Biden built the Taliban back better! Record Time

That would be stupid.

Let's not forget, this whole mess started because some idiot in 1979 said, "Hey, do you know what would be really funny. If we give weapons to religious fanatics to fight the Russians in Afghanistan!"
I never would endorse such a thing but you know that's what is going to happen.
LOL!! Have you ever seen the children of the upper crust? Hardly airborne material. That's actually funny!!

Believe it or not, during my service I met the cousin of Governor Pritzker. He was one of the idiot cousins who they didn't trust to run the Hyatt Empire, so they paid him off to go do what he liked, and he joined the Army.

And yes, he did pass airborne school. He eventually retired as a Lt. Col. from the Illinois National Guard.

He also (And I am not making this up) decided later he was transsexual and calls herself "Jennifer" today.


On a serious note, however, this is kind of the problem with why this war dragged on for as long as it did.

Because we have a volunteer military, if your kid didn't sign up, it didn't touch you.

Oh, we had a big surge in enlistments after 9/11. Then it tapered off. Then we started taking the same guard units and rotating them into Afghanistan and Iraq, imposing stop-loss to keep guys in after their enlistments expired.

Then we started lowering enlistment standards, and wonder how we got such prize characters like Chelsea Manning and Bowe Bergdahl, people who never should have been enlisted or should have washed out of boot camp.
Um, yeah, if you are fighting a war for 20 years and your enemy is only "Contained", after you have spent a trillion dollars, that's nothing to be proud of.

The only people weeping over Afghanistan are the War Profiteers.
Just STFU you effing retard
Maybe we've learned not to invade sovereign countries and try to force a 17th-Century civilization into modernity when it clearly is incapable of such a change, costing us thousands of lives, limbs, minds and families, costing us trillions of dollars, and leaving behind billions of dollars of military gear as a delightful parting gift. As many of us tried to warn about.

I guess we'll see.

^ Just another fucking idiot can't see how QUICKLY the Taliban took control after Biden's disastrous decision to abandon Afghanistan
In a few short months the Taliban went from contained, controlled in a constant battle with the Afghan Army and US forces to now having State Sponsorship AND a lucrative deal with Biden's owners at the CCP

Really? You do go on with a lot of crap.
Grow up you sook.

Biden: Building back the Taliban bigger better and far more dangerous that in 2000
Believe it or not, during my service I met the cousin of Governor Pritzker. He was one of the idiot cousins who they didn't trust to run the Hyatt Empire, so they paid him off to go do what he liked, and he joined the Army.

And yes, he did pass airborne school. He eventually retired as a Lt. Col. from the Illinois National Guard.

He also (And I am not making this up) decided later he was transsexual and calls herself "Jennifer" today.

On a serious note, however, this is kind of the problem with why this war dragged on for as long as it did.

Because we have a volunteer military, if your kid didn't sign up, it didn't touch you.

Oh, we had a big surge in enlistments after 9/11. Then it tapered off. Then we started taking the same guard units and rotating them into Afghanistan and Iraq, imposing stop-loss to keep guys in after their enlistments expired.

Then we started lowering enlistment standards, and wonder how we got such prize characters like Chelsea Manning and Bowe Bergdahl, people who never should have been enlisted or should have washed out of boot camp.
I have an active duty grandson. I don't want him involved in any "endless wars".
The problem with AFG is that its loaded with very valuable minerals, which is why we tried to civilize it for 20-years, and now China is trying their luck there, probably with their "belts and roads" programs.
The 1%, including Trump and the democrats and their oligarch masters, need to learn what the US military can and cannot be used for. To that end I'd like to see many more vets in the House, Senate, and WH.

General Kelly's description of Trump as "a very flawed man" lost my support for Trump.
But I wonder now how General Kelly would describe Xiden's presidency.
I have an active duty grandson. I don't want him involved in any "endless wars".
The problem with AFG is that its loaded with very valuable minerals, which is why we tried to civilize it for 20-years, and now China is trying their luck there, probably with their "belts and roads" programs.
The 1%, including Trump and the democrats and their oligarch masters, need to learn what the US military can and cannot be used for. To that end I'd like to see many more vets in the House, Senate, and WH.

General Kelly's description of Trump as "a very flawed man" lost my support for Trump.
But I wonder now how General Kelly would describe Xiden's presidency.

We have known about Afghanistan's mineral wealth since 1962.

But, there was no market and no way to move their natural resources out of landlocked Afghanistan.

Now there is a market for Afghan's natural resources and the Chinese have developed the infrastructure to get it to market.
In a few short months the Taliban went from contained, controlled in a constant battle with the Afghan Army and US forces to now having State Sponsorship AND a lucrative deal with Biden's owners at the CCP

Biden: Building back the Taliban bigger better and far more dangerous that in 2000
Not sure where you're going with this, Frank. How about painting me a picture?
In a few short months the Taliban went from contained, controlled in a constant battle with the Afghan Army and US forces to now having State Sponsorship AND a lucrative deal with Biden's owners at the CCP

Biden: Building back the Taliban bigger better and far more dangerous that in 2000
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. It was Your guy who negotiated the withdrawal and made every effort to make sure it could not be undone.
Everyone needs to quit slinging shit. As worthless as Biden may be look at Pakistan playing at being China's bitch while they get or think that they are getting what they want. That is where it is at along with people there just like everywhere else in this old world will sell themselves, their country and even their own family members for a buck. Y'all are acting like there are not people there fighting back because all everyone wants to do is play politics and give me, give me, or the blame game instead of finding solutions and getting rid of the actual problems.
1. Withdraw all the American citizens
2. Withdraw the friendlies
3. Withdraw the equipment
4. Bomb the bases back to the Stone Age
5. Withdraw the American troops

Was it really that difficult? Even the stuttering shit clown could have gotten this right... with flash cards and crayons.

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" - anonymous kenyan muzzie dog eater, circa 2020
Um, yeah, if you are fighting a war for 20 years and your enemy is only "Contained", after you have spent a trillion dollars, that's nothing to be proud of.

The only people weeping over Afghanistan are the War Profiteers.

Do you think the families of the Americans Civilian Killing *Joe left in Afghanistan are weeping also?

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