribes each to Hunter and Joe Biden.
On Dec. 11, 2020, The New York Times ran an article titled, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden.” As I previously detailed, the Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” and sought to paint the “then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, whom Barr had tasked with screening any new material related to Ukraine,” as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens. The article falsely represented Brady as pushing the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate the Bidens based on material provided by Rudy Giuliani.
However, as a whistleblower would later confide in Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney’s office had sought the investigation not of Giuliani material, but of separate intel provided by a longtime and “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) on which agents briefed the Delaware office.
As Grassley explained in a July 2023 letter to Weiss, “[O]n October 23, 2020, Justice Department and FBI Special Agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, one of your top prosecutors, and FBI Special Agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden.”
Grassley would later release a minimally redacted copy of the FD-1023, which confirmed the information provided to the Delaware office came not from Giuliani, but from the CHS.
An individual familiar with that Oct. 23 meeting previously confirmed to The Federalist that Weiss was not present for it. That detail gained new significance last week when FOIA documents, obtained by the Heritage Foundation following its lawsuit against the DOJ, revealed that one of Weiss’s top assistant U.S. attorneys forwarded him the Times article portraying the Pittsburgh evidence as originating from Giuliani.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?
Weiss has yet to answer that question. But IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony and supplemental affidavit suggest Wolf and the Baltimore agents briefed by Pittsburgh about the FD-1023 buried that evidence.
During Shapley’s testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS special agent made no mention of the FD-1023. Later, though, after former Attorney General William Barr confirmed to The Federalist that the FD-1023 had been sent to Delaware for further investigation, Shapley submitted a supplemental affidavit.
With the Times piece purportedly sourced to “five current and former law enforcement officials and others with knowledge of F.B.I. interactions with the Justice Department,” unless someone told Weiss about the FD-1023 or its contents, Weiss would have had no basis to know the Pittsburgh office had given the Delaware office independent evidence of Biden family corruption. And this was evidence that had already been partially corroborated, as the Pennsylvania-based agents detailed in the briefing on Oct. 23, 2020.
This again raises the question: Who knew of the FD-1023, and when did Weiss learn of its existence?
From Grassley’s whistleblower, it appears Wolf included at least two Baltimore field office agents in the brief. However, from Shapley’s testimony, it appears the Baltimore field agents Wolf allowed to participate in the briefing were not the ones working Hunter’s case — which makes no sense.
That is, unless you are trying to bury the evidence.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?

Grassley Is a lightweight now, used to be, he and his whistleblowers got things done. Now he is considered a joke.
It’s Hillary Clinton, the deep state, Joe and Hunter Biden. He’s a maga cultist that is joined at the hip with Johnson, Comer and Jordan. Everyone knows they don’t know the definition of credible.

Who buried the Biden Bribery Scandal?
Such a mystery, if only we had a clue, just one little bitty clue...
It’s like the guy looking for his dime under a street lamp..
I asked him ..”where did you drop it?”... he said” down the street near that tree.”
I asked “then why you looking for it here?” He said, ”there’s more light”, just can’t seem to find a clue anywhere....
We have paper trails of Biden treason, bribery and quid pro quo, witnesses, and an exorbitant tax debt after just 2 short years of Lesko Brandon. If Trump wins next term will anything of happened to any of the criminals being uncovered now? What about doin anything about the folks that lied, obfuscated, financed, made excuses for, covered up or hid anything illegal that helped the criminals we are finding about now to do what they have done?
Deep-State partisans cannot and won’t walk free very long to many spot lights on them and a lot of public anger will keep the heat on the hacks re-election it’s all they have going for them.
To many records have been kept.
actually, there us another conclusion, maybe there is no evidence biden could be as innocent as trump himself and we would never know it!

of course, if there is evidence or if the whistleblower shows up and speaks truth i might believe this shit, until then, this is just more "bengazi"
They have their own little self-contained conspiracy theory factory working overtime.

Make some shit up from your imagination, toss it out there, and when you can't prove it, claim "cheating" and/or "corruption".

Always the victim.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion:

Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence

Who buried the Biden bribery scandal?
Mounting evidence of deep-state corruption and cover-ups demands an answer.
6 Sep 2023 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

The Federalist’s blockbuster exclusive on Tuesday revealed U.S. Attorney David Weiss was spoonfed The New York Times’ false narrative that the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney had pushed the Delaware office to investigate Rudy Giuliani’s claims of Biden family corruption. That revelation adds new texture to the IRS whistleblowers’ earlier testimony. More importantly, it suggests a select few DOJ and FBI agents buried the FD-1023 sent to Delaware for further investigation — a report memorializing a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source’s claims that Burisma paid $5 million bribes each to Hunter and Joe Biden.
On Dec. 11, 2020, The New York Times ran an article titled, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden.” As I previously detailed, the Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” and sought to paint the “then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, whom Barr had tasked with screening any new material related to Ukraine,” as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens. The article falsely represented Brady as pushing the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate the Bidens based on material provided by Rudy Giuliani.
However, as a whistleblower would later confide in Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Pittsburgh U.S. attorney’s office had sought the investigation not of Giuliani material, but of separate intel provided by a longtime and “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) on which agents briefed the Delaware office.
As Grassley explained in a July 2023 letter to Weiss, “[O]n October 23, 2020, Justice Department and FBI Special Agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, one of your top prosecutors, and FBI Special Agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden.”
Grassley would later release a minimally redacted copy of the FD-1023, which confirmed the information provided to the Delaware office came not from Giuliani, but from the CHS.
An individual familiar with that Oct. 23 meeting previously confirmed to The Federalist that Weiss was not present for it. That detail gained new significance last week when FOIA documents, obtained by the Heritage Foundation following its lawsuit against the DOJ, revealed that one of Weiss’s top assistant U.S. attorneys forwarded him the Times article portraying the Pittsburgh evidence as originating from Giuliani.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?
Weiss has yet to answer that question. But IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony and supplemental affidavit suggest Wolf and the Baltimore agents briefed by Pittsburgh about the FD-1023 buried that evidence.
During Shapley’s testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS special agent made no mention of the FD-1023. Later, though, after former Attorney General William Barr confirmed to The Federalist that the FD-1023 had been sent to Delaware for further investigation, Shapley submitted a supplemental affidavit.
With the Times piece purportedly sourced to “five current and former law enforcement officials and others with knowledge of F.B.I. interactions with the Justice Department,” unless someone told Weiss about the FD-1023 or its contents, Weiss would have had no basis to know the Pittsburgh office had given the Delaware office independent evidence of Biden family corruption. And this was evidence that had already been partially corroborated, as the Pennsylvania-based agents detailed in the briefing on Oct. 23, 2020.
This again raises the question: Who knew of the FD-1023, and when did Weiss learn of its existence?
From Grassley’s whistleblower, it appears Wolf included at least two Baltimore field office agents in the brief. However, from Shapley’s testimony, it appears the Baltimore field agents Wolf allowed to participate in the briefing were not the ones working Hunter’s case — which makes no sense.
That is, unless you are trying to bury the evidence.
So the key question, as Grassley asked Weiss, is when did he first learn of the FD-1023?

Who buried the Biden Bribery Scandal?
Such a mystery, if only we had a clue, just one little bitty clue...
It’s like the guy looking for his dime under a street lamp..
I asked him ..”where did you drop it?”... he said” down the street near that tree.”
I asked “then why you looking for it here?” He said, ”there’s more light”, just can’t seem to find a clue anywhere....
We have paper trails of Biden treason, bribery and quid pro quo, witnesses, and an exorbitant tax debt after just 2 short years of Lesko Brandon. If Trump wins next term will anything of happened to any of the criminals being uncovered now? What about doin anything about the folks that lied, obfuscated, financed, made excuses for, covered up or hid anything illegal that helped the criminals we are finding about now to do what they have done?
Deep-State partisans cannot and won’t walk free very long to many spot lights on them and a lot of public anger will keep the heat on the hacks re-election it’s all they have going for them.
To many records have been kept.

Biden Bribery Breadcrumbs Leave Only One Possible Conclusion: Deep-State Partisans Buried The Evidence​

Or, of course, you’re simply being lied to yet again. :rolleyes:
They have their own little self-contained conspiracy theory factory working overtime.

Make some shit up from your imagination, toss it out there, and when you can't prove it, claim "cheating" and/or "corruption".

Always the victim.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
"just say you are opening an investigation and let me and the republican congressmen do the rest" trump (barr sworn testimony)

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