Biden building border wall. Another promise broken.

If the Latino vote shifts any further right you won't be able to fly a plane over that thing.
Electrified fences, dogs, armed drones, snipers, mie fields...

If the Democrats realize millions of illegals have come to the US for freebies and everything Anerica has to offer and NOTfor oppressive, batshit crazy Liberal agendas and failed policies & are turning to Republicans...

Now that elitist, racist snobby 'citizens of 'Oz' have had their cities' walls breached by the unclean, unwashed illegal masses, they now realize, as hundreds of thousands of illegals continue pour across the border, there is no way to keep them out, to separate themselves from the illegals....

...who seem to be turning to the GOP.

Their plans failed. Rather than allow millions of more future GOP voters in, the Dems will want to make the border a 'DMZ' before they allow that to that happen.
Electrified fences, dogs, armed drones, snipers, mie fields...

If the Democrats realize millions of illegals have come to the US for freebies and everything Anerica has to offer and NOTfor oppressive, batshit crazy Liberal agendas and failed policies & are turning to Republicans...

Now that elitist, racist snobby 'citizens of 'Oz' have had their cities' walls breached by the unclean, unwashed illegal masses, they now realize, as hundreds of thousands of illegals continue pour across the border, there is no way to keep them out, to separate themselves from the illegals....

...who seem to be turning to the GOP.

Their plans failed. Rather than allow millions of more future GOP voters in, the Dems will want to make the border a 'DMZ' before they allow that to that happen.

They'll simply fabricate another term.

We went from "illegal aliens" to "migrants" because the former term was so bad for the feelz.

Now we'll go from "migrants" to "rubber migrants" as they bounce them back to Mexico as fast as they can load them onto the trampolines...
From what I read, he approved plans to build up existing fences, not the Trump border wall.
He is filling in gaps according to the article, NOT fixing existing fence. You need to be vocal about not adding another foot to the wall, just like Biden promised.
From what I read, he approved plans to build up existing fences, not the Trump border wall.
He's filling in gaps in the border wall, Leviticus. They KNOW that they're in deep trouble with the millions of people who are pouring across the border! They KNOW it's unsustainable! They're slowly grasping that the vast majority of Americans want this to stop!
Biden promised "'not another foot" of wall would be built. Does this make him a racist?

Biden has authorized the closing off of gaps in the wall along the Az./ Mexico border where a wall already exists, CLOWN. Soooooo, considering you Trump asslickers are all for the wall, what's your problem?

Maybe you should back off before you blow your mind over an issue that a day ago you supported. So what made you change your opinion about the wall, no mind?
They'll simply fabricate another term.

We went from "illegal aliens" to "migrants" because the former term was so bad for the feelz.

Now we'll go from "migrants" to "rubber migrants" as they bounce them back to Mexico as fast as they can load them onto the trampolines...
How's it "feelz" knowing Trump got his ass beat by Biden? Mopped the floor with him.

Now go back & raaaaaaant about Biden replacing gaps in the wall that a day ago you raaaaaaaanted about not being finished.
How's it "feelz" knowing Trump got his ass beat by Biden? Mopped the floor with him.

Now go back & raaaaaaant about Biden replacing gaps in the wall that a day ago you raaaaaaaanted about not being finished.
How's it feels knowing biden is a drooling idiot and you dumbfucks voted for him and for the shit raining on everyone right now.

Yah, quite the victory. Lol
Biden has authorized the closing off of gaps in the wall along the Az./ Mexico border where a wall already exists, CLOWN. Soooooo, considering you Trump asslickers are all for the wall, what's your problem?

Maybe you should back off before you blow your mind over an issue that a day ago you supported. So what made you change your opinion about the wall, no mind?
Trump’s wall that your Vegetable Messiah said he wouldn’t add a single foot too, Simp.

Read the link.
Trump’s wall that your Vegetable Messiah said he wouldn’t add a single foot too, Simp.

Read the link.
Is that the same wall that Trump promised to get Mexico to pay for, Simp?

Do I need a link?
How's it "feelz" knowing Trump got his ass beat by Biden? Mopped the floor with him.

Now go back & raaaaaaant about Biden replacing gaps in the wall that a day ago you raaaaaaaanted about not being finished.
How’s it feel knowing you’re a useless tool who doesn’t understand words and their meanings? Filling gaps is ADDING wall moron. That you claimed wouldn’t happen. Add hypocrite and racist to the long list of problems you have whiner.
How’s it feel knowing you’re a useless tool who doesn’t understand words and their meanings? Filling gaps is ADDING wall moron. That you claimed wouldn’t happen. Add hypocrite and racist to the long list of problems you have whiner.
Remember when Trump promised over & over & over again that Mexico would pay for it, psycho?
How’s it feel knowing you’re a useless tool who doesn’t understand words and their meanings? Filling gaps is ADDING wall moron. That you claimed wouldn’t happen. Add hypocrite and racist to the long list of problems you have whiner.
Clipper will just whine and cry ORANGE MAN BAD now.

It is all the moron can do when his Vegetable Messiah is exposed.

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