Biden building border wall. Another promise broken.

Biden has authorized the closing off of gaps in the wall along the Az./ Mexico border where a wall already exists, CLOWN. Soooooo, considering you Trump asslickers are all for the wall, what's your problem?

Maybe you should back off before you blow your mind over an issue that a day ago you supported. So what made you change your opinion about the wall, no mind?

Nice try. You and your party are the laughingstock of the world.
Hey asswipe, Biden is repairing a section of wall that is damaged. Considering the fact that your ass buddy Trump said he'd build an entire wall you should be happy that Biden is fixing another Trump train wreck.

You must have missed a stroke when your hand slipped, jizz boy.

If walls don’t work, why fix them dipshit?
How come you're not praising Biden for adding to the wall that you've been excited about since numbnuts Trump brought up the idea?

Trump just couldn't git er done. :abgg2q.jpg:

*Joe lied and thousands of illegals died!

Thousand more raped.

What a POS!
Feelings hurt CLOWN, because I rubbed your brown nose in the fact that Trump is a liar?

Biden is repairing a section of wall & for some reason that's burning your ass. Looks like they'll be doing a lot of "there, fixed it for ya" considering the wall that your hero had built can be sliced into with the use of a cordless scroll saw. :abgg2q.jpg:
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.
and his lies aren't little lies like the lies the left attributed to President Trump. oh Noooooo,,,,,,these are BIG lies.

lied about the income of those he aims to tax. Anyone making 30,000 or over. This is gonna hurt all americans. WHAT a freakin' liar. Said he was going to unite the country. sure as hell hasn't done that...he has divided the country even more...on his own and with his policies while making life in america harder for americans. Trump did not do that. The left made life harder for hard working americans as they slashed and burned their way through blue cities and states.
glad to see xiden has reversed course and restarted trump’s wall. He. obviously was right

it’s sad that it took this long
This isn't a wall you ignorant retard, it's fencing that already existed, that was in disrepair. There is a difference between fixing existing structures, and building a giant wall along the whole border.

But then again, I am assuming you would be smart enough to understand that difference.

Isn't that exactly what you commies claimed Trump was doing?

You're full of BS Moonglow. Always an excuse.
Always trolling. One of the most useless posters on the board............and that's saying something with some of the Dimwingers we have here.
Biden knows the Red Wave is going to be EXTRA SPECIAL in Arizona so he is trying anything
Isn't that exactly what you commies claimed Trump was doing?


Oh Trump did build a little of his wall, but not much. He CLAIMED that he was building more, but was lying. It was actually just pre-existing fences that needed repaired anyway. Trump was asking his followers to donate money to build the wall because he was being blocked from more funding, and then pocketing that money instead of actually donating it to the DHS to pay for the wall. Less than 3 miles of actual wall was build during the Trump Administration.
Oh Trump did build a little of his wall, but not much. He CLAIMED that he was building more, but was lying. It was actually just pre-existing fences that needed repaired anyway. Trump was asking his followers to donate money to build the wall because he was being blocked from more funding, and then pocketing that money instead of actually donating it to the DHS to pay for the wall. Less than 3 miles of actual wall was build during the Trump Administration.
You are full of shit. Link us up to it all being fixing existing fences. Then link us up to Trump pocketing money. Then link us up to less than 3 miles of wall being built.

I predict you will have 3 strikes and you are out, Simp.
This look like "less than three miles?


Oh Trump did build a little of his wall, but not much. He CLAIMED that he was building more, but was lying. It was actually just pre-existing fences that needed repaired anyway. Trump was asking his followers to donate money to build the wall because he was being blocked from more funding, and then pocketing that money instead of actually donating it to the DHS to pay for the wall. Less than 3 miles of actual wall was build during the Trump Administration.

Damn, you commies really do live in an alternate universe.

Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 458 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.
The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.

Now provide a link where Trump asked citizens to donate to the wall.


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