Biden built the Taliban back better! Record Time

1. Withdraw all the American citizens
2. Withdraw the friendlies
3. Withdraw the equipment
4. Bomb the bases back to the Stone Age
5. Withdraw the American troops

Was it really that difficult? Even the stuttering shit clown could have gotten this right... with flash cards and crayons.

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" - anonymous kenyan muzzie dog eater, circa 2020
Did Biden follow Trumps guidance on the Southern Border? No! But all of a sudden Trump's Afghan plans tied Sleepy, Creepy Kid-Fondling Joes hands
How stupid, Frank. Trump met with the Taliban n Doha in 2020 and struck his "deal", but he never talked with the Afghan Security Forces or the Afghan government.

And released 5000 Taliban prisoners. Which have now been discovered to be flush with cash, paying former Afghan army soldiers to join them. So where did they get all of that cash? Would have been last year before the election.
Did Biden follow Trumps guidance on the Southern Border? No! But all of a sudden Trump's Afghan plans tied Sleepy, Creepy Kid-Fondling Joes hands
Yes they did tie Bidens hands. Don't you read the constitution. Treaties are the supreme law of the land.
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Believe it or not, during my service I met the cousin of Governor Pritzker. He was one of the idiot cousins who they didn't trust to run the Hyatt Empire, so they paid him off to go do what he liked, and he joined the Army.

And yes, he did pass airborne school. He eventually retired as a Lt. Col. from the Illinois National Guard.

He also (And I am not making this up) decided later he was transsexual and calls herself "Jennifer" today.

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On a serious note, however, this is kind of the problem with why this war dragged on for as long as it did.

Because we have a volunteer military, if your kid didn't sign up, it didn't touch you.

Oh, we had a big surge in enlistments after 9/11. Then it tapered off. Then we started taking the same guard units and rotating them into Afghanistan and Iraq, imposing stop-loss to keep guys in after their enlistments expired.

Then we started lowering enlistment standards, and wonder how we got such prize characters like Chelsea Manning and Bowe Bergdahl, people who never should have been enlisted or should have washed out of boot camp.
There is a tougher route to be an empire and world policeman with a draft. The people in Britain when they were the World Policeman accepted the deaths of their children more then we do. The times were also different. Most people that have come here were not the hoi poloi of their home nations and even if with education and a trade found it a tough going but survived and put food on the table. Which was more difficult from where they came from. A lot of us are from that stock. We got used to wars abroad with WW 1 the benchmark after the Spanish American War. There was a lot of conscience in people back then.By WW 2with the Depression leading into it, we were ready todo what we see. Even without a draft.
And released 5000 Taliban prisoners. Which have now been discovered to be flush with cash, paying former Afghan army soldiers to join them. So where did they get all of that cash? Would have been last year before the election.
Remember, Trumps deal also lifted economic sanctions against the Taliban.

Feb 29, 2020 — President Trump says it is "time after all these years to bring our ... The US will also lift sanctions against the Taliban and work with ...
Even after 9/11, there was no reason to invade Afghanistan.( or Iraq).

The whole world knows this......everyone except us.

And the lies and deception continues.

Our fucking troops know. That's probably a big reason why one commits suicide every hour.
Of course there was. How else were Cheney's buddies in Halliburton, and Kellogg, Brown & Root, and Raytheon, and Lockheed and Blackwater going to get billions in taxpayer money?
Israel and Saudi Arabia have us fighting their enemies for them too.

Some of us have been paying attention. Do you think Trump could have gotten elected if he hadn't taken on Bush's war in Iraq ?

Of course he said we should have at least kept the oil....that's DJ Trump. He truly wants our country to be great, as many of us do. He was doing a good job of taking out Hillary and Obama's ISIS caliphate too.
Israel and Saudi Arabia have us fighting their enemies for them too.

Some of us have been paying attention. Do you think Trump could have gotten elected if he hadn't taken on Bush's war in Iraq ?

Of course he said we should have at least kept the oil....that's DJ Trump. He truly wants our country to be great, as many of us do.
In four years he was all talk. Why didn't he get out of Afghanistan in 2017, in his first year?
The shit we left laying around is just as likely to aid a resistance as the Taliban. There's going to be a resistance. Our CIA will see to that. The war is not over. We'll be airdropping weapons there just as soon as there are resistance fighters to use them.
Biden should have thought of that before he took away the AFG’s surveillance support and the contractors teaching them to repair their aircraft/ Helicopters etc..

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